
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 7: I Thought I Told You

12:00 P.M


I went out to my car only to find Nathan standing outside, which startled me a bit.

Nathan: Hey.

Me: Phew! It's you Nathan... hey.

Nathan: Woah, I startled Liana? Am I not on a roll today?

Me: You sure are alright. Anyway, what brings you outside, I thought you would be with your friends?

Nathan: Friends? They are just my colleagues whom I am friendly with. 

Nathan looked at me.

Nathan: Are we not colleagues?

Me: We are.

Nathan: Liana, you know...

He came and whispered in my ear.

Nathan: I miss you.

My heart skipped a beat.

Me: Nathan, are you flirting with me?

Nathan: Am I good?

Me: No. But I must say, you pretty shocked me.

Nathan: Really?

Me: Yeah - I thought I told you---

Nathan: That you are not interested in having a romantic relationship? I get it.

Me: Then why are you continuing?

Nathan: To do what?

Me: You know what I mean - to flatter me. Why are you hurting yourself?

Nathan: I don't know... love is blind?

Was Nathan this much of a flirter? Does he do this with all women?

I pushed Nathan away. 

Me: Nathan, listen. I have said this once and I will do it again. I don't have any interest in romance and relationships. I know you may feel hurt for me not returning your feelings but I hope you understand. Okay?

Nathan looked at me intently before smirking.

Me: What's with the smirk?

Nathan: My feelings for you are indeed at this moment, one-sided. But I don't mind waiting centuries for your love.

Is he kidding?

Me: Nathan, you wouldn't want to waste your time on me, there will be someone you will love and cherish that---

Nathan: I will wait for your love, centuries after centuries.

Me: Nathan, you are not listening---

Nathan: Goodbye Liana.

Me: Nathan! Forget about---

Soon he went back into the office.

Me: ARGH! How did my life get so ruined?!

Riana: Relationship problems?

I turned around to see Riana with Kayla and two other women.

Me: No - it's life's anxieties.

Riana: Spare me the lies. I saw you and Nathan were talking. He likes you but you didn't reciprocate his feelings. Poor Nathan.

Me: What? Was I supposed to force myself to like him?

Riana: No sweetie. I didn't say force. You could have tried him out, who knows, maybe your feelings towards romance would have changed.

Woman 1: But too bad she's allergic to guys.

I am tired of fighting. All I just want is a quiet peaceful work environment.

Me: You done, ma'am?

Riana rolled her eyes at me while she told the others to walk away.

Riana: Don't waste your time on her girl, she's no fun.

Woman 1: Yeah, you're right. Let's leave her.

Kayla however mimicked a silent sorry.

I too mimicked back with an, "It's okay," before Riana called out to Kayla.

Riana: What are you waiting for? Come!

Kayla: Yeah, coming!

I then looked at the time on my watch:

12:45 P.M

Me: Time isn't on my side today.

I went into my car and decided to give Ziana a call.

---ON A CALL---

Ziana: Hey sis!

Me: Hey Zi.

Ziana: Things are rough huh?

Me: More than rough...awful.

Ziana: Geez girl, tell me EVERYTHING. But wait! Tell me, did you find out?

Me: About the live stream?

Ziana: Yeah? The Great Mr. Lee Romano has a fiancee!

Me: And what makes him special? Just because he's from a rich family that supports the country's economy makes him no better than the rest of the citizens who pay taxes.

Ziana: Stop being serious for a sec and listen.

I kept quiet to hear this "serious thing" I had to listen to.


Me: Yeah, as if you are his fiancee. Get over him Ziana.

Ziana: Comfort your little sister! She's hurt.

Me: Haha, very funny Zi! 

I laughed out loud. Luckily no one could hear me.

Ziana: Is that you laughing?

Me: I am so sorry, I can't keep a serious face... I never thought that you liked Lee Romano! No wonder you never talked about the boys in your school huh?

Ziana: You going to pay when you get back home?

Me: As if.

Ziana: Anyways... enough about me and my broken heart. Let's talk about you. 

Me: Problems are what is all about me.

Ziana: Tell me one of the problems, at least.

I took a deep breath before I carried on speaking.

Me: You were right... the things you told me yesterday... they all happened the same way. At this rate, I just want the ground to swallow me.

Ziana: Don't be negative... Wait! You mean I was right about Jonathan and Nathan liking you?!

Me: Yep.

Ziana: How did it go? When did you tell them that you're not interested?

Me: With Jonathan, he just held my hand as we walked into his office, I hope that's the last time that ever happens. With Nathan, he said he's going to wait for me... how... shocking?

Ziana: You got a keeper right there!

Me: Zi!

Ziana: Okay, okay. On a serious note though, Nathan is VERY patient... I wouldn't wait that long for someone.

Me: Listen to who is talking, Mrs Romano! 

Ziana: Hey! Don't tease me.

Before I knew it, there were 5 minutes left before I had to go back to work.

Me: Okay Zi, thanks for listening, I owe you!

Ziana: You sure do! Speaking of which.

Me: Yeah?

Ziana: I will tell you when you get home.

Me: It's okay, you can give me an overview of what---

Ziana: It's a surprise! See ya!

Me: Okay Ziana. Bye!

Ziana: Ciao!

--- END OF CALL---

Me: Surprises after surprises... today couldn't get any better with surprises.

I walked back to my desk until I realized there was a note left on my desktop:

"See me after work

- Jonathan"

With no words to say, I carefully removed the note from the screen and placed it next to me.

Me: Wonder why.

As I was working, I heard a familiar voice that was coming towards me.

Me: Riana.

Riana stood next to me and looked at the screen before looking at me.

Riana: I am not invisible right?

I looked at Riana.

Me: Hello to you too Riana. Is there anything I can help you with?

Riana then spoke to me in a low voice so that everyone couldn't hear our conversation.

Riana: I heard the little convo you and Nathan had during lunch break. And I must say, I was pretty stunned at the straightforward response you gave. You claim you're introverted, you are not into romance and you don't like crowded parties. I bet you asked to be an exception to the party and the boss gave it to you. 

Me: So?

Riana: If you are not hiding anything, I expect you at the party tomorrow night.

Me: And if I don't?

Riana: I am going to spread the rumors of you and Nathan.

Me: And tell me, what did I do to offend you?

Riana: Everything. You are always being praised and trust me, I am going to find out your secret.

Me: Good luck Riana.

Riana: Argh! I will be watching you!

And she left. 

Riana, Riana...