

Support me directly to my Paypal account at: Paypal.Me/SecretEthereal [SYNOPSIS] When you realize, you have forgotten something that was missing. It was your true self that kept in your heart. The story itself can't contain it within, as your imagination is wider than what it's capable of. Soon when you realized, it was already too late. A pure bodily fluid already come out from within as you read this sensible writing. Delve more into the story and you will find the happiness. ... P/s: Thank you for reading my piece. My book was not able to be contracted after getting rejected once. I take alternative way for my loyal readers to support me. Your goodies would meant a lot to me and Alex. I will keep upload my story for everyone and try mybest to exceed your expectation. - My alter ego, Lee Carl -

Secret_Ethereal · LGBT+
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While heading back to Seoul, I had an idea to pay a visit to Alex's company.

It's better if I had spent time with Alex. I was tired enough for today and decided to have lunch with Alex.

In my car, I called Alex as I was on my way to his office. We had a long conversation through phone.

Alex: It's already 4 PM. You still haven't had lunch?

Me: Don't ask me. I had so many things to do.

Alex: Why? Don't you have many underlings to do your job?

Me: Don't even start it. They are too soft and can't even handle easy things. They rather get beaten than doing things right.

Alex: I already know how you look when stressed out, but today you look much more exhausted.

Me: *sighed*. You're right. That's why I need some time with you. You are like therapy for me. 

A sudden thought crossed my mind.

Me: That's right, what if we have one?"

Alex: What? Do you mean...

I didn't bother to explain my idea to him.

Me: Do you have free time now?

Alex: I don't mind. I can find one for you. Do you want me to free it all day?

Me: That's great then.

Alex: I will ask Junkyung (Mr. Han, Alex's friend - the managing director) to handle it for me.

Me: But.. (Will Mr. Han get the time to have dinner with me? I already planned it with him earlier)

Alex: What? Is it something wrong?

Me: Erm, no. Nevermind. I will wait for you at the parking lot.

I wait for Alex for a while at the parking lot for several minutes and notice he gets out of the building and comes towards my car. As he reach there, I immediately asked the driver to go.

After that, Alex and I went to the Majestic Hotel, One of the K Group businesses under Alex.

As Alex gets out of his car, the chauffeur opens his door.

When we enter the hotel, suddenly there is a group of people rushing to greet Alex. A cool and serious woman suddenly approached us and bowed down.

Director: Welcome sir. It's an honor to have you here. May I know how I can help you?

Alex: Good morning, Stella. How are you?

Stella: The hotel is doing great as you expected with higher sales than last month.

Me: (What? He is asking about the hotel? I thought he was talking about her!)

Alex: That's great. Make sure you achieve this year's target.

Stella: Thank you sir. We will make sure the hotel doubles its revenue. I wish you a good day, sir!

She bowed down again to Alex like he was a king.

Me: (Damn. He looks so cool. He gives me a different aura here).

I don't know why but I only followed Alex from behind. He is not talking to me or I'm the one who won't dare to talk with him.

Everyone is prepared to have him here despite no one informing them. But actually Mr. Jung, Alex's assistant, had already noticed the hotel when Carl wasn't aware he was there when they were having lunch together.

My only purpose here is to enjoy a massage at this hotel.

Together, I entered the massage room with Alex.

As I was in the room, the masseurs gave me a good massage while Alex only read the newspaper.

I can't believe he is capable of doing that too.

Me: (Is he even a human being? There is no human reading a newspaper nowadays!)

After a couple hours, I had forgotten how long it had been.

I had so much fun getting treatment from a 6-star hotel. The service feel so premium and classic. From head to toe, I got a full therapy.

Me: Is this all for free?

Masseur: Of course. You are so lucky to have someone like him.

Me: Do you mean Alex?

The masseur was a young girl in her late 20s and she is really friendly to me.

Masseur: That's right. You can get anything from a Master.

Me: Tch. He is just a show off. But does he never get service from here before?

Masseur: Are you crazy? Why would someone like him get service here?

Me: Wh... Why? It's good though.

Masseur: That's because he is on a different level. He should at least have the massage at his own castle and get it from a professional with 10 years experience at least and outclass certificates. Not someone like an average masseur like me. He is a royalty and shouldn't do something a commoner would have.

Me: But he is fine eating ramen at the company's cafeteria.

Masseur: For real? That's new to me. Maybe he had a deep interest in ramen. It's very unlikely for him to eat commoner's food. Unless he is having meals with someone he truly cares about.

Me: What? I don't get it.

Masseur: There must be someone who asks him for a meal there and that person must be someone he would do anything with. I still remember that he is called a number one food critic.

Me: I don't know about that.

Masseur: *sighed*. Are you really his friend? Why is he giving you a free service here when you don't know anything about him? Even a 5 year old boy knows him because he is also the best toy manufacturer.

Me: Fine. Just tell me about it. I really want to know about him. I only know he is a picky eater.

Masseur: Well, people said that he is really picky about food. Once when he had a meal at the trending restaurant, it got bankrupt when he left the restaurant after a bite.

The girl told me about him with so much detail like a storyteller. But it kinda reminds me about Alex's story that he felt wronged after ruined a restaurant. He said that he had to leave. Suddenly, I remember that one day in the past, I asked him to have a meal together. Because of his actions that left without a word, the people spread false rumours until the restaurant went bankrupt. I still remember it clearly because I backed him up for a simple mistake that wasn't even his fault. But after hearing it from other perspectives, I kinda regret it because it is actually my fault. I'm the one who asked him to come home without asking him. No wonder there are a lot of people in the company's cafeteria.

Me: (Is it because of him?)

I remembered that he told me, "Yummy, it's so delicious!".

Me: Is he only saying that because I was there?

I continued the session until it ended.

(In the massage room)

As I finished, I went to him and asked him to get a massage too.

Alex: I'm fine. I don't need one.

After the workers left and gave us some privacy, I took the chance to ask Alex myself about his rumours.

Me: So it's all true?

Alex: Wh.. What do you mean?

Me: I heard you are a picky eater. Meaning all this time, you're only faking it all. Do you really hate it and try to accept everything I want because I'm the one asking you for it?

Alex: Wh.. What? Who said that? Of course I enjoyed it too.

Me: So can you enjoy the meals if I wasn't there?

Alex: Then I won't be there as well. I will only be where you are.

Me: So, you actually dislike eating Ramen all the time, isn't it? I thought you would have Ramen even though I wasn't with you because it is a Ramen that I assume everyone would love.

Alex: Don't assume something nonsense for me. Do you really think I was like that?

Me: Fine. You can lie to me. But I already know the answer. You must feel disgusted with me to be treated like a commoner, right?

Alex: Come on, Carl. You are not making sense. What nonsense they spew into your head? Do you want me to fire all the employees here?

Me: What?! So suddenly. They don't do anything wrong! I just wonder why you don't want to have the massage as well and refuse it. It proves my guess is correct about you. You don't like to be around me, right?

Alex: Then, how do you explain all the wrong ideas you had? Where do you get it from?

Me: *sighed*. No one. It's not like you would like to hear my words.

Alex: So you'd rather lie to me than tell me the truth?

Me: Shut it. I don't care anymore.

Alex: Wait here, I will find those culprits that try to break us apart.

Alex was trying to leave the room, but I immediately held his hand and closed the door.

Me: Fine. I will be honest with you, Alex.

I hugged Alex from behind to comfort him.

Me: I actually want to do something that you want. But I never got to know you. It's not like I don't want to know, but I'm just afraid of what you are. The reality scares me to understand you better. Sometimes, I feel like I have been forcing you to do something together with me. I'm sorry that I don't even care about all the things you like and not even know the food you like.

Alex: Well, it's not entirely your fault. It's just apart from myself that didn't know anything about myself. I would say that I don't like something in particular, but everything that I had with you is all meaningful to me. Can't you just keep treating like you always did? I prefer to have it all with you because... I ONLY LIKE YOU.

Alex turned around and he suddenly gave me a kiss.

As Alex and I got back together, I was in a good mood to offer him a massage.

Alex: Are you sure we are doing it here?

Me: Yeah, don't worry too much. There's no one here. I already checked that there are also no hidden cameras. Don't be so anxious.

Alex gets naked to have a private session with me. This is the countless times I am giving him a massage as he really likes it.

Me: (But why didn't he want it after I invited him earlier?)

I put the massage oil on him and pour it on him before I start it. For a starter, I begin from the front and give him a good pecs massage. I can't stop fondling his chest that is big like a lump of meat. Everytime my palm brushes against his nipples, he makes a soft moan and gets an erection. I had to give him a handjob and suck it to make him cum and make it return back to normal.

After that, I decided to massage his back. His back is so sexy because I can't stop staring at his bubble butt. It's surprisingly big and soft.

Alex: Yaa, I still don't get it enough on my back. I had a sore there. Put some pressure on your hand.

He complained because I already moved to his lower part and needed more massage on his back.

Me: Relax. I know what I'm doing. Just wait for it to turn.

He really enjoyed it and forgot about his worries now. I can't stop my urge and start pounding my dick onto his assholes.

Me: (Fuck. It's already loosening up. His body remembers my dick and is open up for me to put something inside it).

As I was only wearing a bathrobe, I took it off and naked above Alex's body. My dick was already hard and as I brush my dick on his body until his butt, I unintentionally put my dick inside him.

It easily comes through with the help of the oil.

Alex: Hngh, Carl. What are you doing?

Me: I'm sorry. It accidentally gets in when I brush against it.

As I already lose my patience, I grab Alex and thrusts him from the back while I squeeze his breast.

Alex: Hngh... Yeah... Fuck me.

Me: You fucking whore. You are moaning like a little slut.

I enjoyed Alex's body as my hand groped his chest while stroking his dick with my other hand.

Me: Hold it and cum in my mouth. Understand?

Alex nodded to me and he obediently held it until his ass was twitching hard to squeeze his penis from cumming. I immediately hold him tight and I enjoy every sensation as our skin brushes each other. As my hand touched his tummy, I felt my dick was pushing his prostate inside him.

Me: (I can't hold it anymore. Hnghhh).

Aarghhh! SPLURT!

I immediately release my grip. We both cum together and have the orgasm simultaneously.

His cum splashed on my hand while I cum inside him. I can't stop the temptation to lick it and I was happy to have it in my body.

While laying down together as our bodies brush against each other, Alex had a conversation with me again.

Alex: Carl, do you have anything you want? I can give it to you.

Me: *chuckles*. What is this about?

Alex: I really love you, Carl. If you want me to rule the world, I will do it. If you wish anything, I'm willing to do anything, even sacrifice myself. I dare to swim across the sea of larva for you.

Me: Fine, I get it. There's nothing that I want as I already got everything.

Alex: But how can I return your favour? I don't know if you didn't ask me.

Me: Yaa, there's no need for that. You get this because you've become my wife. It's my obligation to serve your needs.

Alex: Alright. If so, do you want to have dinner with me tonight?

Me: Tonight? I'm sorry but I already made plans with someone. 

Alex sulking and I asked him with concern.

Me: Can I?

Alex: Oh, it's fine. I'm just saying randomly. (Is he meeting with his friends at night just like at school?)

Me: Well, maybe we can have it tomorrow if you want?

Alex: *giggles*. Don't mind it. I know you are pretty busy. Just don't push yourself too hard.

Me: *nodded*.

I get up and take the towel to clean up myself. As tonight I have a meeting with Junkyung, I decided to go back home with Alex.

(At our house)

There is still time and I use my free time to clean up the house and cook dinner for Alex. 

After a while, when I look at the time, it's already 9 o'clock.

Before I left, I took a look at Alex who was busy exercising in the gym room. I didn't disturb him with his activity and left a message to him. "Make sure to finish the meals. Do not diet! You look skinny and weak. Take more rest, ok"

I know he is strict and disciplined but I am concerned with his health. He is still maintaining his body to look masculine with all the muscle on his body.

I headed to the destination that I agreed to meet Mr. Han.

After that, I reached the restaurant and met with Junkyung who was waiting for me inside.

Cashier: Please welcome inside!

The worker greeted me with her beautiful smile and I walked inside trying to search for Junkyung. Suddenly, a calm voice that I know calling for my name. "Carl, over here". That voice is similar to Mr. Junkyung.

I turned around and my guess was correct as I saw a man in blue waving his hand at me.

I noticed that everyone was staring at him with a mesmerising look. They were all captivated by Junkyung's face that is so handsome.

I rush to him and he is very polite to pull my chair for me. He is like a son from a rich family with a good manner and etiquette.

His gentle eyes looked at me and his calm voice was concerned about me.

Junkyung: Are you okay? You look rushed just now.

Me: Erm yeah. I'm good. I really thought you would leave already.

Junkyung: *chuckles* I was fine. I wouldn't mind how long I should wait as I could see you.

Me: *blushing*. Stop it. You are kidding right. Geez. I know you are just wanting me to feel good about it.

I was flustered with his words.

After that, we decided to order our meals and get to have a good conversation.

It surprised me that he went into the IVY league in secondary school. He also told me about a funny story that happened when he was in high school.

Junkyung: I heard that you go to the same school as Alex. How is he?

I was speechless when hearing him mention Alex.

Me: Well, I wasn't that close to him.

Junkyung: Really?

Me: Yeah, he is just totally out of my league. You know, rich kid and.. Average kid like me. But he's really cool and everyone else cares about him like.. I don't know how to put it in words..

Junkyung: *chuckles*. I get it. He is always the centre of attention.

Me: Right! Sometimes I just feel inferior to him. But when I am his friend, I actually know that he is not that kind of friend and he's always concerned about others.

Junkyung: You're right. He may seem serious everytime, but he is actually a humorous type.

We both see eye to eye about Alex.

I enjoyed the conversation with him and we were laughing at each other's jokes. This is my first time feeling close to someone and having a friend that I can casually share my stories with.

I heard his amazing story and praised him.

Me: *chuckles*. Wow, that's really great.

My eyes were shedding tears because of Junkyung's humour and I had to wipe it off.

Junkyung: We really look alike.

Me: Yeah right. You had so many similarities with Alex.

Junkyung: But that's not all. I wonder who Alex has a crush on. Maybe I would feel the same about it.

He suddenly mentioned Alex's personal feelings and gazed at me like he was signalling about his feelings as well. He knew Alex and I were together.

Me: *chuckles*. I don't know. It could be anyone. Maybe...

I got really awkward when he said that because the one that Alex liked was me. If he were to fall for the same person as Alex's crush, then he would put me in a weird situation. Like some sort of scandal where rich people have to fight over the same girl.

Suddenly, when we were taking so long in the restaurant, I didn't realise our food was already finished. The waitress surprised us by giving us some french fries that came from the house. 

She told us that it was their new recipes on the menu. If it tastes great, we will order it in the future when we come here again. We both thanked her.

When I was about to take the fries, I accidentally touched Han's hand.

Me: Oops. That's not fries. I'm sorry.

Junkyung was looking at me weirdly when he kept staring at me for no reason. I guess this is about time for me to go to the restroom.

Me: Can you give me a minute? I need to go to the restroom.

Junkyung: Sure.

As I leave, I immediately rush into the toilet and wash my face to calm myself down.

Me: (Stupid Carl! What are you doing?! He is Alex's best friend! Don't be stupid and get away from this mess already)

When I was busy washing my face, I realised that someone was at the door and I was shocked looking at Junkyung entering the restroom.

Me: Junkyung, why are you here?

Junkyung: Well, I... I'm just going to look out for you. Are you okay?

Me: Yeah, I'm okay.

Junkyung: Are you sure?

I nodded to him.

Me: I just want to catch some air. I'm really fine.

Junkyung: But you aren't looking fine down there.

His eyes pointed at my bulge.

Me: (What the? Did I just aroused just thinking about this affair behind Alex? Why would I get horny about this forbidden relationship between a friend?)

Junkyung: It looks like your pants are about to burst off.

Unexpectedly, Junkyung came closer to me and touched my bulge.

Me: Wait a sec… I… Hngh

His face is getting closer and our lips are brushing each other.

Me: (This is not right)

I can't believe he is actually kissing me.

Me: Hngh, Jun.. Mm.. (I accidentally call his name)

My body couldn't resist as he was pushing me against the sink. I could feel his dick is getting hard and pushing mine.

Junkyung: I think maybe there's one thing that we are different.

Me: (Did he mean about Alex and him again?)

Junkyung: I hope I'm the only one that has feelings for you. Am I?

Me: But… Hngh. (He thought I was just Alex's friend)

Junkyung: Why? You don't like me?

He suddenly pulled my hand and put it on his butt.

Me: (Fuck! His ass is so big and plump. I want to put cock inside this freaking juicy butt)

Junkyung: Are you sure you don't want to fill my ass with your dick?

He is very tempting as he keeps seducing me with his body.

Junkyung: Use me and think about it again later. I bet you won't regret it.

He started to take off his pants and embrace me with his body.

That night, I did something shameful with him as the lust had conquered me to devour Junkyung's ass in the toilet.

I was losing my mind. Junkyung passed out while sitting on top of me. We were both in the restroom while I was sitting on the toilet bowl and holding Mr. Han on top of me.

The last word that came out from him was his moaning.

Earlier, when we were having sex together. Han was riding my dick.

Junkyung: You're gonna rip off my guts. Hngh, ARGHHH!

He shot a lot of cum on my clothes but luckily I was wearing a white shirt inside.

Later on, I realised it had already been half an hour since I was there with him.

I try to wake him up but I can't.

Me: Jun, wake up. It's already 12 o'clock.

Junkyung: Hngh.. You are so amazing. I barely can move my fingers.

Me: What? You are acting like this is your first time. Is it?

Junkyung nodded to me.

He is still horny and making a lewd face. I immediately stop him as he is begging for more.

Me: We shouldn't do this. Hurry up and get up before the workers are looking for us.

I feel wrong to have a sex with him longer and I immediately get out of the restroom. I took my things before I left and paid the bill.

Me: (This is so embarrassing! I can't even hold up my horse! Why the fuck I was having sex with Alex's friends?)

I blame myself for screwing Alex's best friend. Not just that, I also took his virginity when I was already married.

Me: FUCK! (I'm screwed)

When I was heading back home, I received a chat from Junkyung.

Junkyung: I want to apologise. You just left me so suddenly. Did I do something wrong?

Me: (Damn it! He is so pure and innocent)

I ignored his chat and decided to avoid him for a while.

Afterall, I knew this lust of mine wouldn't stop until it was completely satisfied and no longer desired that man anymore.

I smirked and thought maybe I should savour him more until his ass gets used to my dick.

-The End-