
One-click Invincibility Of The Apocalyptic Super System Modifier

Lin Fei woke up and found that he had traveled to the end times when zombies were rampant, and at the moment of life and death, he had obtained the strongest system modifier. “Function 1: Invincible. Status: Not activated.” “Function 2: Infinite life. Status: Not activated.” “Function 3: Unlimited physical strength. Status: Not activated.” “Function 4: Unlimited load. Status: Not activated.” “Function 5: Unlimited props and unlimited items. Status: Not activated.” “Function 6: Super speed. Status: Not activated.” Wall penetration, perspective, self-sight, lock…all functions are available. Start, start, start all! In this way, who else can kill me? In the end times when everyone is in danger, Lin Fei is unscrupulous, wandering in the city with the most zombies, just like in his own home. As precious food as life, Lin Fei kept taking out energy from his backpack, and even the water for bathing was mineral water! For others, this is the end of the world, and for Lin Fei, it is a vacation. “Yes? Here comes the number one zombie king in the Ultimate Invincible Universe that can stop me.” ......... I do not own anything Find it in MTL Novel

shadowOfThePast777 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 16: You can die if you want, don't pull us

He knew that Lin Fei was not easy, but there were thousands of zombies on the street in front of him!

Chen Hao believed that Lin Fei had abilities far beyond ordinary people, but he didn't think he could survive in the face of thousands of zombies.

Even if Superman is standing here today, he will be overwhelmed by zombies!

Chen Hao took out a box from his backpack, which contained gasoline and empty beer bottles.

"We can use the Molotov cocktail to cause a commotion, and then take the opportunity to rush over." He said, and then looked for an opportunity and threw the Molotov cocktail hard.


With a soft sound, the Molotov cocktail exploded, and gasoline drenched the zombies all at once, and the flames burned.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Chen Hao's eyes lit up, and he took out two clothes with green blood from his backpack. One was stuffed into Lin Fei and the other was put on himself.

"This is full of zombie blood, which can confuse them."

The other three men also put on their clothes, and then ran out with Chen Hao.

Lin Fei immediately followed, but he didn't put on the dirty and smelly clothes because he felt that he could smoke himself to death.

"Invisible, start!"

Lin Fei's breath disappeared immediately.

Others do not really disappear, but hide all their breath and reduce their sense of existence.

Even if you stand in front of a person, the other person will not notice someone standing in front of them.

The flames on the street were raging, and many zombies rushed over when they smelled it, and many zombies were brought out from the supermarket, but they all ran past several people.

"Why don't you wear concealed clothes!"

The three men looked terribly ugly when they saw Lin Fei swaying over.

"Are you trying to kill us?"

Lin Fei calmly said, "Don't worry, they can't see me."

"Of course they can't see you." A man chattered: "Because they can't see anything, they only smell you!"

"If you want to die, go away, don't pull us."

Lin Fei glanced at the man and said nothing, but still kept a distance from them.

Now he has found the supermarket, so it doesn't matter to him whether he has these people or not. The other party hates him, so he just acts on his own.

Upon seeing this scene, Chen Hao frowned slightly, and after a moment of thought, he said, "Don't make a noise."

He looked at Lin Fei again, and said, "Big brother, don't care, because his wife and children were killed by other zombies, so he has some..."

Chen Hao didn't continue, and Lin Fei knew it well.

"I'm fine," he said.

"Big Brother..." The man still wanted to speak, but was glared by Chen Hao and immediately lowered his head.

A group of four finally entered the supermarket.

Countless zombies stand scattered in the supermarket, one floor, two floors and three floors...There are zombies on every floor.

"When the mutation happened, many people didn't have time to escape." Chen Hao said.

"Let's get food now!"

But when they walked to the shelf where the snacks were placed, they found that all the food was gone, and there were many broken bags on the ground.

"Could anyone be the first to board?" Chen Hao frowned.

Then he came to the place where he sold rice and vegetables, and it was really empty.

"It looks like someone got here before us."

He glanced around, and then said: "Let's go to the basement first. There must be the fewest zombies and the safest!"