
One Death is merely the beginning

Alex was a typical university student, who dreamt of striding across space and being strong enough to lift mountains but that was for novels and he knew that. He had to get his grades and then a job and resign himself to his life in the real world. Until a sudden event gave him the opportunity some part of him craved, the chance for an adventure Hi, everyone I hope you will enjoy this book, I am writing just for fun, but would love some constructive criticism and if you spot any grammar mistakes feel free to point them out and I will fix them.

AlexWardley · Eastern
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16 Chs

Major Techniques

The thick, large candle lit up the hall. Yichuan was seated in the primary seat, while Snow, Ning and Yichen sat close to him.

The four of them were eating the meal in front of them on the table.

"Yichuan." Snow looked at her son, his hands and mouth greasy from the meat he was eating. Her eyes were filled with pride. "Our son Yichen mastered the basics in three years, and in just under three more years became 'one with the spear'! And Ning is one step away from becoming 'one with the sword', it seems it will be easy for one of them to gain the position of Prefecture Lord.

Holding a ramshorn goblet, Yichuan nodded lightly. "When Yichen and Ning sparred with the others, they only used his internal force. He didn't use any of the power of the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens], the number one Fiendgod Body Refining method. And in addition, when sparring with outsiders, Ning has only used a single sword."

Others didn't know how powerful his sons are, but Yichuan and his wife knew exactly how capable their son was.

Seizing the golden sword?

As easy as picking something out of their pocket!

"Yichen, at his current level of power, is already easily capable of seizing the golden sword. In four more years, even Xiantian lifeforms won't be able to stop him." Yichuan poured himself another cup of wine.

The boys continued to simply sit there, eating and drinking prodigious amounts of food.

Because he trains in the number one Fiendgod Body Refining, the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens mark 2], he possessed the appetite of a Fiendgod as well. He could easily eat dozens of pounds of the meat of monstrous beasts in every meal. He had reached the third level of the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens mark 2] two years ago. He was at a bottleneck now, but with one more step, he would reach the fourth level!

The fourth level would let him become a Xiantian lifeform, and one which belonged to the number one Fiendgod Body Refining technique. His battle ability would far outstrip that of normal Xiantian lifeforms by a hundred times or a thousand times.

"Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle." Yichen drank large mouthfuls of hot water, pouring it all down his mouth, then rubbed his stomach as he put it down. "That feels good."

"Boys." Snow looked at her sons with a laugh.

"Mother." Ning and Yichen were very obedient. They could sense that their father cherished them but also valued the clan, while their mother had placed virtually all of her hopes and concerns in them. In her mother's eyes, perhaps even the rise and fall of the entire Ji clan wasn't nearly as important as her sons.

Snow looked at her sons. "When your father taught you the [God slaying spear], it was the most complicated level of spear techniques you could learn, and it was the most suitable set of spear techniques for you to reach the 'one with the spear' level. However, now that you have already reached that level, the [God slaying spear] technique is no longer of much use to you."

"Right." Yichuan looked at his son. "Now, Yichen! When I had you prepare your 'body' and your 'mind', I needed you to make all of your attacks as fast as lightning and incomparably accurate. I needed you to imprint those things in your bones. Only then did I teach you the [God slaying spear], and the purpose of that was…to let you go from something simple to complicated!"

"Ning you listen to this too, the path of weapon training first goes from simple to complicated, and then from complicated back to simple. Only then can one be considered to have mastered the weapon." Yichuan looked at his son. "You have become 'one with the spear' and Ning you are one step away from 'one with the sword', and you both can wield it as easily as your own hands. You can be considered to have gone from complicated back to simple."

The boys nodded.

He understood this logic. If he was so stupid as to just constantly use those thirteen basic stances, he could still be considered an expert spearman, but without having truly experienced 'going from simple to complicated, then from complicated to simple', it would be very hard for one to reach the 'one with the spear' level.

"Next, you will need to reach the level of being 'one with the world'." Yichuan sighed. "This step is an extremely hard step."

"One with the world…" Yichen was filled with anticipation.

"The previous spear techniques you've learned are now useless to you." Yichuan looked at his son. "Your current level is enough to qualify you to learn the highest-level spearplay of the Ji clan."

Yichen's eyes lit up. The highest-level spearplay of the Ji clan?

"Unfortunately our Ji clan is famous because of our swordplay not our spearplay but we have one high level spear technique." Yichuan sighed with emotion. "In turn, the city of the Ji clan of the Main Prefecture, the 'City of Ten Thousand Swords', was named because the ancestors of the Ji clan rose to fame due to the [Melody of Ten Thousand Swords], which they used to establish themselves here."

"After thousands of years, the Ji clan now has five highest level sword arts, Ning when you reach 'one with the sword' you can chose from these. They are the [Melody of Ten Thousand Swords], [Thunderflame Sword], [Illusion Sutra], [Raindrop Sutra], and the [Polaris Secret Manual]. Every single technique is extremely profound and is beyond what the 'one with the sword' level is capable of. If you can make accomplishments in any of them, you will find that their power is boundless." Yichuan looked at his son. "I trained in the [Raindrop Sutra]. Most people, even after reaching the 'one with the sword' level, is at most able to select a single one of the arts to train in. This is because dividing the mind is simply too difficult. But Ning, since you are able to divide your mind in two, you would be able to choose two arts to train in, again Yichen the clan doesn't have two you can learn but you can become just as powerful if you master one art deeply enough."


In Yichuan's hand, one book suddenly appeared. He casually tossed it out, and it flew straight over, landing in a neatly on a nearby table, not touching any of the cups or plates.

"The highest level spearplay?" Yichen reached for the book, excited to finally begin his journey into true spearplay and his understanding Dao.

Yichuan looked at his son and said solemnly, "The technique you have learnt will be recorded for the Ji clan of the Five Prefectures to review! If it isn't recorded down, you will be considered to have learned in secret. Anyone who does that will be exterminated by the combined forces of the Five Prefectures."

"Ah!" Ji Yichen understood this, but he still couldn't help but feel surprised. "Then why is it that there was no such restriction on the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] technique that I learned?"

"Although the [Crimsonbright Diagram of the Nine Heavens] technique is the number one Fiendgod Body Refining, it is extremely widespread. Virtually all of the tribes on the level of the Ji clan possesses a copy. Therefore, it doesn't matter if our copy is leaked." Yichuan looked at his son. "Most Ki Refining methods and Fiendgod Body Refining methods aren't very valuable. Only the ultimate techniques of each clan are tightly restricted, like these six techniques here. In the area around Swallow Mountain, five of these techniques are possessed only by our Ji clan. Only the [Polaris Secret Manual] is also in the possession of another entity, the Blackflame Sect."

The boys nodded.

They knew that in the area around Swallow Mountain, aside from the armies of the Grand Xia Dynasty that were stationed here, there were in total, five other hegemonic powers. The Ji clan was also one of them.

These six hegemons engaged in constant battle, but none of them dared to offend the armies of the Grand Xia Dynasty!

"Right." Yichen immediately lowered his head and began to read, flipping through the spear technique. If a person was at the 'one with the spear' level and then also possessed this sort of top-class spear technique, his power would definitely multiply.

" The Lunar Water Spear technique."

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