
my last day

my best friend is was leaving the country, as i watch her go into the plane and waving at me through the window. i wanted to tell her something but a words didn't come out of my mouth, the only word i could said was "goodbye" to her and after that she left.

after that i never saw her again, it been a couple years now since i saw her but i know 1 day i could see her again. i remember the fun things we had, but i still wish that day will come where i could see her again. "are you still thinking about her?",my mother asked me, i didn't reply back as i look outside the window, " it been 5 years, since she left and you still think about her to this day?", my dad asked , "your in high school now", my mother said, "maybe 1 day, she will come back", my mother said, i didn't said a word, i left the home and took a walk to stop thinking about the girl, the only thing i can remember couldn't remember was her name, she had short black hair, brown eyes, a nice warm smile, and a few months younger than me, "maybe she had a boyfriend?", i thought to myself. the next morning, i got really for school, by time i got there, everyone was round a pretty girl that was probably new to the school, she had black long hair and brown eyes, i didn't think much about it. as i went to my first school, the pretty girl came in and told us her name was "mia", my teacher told me to sit in front of me, after class ended, mia came up to me and started talking to me, we had a lot in common and she wanted to become my friend, she told me that she was born here but left due to her father word. i told her my name was "tom" and i walk her to her next class, after i walk her to class, i was almost leave to my class, when i got there, the bell rang and that meant class was starting.