
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Stress After Stress

Nathan's confession, Riana's threat... my life feels like a TV series.

Before I knew it, It was 2:00 P.M. My new knock-off time.

I had to go to Mr. Jonathan's office.

I packed up my things, took my bag, and went to Jonathan's office.

I knocked on the door.

Jonathan: Come on in!

I went in.

Me: You wanted to speak with me, sir?

Jonathan: Yes. I have received many complaints about you not attending the party and was accused of being unfair.

This is all Riana's doing.

Me: I am sorry sir. 

Jonathan: Tell me, Liana, what makes it difficult to attend?

Me: I have a hard time conversing with people and crowded places make me feel uncomfortable.

Jonathan nodded his head before continuing.

Jonathan: I understand, but is it not possible to at least try to attend?

Me: Umm...

Jonathan: Think about it. Looking forward to your response tomorrow, okay?

Me: Okay sir, although I can't promise you anything.

Jonathan: Are you scared of someone? Riana perhaps?

Me: Not at all sir...

Jonathan: I can be your partner for the party if you would like.


I was left speechless. Jonathan then laughed.

Jonathan: Relax, I was pulling your leg. Think about it, okay?

Me: ... Okay sir.

I left his office and headed straight for the door.

Finally... going home to forget about the stress.

Just before then... Riana calls out to me again.

Riana: Liana!

Me: Riana. Any more words you would like to say to me?

Riana: I saw you come from the office. Were you in trouble?

Me: Why would I be in trouble?

Riana: You know, it's okay if you have no taste when it comes to dressing up on such occasions. Let me and the girls help you.

Help me? To look worse?

Me: Aw, Riana wants to help me - how sweet.

Riana: Better show up.

Me: What if I don't want to? You are going to fire me?

Riana: Ha, if I had the power to. 

Me: What do you exactly want from me Riana? 

Riana: I want all your praises to decrease. It would be nice to see you resign, you know?

Me: Well, expect to see me face every.single.day. Because I am not going anywhere. If it is someone who has a problem and should leave, it's you. I never complained about my job, have I?

Riana fell silent.

Me: Answer me Riana.

Riana: No. Couldn't you choose another line of work?

Me: Couldn't you do the same yourself?

Riana: Answer my question.

Me: I love cybersecurity. Why would I pick I job I hate? Now answer mine.

Riana: I love my job here too.

Me: So what's with the arguing girl? Let's put aside our rivalry and start afresh. What do you think?

Riana: With an introverted person like you? No way.

Me: Oh no, don't get me wrong. I didn't say let's be friends. I simply said, let's start afresh. Let's be good colleagues.

Riana: How sure can I be that you're not sarcastic?

Me: Let's sign our resolution with a handshake.

I held out my hand to Riana, to which she looked at me and shook it.

Riana: Okay then. Let's start afresh.

Me: Great. Now, I will be on my way.

Riana: Yeah, before things get awkward.

Gosh, doesn't she like peace?!

Me: Yes. Anyway, bye.

Riana: Bye.

I walked out of the building.

I jumped into my car and drove away.

Me: I am going to throw myself in bed once I get home.

Still sinking in my problems, I get stopped by the unexpected traffic.

Me: Traffic at 2 in the afternoon? What's with all the commotion?

Everyone else came out of their cars to check. I did the same too.

Person 1: It's Mr. Lee Romano! 

Person 2: Mr. Lee? I wonder if his fiancee is in there too!

Right... It has to be the Romanos... I wonder who his fiancee is - but who am I kidding? She has to be of higher status like him. 

The cars drove swiftly with the help of the police. The traffic then subsided and the roads were open again. We all went back into our cars and drove our separate ways.

I decided to tune into the radio to listen to some news.


News reporter: Breaking news! The first-born son of the Romano family, Lee Romano has formed a partnership with the best South Cybric's volleyball team. They will be leaving on Monday morning to compete with North Cybric on Saturday. Make sure to---

I switched the radio off.

Me: Can't radio news be normal without putting the Romanos in the picture?!

Lee Romano's POV


Name: Lee Romano

Age: 25

Height: 6'7

Status: Extremely rich! $$$

Personality: No one knows

Woman: Mr. Lee

Lee Romano: You can call me Lee.

Woman: Lee, your father is calling you.

Lee: Put him on loudspeaker, please.

---ON A CALL----

Lee: Yes Dad?

Lawrence: Is that how you speak to your father?!

Lee: Afternoon Dad. How can your son be of assistance?

Lawrence: This son, are you being sarcastic with me right now? (sighs) Anyway, I need to hear the results.

Lee: Of what Dad?

Lawrence: You are 25 years old now. You need to get married, all your other peers here and in North Cybric are married now. They are enjoying their married life while taking care of their families' responsibilities.

Lee: I didn't know it was a requirement.

Lawrence: It is - in our world, you need to get married and bear an heir to carry on the legacy.

Lee: I will see what I can do.

Lawrence: I don't want you to see what you can do, you need a fiancee by tomorrow! The whole world is waiting for your fiancee's reveal.

Lee: WHAT?! Why would you do this to me, Dad?!?!

Lawrence: If you don't want to make progress, I will help you make it. I need to see your fiancee by tomorrow. Or else you won't inherit the Romano's business.

Lee: Okay Dad. You will see her.

Lawrence: Good.


Lee: A cunning man my father is.

Ace: What are you going to do about it?

Lee: I have got nowhere to start. 

Ace: Hey. I am Ace. Your best friend. I can get some females.

Lee: Just make sure they are not all beauty and no brains.

Ace: Lee Romano and his high standards. Are you supposed to be choosey at a desperate time like this?

Lee: Do you want me to be a laughingstock?

Ace: Guess not. Why don't you propose to Elaine---

Lee: Over my dead body.

Ace: Then who are going to find?

Lee: Make a list of all the notable women of standing and reputation.

Ace: I know... why don't we make a fiancee audition?

Lee: My dad told the entire country that I will reveal my fiancee's face tomorrow!

Ace: Bummer - Let's get home first, then draft a list, then we will see them tomorrow.

Lee: Fine. 

End of Lee Romano's POV

2:50 P.M


Finally. Back at home after all the commotion on the road because of the Romanos.

Speaking of which,


Jonathan: I understand, but is it not possible to at least try to attend?

Me: Umm...

Jonathan: Think about it. Looking forward to your response tomorrow, okay?


I still need to decide on whether or not to go.

I walked inside the house.

Ziana: Hey sis!

Me: Hey Zi, I'm---

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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