
One and a half sided

Love is usually one sided or from both sides. The first is trouble but the latter is bliss. But what if it was one and a half sided, troubled bliss or a recipe for disaster? Will it turn into one sided, unrequited love or both sided true love? *** "I promise you Abby, I do. You shall see." he declared. As if he was pledging something. I can never guess what he is thinking. It's so random at times, the things he says. "Promise what?" I wondered what was going through his mind. "I promise you that in one month, in one month, you will smile and you will forget whatever is bothering you and be happy. More than ever." he said it so confidently that I felt as if I was a broken robot and he was the actual person who created me in the first place to now repair me. From where does he get so much confidence and that too for someone he knows only for 2 months?! Does he really think he can make me happy? *** Ride along with - Abby - on her journey of love, troubles, disasters and healing. It's going to be a wild one!

BeingAchint · Teen
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29 Chs

9.2 - Birthday wish

The next day I asked Ethan to pick me up after lunch.

We were driving to the hospital when I asked him to stop by a florist. I wanted to take flowers for Drake. A simple gesture could not hurt I thought.

Ethan didn't seem lively today. He seemed like that since yesterday, he didn't speak much to me at all. He gave me dull smiles and didn't keep pestering me non stop like he usually does. I kept taking glances at him but never met his eyes. I hope he's fine. I can't see him being sad. But is he sad about our conversation or is there something else on his mind? What could be troubling him I wonder.

Ugghhh. Let's deal with one person at a time Abby.

When we reached the hospital, I headed towards Drake's room, I could see only his mom there. She was asleep on the chair. Poor thing she must be so tired. I decided not to disturb her and went in to meet Drake.

I looked back to see where Ethan was. He was a few steps behind me and came beside me when I looked at him. We went in, Drake was awake.

"Hey." I said smiling. Let's just keep it cheerful for now.

"Hi." Drake replied in a low tone looking tired, sad even.

I went over and sat on the stool by his bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like in hell. " he said wincing.

"Oh you should feel like that. How careless can you be Drake. Drunk driving!!! How irresponsible of you. You are so lucky you don't have any major injuries. What were you thinking in the first place to get drunk and then drive! Do you have any sense left in you. It could have been so worse damn it!!!" I said scolding him. Could not control it. I was pissed at him for being so foolish.

"Chill Abby. Even my mom didn't scold me that bad. I'm fine. I'm still in one piece, right in front of you." he said.

"Yeah right. You should be scolded even more then you stupid ass. Can you tell me why were you drunk? What was bothering you so much that you couldn't talk to anyone and just go get drunk late at night? I know your ego wont let you ask for help but you could accept it when I tried. How long will you keep this up huh" I said.

Suddenly, Ethan's phone rang.

"Abby I'll be back in a few minutes. You'll be okay dear? A cup of coffee?" he said. Argh, I know he purposely called me that. Why can't I have one person at a time to take up.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." I said smiling and he left. I needed to give Drake a nice lecture.

"Oh so 'dear' now it is huh?" Drake said.

"Ignore him. You didn't answer me." I said.

"I tried to talk to you. It ended badly. I was already pissed and got even more angry. Then all emotions together messed up my brain. And then one thing led to another and next you know." he said.

"That's so silly. You're such a strong guy and you behaved so careless. Drake, I will always be your friend. I know it hurt bad when you didn't feel the same about me and we drifted apart but I will always be there when you need me. Our friendship wasn't that thin a string. All you had to do is talk to me" I said.

"Hmm...So you bought me yellow roses." he said trying to change the topic.

"Wow! Back to the same old changing the topic and not dealing with the issue." I said pissed.

"Yeah, I don't think I will change anytime soon" he said. I suddenly remembered.

"Oh Shit! I actually forgot. Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you... " I started singing.

"Thank you Abby. So much for a birthday in the hospital" he said and smiled.

"Get well soon and we will party. I'm not gonna scold you more for today" I said.

"So where's my gift? " he asked.

"Uhh... I thought the flowers ought to do it for now. My bad, name it. What do you want?" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Are you sure you will give me what I want. I can even ask for you're whole wealth or something that is dear to you." he said laughing.

"I know you won't. Besides I'll try my best to give you what you want. " I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked. It felt like he was trying to play at me.

"I'll try Drake. If that's what you want, i'll try my best." I said wondering what was going on in his mind.

Just then Ethan entered the room.

"You." Drake said.

"What?" I said stunned. Did I hear him wrong? Exactly what is he trying to say?

"I want YOU Abby." Drake said.