
One and a half sided

Love is usually one sided or from both sides. The first is trouble but the latter is bliss. But what if it was one and a half sided, troubled bliss or a recipe for disaster? Will it turn into one sided, unrequited love or both sided true love? *** "I promise you Abby, I do. You shall see." he declared. As if he was pledging something. I can never guess what he is thinking. It's so random at times, the things he says. "Promise what?" I wondered what was going through his mind. "I promise you that in one month, in one month, you will smile and you will forget whatever is bothering you and be happy. More than ever." he said it so confidently that I felt as if I was a broken robot and he was the actual person who created me in the first place to now repair me. From where does he get so much confidence and that too for someone he knows only for 2 months?! Does he really think he can make me happy? *** Ride along with - Abby - on her journey of love, troubles, disasters and healing. It's going to be a wild one!

BeingAchint · Teen
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29 Chs

2.2 - A Newbie?

I spent the first half of the day staring outside the window lost in my own thoughts. Finally, it was the lunch bell which distracted me. Something to look up to. The only positive part of my day so far.

As per our ritual, I was supposed to meet my gang! Yeah, my gang. We do not have a name for our gang but most of the school calls us Abby's gang because I'm the glue that holds them all together.

They make me so happy. Somehow, since I am now a depressed damsel, I still felt a little happy about meeting them after so long. But the only disadvantage is that Drake was also a part of it which would make it awkward for me to be with him but kind of was an advantage because I get to see him. Maybe seeing him like this will reduce my heartache.

"Abbyyyy!!! God I missed you this summer! Look at you. How you been girl?" my dearest bestie Rick jumped over my back and started shooting his questionnaire.

Rick wasn't hot or cute but he looked quite fine. He had a dark complexion and wore nerdy specs just 'cause they were the trend. He was as tall as me, 5'7. He was a sweetheart though. Could always make me laugh. And he was all like a little puppy jumping here and there all the time. He always tried to show himself off as manly as possible but the truth was that behind it all he was just an immature baby.

"Chill dude. I'm great! Happy and single, unlike you." I poked him and we started laughing.

"Yo sis!!!" My brother from another mother hugged me.

Half hugged mainly because we were at school and secondly because I wasn't the hugging type. Though he was the only person on this planet I wouldn't mind hugging. Our connection was so strong that sometimes I doubted the fact that we weren't bonded by blood. His blonde hair would clearly make him look apart from me because I had long black hair. He was handsome I must say. More than a friend, he was like a sibling to me. He fulfilled all my needs of a missing brother.

"Sandyyy!!! " I exclaimed with joy. I really wished he was my actual brother 'cause he makes me feel the most protected and pampered sister in the world.

In came everyone, one by one and we all kept chatting about how our summer went. Rick had a really bad time because he had a huge crush on one of our seniors who broke his heart saying that he was still a kid. That hurt him badly but he was the come easy go easy person. So he didn't dwell on it. Not as much as I thought he would though.

Sandy had an amazing summer at the football coaching club. He was made the captain and everybody loved him there. He even won the summer championship there. It felt so good to see him so happy.

Alice was telling us about her summer. She had joined singing classes. She had a melodious voice and we all loved her voice. I was telling them how I spent my summer at dance class, swimming and reading novels when I suddenly froze seeing Drake walk towards us.

'Chill Abby. You can confront him. After all, you don't need to talk to him. He'll just chat with the guys and you can slowly fade out.' I tried to assure myself, which was useless though but the hearts gotta do it anyway.

He gave the usual "Hey assholes! " to the guys and "Hey Abby" to me which almost felt like a whisper.

"Hi Drake. How are you?" I utter in the lowest volume possible so that none of them hear me and point out something embarrassing.

But does it ever happen so? No.

They hear me loud and clear and start to tease "Ohh so he gets a 'how are you' and we don't even get a proper hi back? What is so special about him huh?".

They start laughing until I'm all rosy and say "Shut up guys." Why do I have to have a really bad obvious red blush all over my face every single time this happens.

'Stop making things even more awkward for us people. ' I rolled my eyes. Can't they understand that he's just standing about three feet away from me and can hear every word they utter. It's so embarrassing. I swear I'm going to drown each one of them later. 3rd degree treatment for this torture.

"So, she likes him?" an unknown voice reaches my ears. I hadn't even noticed that that guy was here. Wait a minute, who is he? Oh, oh yeah, the newbie, now I recall. His name...umm...yeah, Ethan!

But what is he doing here in my gang!? Did it really take Alice just a few hours to pull him into our gang. Damn, that woman seems desperate. I give a look at Rick pointing at Ethan.

"Abby, you must have met Ethan. He's new here and we know each other from cricket coaching. We went there together during summer" Rick said.

No wonder guys mingle so fast but still. This is Abby's gang! Call me unsociable or psychic or whatever but I don't like him. He has a very weird vibe. Something about him gives me the feeling as if he's about to disrupt everything and it's so annoying when he smiles like owns the whole world!

He is weird. Period.

"Hey there. Can I know your name, my lady?" Ethan puts his hand forward. My lady. No one ever called me that. Can someone tell him we aren't living in the middle ages. Is he British? Doesn't look so. Still, that's so cheesy. Bad move dude. You're already on the non-existent to Abby list now. Sad for Alice though.

I mildly say "Abby Kurt, Mister. " and shake his hand. Soft. Cricket player and soft hands. Weird.

Looked like he took care of himself pretty well. Guy with a skin care routine? Well, whatever.

The bell rang and I waved all of them a see ya later.

I was walking back to the class when, "Abby! Wait up. I'm coming along." screamed Ethan. Why god, why!

'What is wrong with him? I wish Alice was here to shoo him away but I can't help it. Why did she have to run away at this moment? '

I gave him a half forced smile and slowed down my speed so that he could tag along. 'It's OK. It's just another guy. Be nice and it's over before you know.' I console myself. Not a big deal.