

" What's funny?"

" Can't you see it says Land is not Property"

"And," I am still trying to find the joke.

" The fact that many people think that land is property is what makes it ridiculous. Many people have a cheap understanding about anything. In today's world relatives are killing each other because of land issues. Everyone wants to own a piece of land but what for? Do they get satisfied after that? For example take a look at our politicians. They lack nothing in terms of finances but all of them are in the streets not ready to leave their sits or in yearn for a higher one. Do you know the reason?"

" Well money without power is useless."

" Exactly. But do you know why it's useless?"

I just shake my head.

" Take a look at our parents, lectures and even our teachers in highschool. They all emphasize that in order to be successful you must be very educated. Every parent wants their children to be either a doctor, engineer or a pilot. But to question is that all the backbone to a bright future? How many people are in the streets with A's?"

" A lot"

" On point. They are teaching us a lot of theory instead of teaching us the basics of survival. They should instead teach us on how to start a business, how to work on our own talent and come up with new ideas. The content in the books is good as it expands our minds but my basic point is we should be taught on how to survive in this contemporary world."

" Still I don't see the joke."

" Well because it's not funny to you."

" Yeah it's not. That's a dry joke ."

He is smiling again ." Damn those lips" I stare for some time before he bites them and looks away. I scold myself for the act and dig into my phone again.

" You have a boyfriend. What's wrong with you?" I can't stop scolding myself.

" You like my lips?"

"...." F**k