

A story of two brothers who wanted more than what their society offers them but inorder for them to do that they have to pass through hell. It is a story of they sufferings,pain,rise, betrayal and revenge. They never knew that life had a lot of plans that encompass they dream. One brother must fall by another brother.

Carsondellasanta · Urban
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Chapter 5(Victory)

Ethan and De Angelo, though new in the business adapted very quickly. They rivaled with Rux who worked for Bobby Muffy for Texas street and Humphrey street. This were his core strong hold hence was very difficult to operate on. Rux have heard about the two new guys that supplies drug in the street but was yet to meet them. They were called the" shadow men" due to no one actually knowing who they were.

Ethan and De Angelo knew that Rux was the head of the gang that heads the drug supply. This time Ethan and De Angelo were different,they were no longer the sixteen years old kids of Macdonald's high school that Rux took away they hope of making it into the University on scholarship hence if Rux will be an obstacle to them they will use one stone to kill two birds.

They main objective was to control the Texas and Humphrey but if Rux come knocking again they will have they revenge but this time it will be in a thousand folds. Ethan and De Angelo deployed the technique of using some street juvenile kids to infiltrate these streets and expand they business.

They faced opposition from the Rux faithfuls but still were determined to get the best results from their effort. Rafael was impressed with their hard work so far and commended them. He also promised to enroll them into the University if only they keep up with they good works. After many months of hard work and dedication, Ethan and De Angelo rose through the ranks to become the third in command after Rafael and Kyle.

The NET organization is a secret network owned by three individuals but was headed by one person whose name is Ibrahim Kofi. Kofi is one of the most powerful people in the world. The NET organization has a sophisticated and long chain of command. Rafael was a local boss hence he is not even oportuned or worthy to be in the presence of the NET hierarchy. Rafael answers to the state boss whose name is Thiago.

After sometime Rux and his gang on the order of Bobby Muffy declared war on Ethan and De Angelo. Ethan and De Angelo were not the direct victim this was largely due to them not actually making direct involvement but some of they boys were brutally murdered. At a time it became a full blown war between Rux and The shadow men. The Government were attracted to the situation and hence tried to bring the culprits down.

Ethan and De Angelo devised a plan,they spied on Rux and was able to find his warehouse where drugs were stored. They were also able to capture some of Rux gangs who they tormented to confession of murder of innocent individuals. Ethan and De Angelo then sent an anonymous tip to the law enforcement agency who came and arrested Rux.

It was a tragedy for Bobby Muffy who then made some arrangements to kill Rux in the police custody. He knew that if Rux is interogated that he will rat him out. Few days after Rux was arrested he was murdered in cold blood,cause of death still unknown.

It was a master plan from Ethan,them killing Rux will still cause more havoc hence they implicated him. They knew that Bobby Muffy will either allow himself go down with Rux or just kill Rux. With a single plan they were able to eliminate Rux,send Bobby Muffy packing and most importantly have the whole Nairobi to themselves.

It was a great strategy from the two hopeful boys. The news traveled very far and they reputation began to span,"The two shadow brothers"whenever they were being referred to. They were able to meet up with Thiago,the state boss responsible for drug supplies of Megan state. They hard work and brilliance were acknowledged by the NET organization.

Ethan and De Angelo were hopeful that Rafael will keep to his promise of sending them to University. Rafael was a cunning man who used peoples dream to get the best from them and later on disappoint them. Ethan and De Angelo were very unhappy about this,as much as they were taken care of,this was not the life they dream of."spare me that boys,you must know who made you what you are now" Rafael warned them when they reprimanded him about his promise.

Ethan and De Angelo also threatened them if they decide to go rogue. Ethan and De Angelo though not afraid of Rafael still maintained they cool. After some months, Rafael and Kyle were eliminated in a gun clash with unknown gang members in Freeheight club.

As much as it was a loss for Ethan and De Angelo it also created a room for more opportunity for them. They were meant to be the next in command but it must first be approved by the hierarchy. De Angelo and Ethan were then invited to NET party hosted by the NET CEO, Madam Rebecca.

On the D-day,They were presence of many digintries,it was an affluent party. It was like a new world for De Angelo and Ethan,the lifestyle,the beauty and the elegance and flair of the individuals in attendance. It was the life that they dreamed of. They met a lot of NET officials,they were now quite popular."uhm meet my friends,De Angelo and Ethan"Thiago introducing them to the NET CEO,Madam Rebecca. "Hmmm,the shadow boys,your reputation precedes you"she complimented them as they bowed in respect.

Thiago then left them with her"you boys are too handsome to be in this line of business"she voiced while taking a walk with them. They smiled but didn't say anything. She continued,"I would have like you guys to head the state supply since Sir Thiago is retiring but you boys are too young for that"she continued " It is more of a political position But i have other plans for you boys,i will like you boys to work for me in Las gelas". "I also heard that you guys also dream of attending the University,but believe me, with me it will no longer be a dream,you will see yourself in any University of your choice ". For the first time for the two boys they was"hope" something to hold on to,they have come this far to go back.