
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 6: Starting Today

As I was walking to my desk, I felt myself being pulled backward by some strong hands.

It was Mr. Jonathan.

But why is he holding my hand?


Could this be...


Ziana: Why do I feel like your boss... likes you?


Ziana: If you say so, but the way he cares for you, almost tried to stand up for you if you told him you were being interrogated and telling you to hold your head up high and "show the haters" like come on!

Really? I didn't see him that way. We just have a boss-employee relationship, and I have no romantic feelings towards him.

Me: I don't have any romantic interest in him.

Ziana: Yet, he likes you regardless.


Our eyes met and all the words I wanted to say vanished from my mind.

Jonathan: Come with me.

Me: To w-where, sir?

Jonathan: The office.

Jonathan still holding my hand from behind, went into his office.

My heart feels like it's about to explode! Please tell me this is not him confessing!

After we went inside, he started talking about the purpose of our conversation... still holding my hand!

Me: Um, sir?

I pointed at our hands, no, his hand holding mine - I didn't initiate it and I was not interested in anyone for that matter. 

But Ziana's words rang in my head.

I am starting to dislike my job...

Jonathan: Oh sorry about that... it's just what I am about to say couldn't wait any longer.

Can the ground swallow me as of this instant!?!

Me: Yes, sir?

Jonathan: Can you move into your new office starting today?

Me: Today?

Jonathan: I know it's short notice but the team needs you in your new office.

The team? The last time I saw it, everyone gave me funny looks.

He then lowered his voice and looked at me.

Jonathan: I need you.

"My life is officially over," I said to myself in my heart.

Me: Okay sir, I will do it.

Jonathan: Really?

Me: If you and the team need me by my new office, consider it done.

Jonathan looked at me. I held out my hand for a handshake.

Me: Thank you very much again sir for the offer, I appreciate it.

Jonathan shook my hand.

Jonathan: It's your hard work that paid off. Thanks again for accepting the office switch at short notice, I know I said on Monday.

Me: It's okay, sir I understand. Let me go get my belongings.

Jonathan: From your desk?

Me: Yes sir.

Jonathan: All sorted.

Me: P-Pardon?

Don't tell me...

Jonathan: I moved them yesterday. You can check at your old desk, it's all clean.

I knew there was a catch in knocking off early! Can employers do that to some of their employees?

I laughed nervously.

Me: Thank you, sir, was it, not a hassle though?

Jonathan: Your desk was the simplest and easiest to pack as you don't have many things on your desk, unlike the rest.

Did he make that observation, or is he trying to flatter me? 

Me: You don't have to be kind---

Jonathan: Seriously. It was good. No need to stress. I will announce that you have moved to your new office and everyone's gets back to work.

It's as good as done when Mr. Jonathan has said it.

Me: Thank you. Let me get to work then.

Jonathan: Before you leave, tell me, are you going to attend?

Me: The dinner party at the Romano's Estate?

Jonathan: Ah, so you do know.

Me: No, I was told by Nathan. I watched the live stream but such events are not my type of thing.

Jonathan: But it's a must that everyone must attend.

Me: Everyone?

Jonathan: The entire country has to be present, either in person or on TV.

Me: Is it possible that I don't go in person please sir? My little sister is into these things, so I will watch it with her on TV.

Jonathan looked at me intently before giving a response.

Jonathan: (sighs) I would have loved for you to attend in person, but it's okay... you can watch it from home.

Loved me to attend in person?

Me: Thank you so much, sir.

Jonathan went to his seat and I left for the door.

Me: Working at my new position starting today.

I then walked to my new desk. As I approached it, I realized that Mr. Jonathan arranged my belongings the very same way as they were in my previous office.

Me: So he pays attention...

I couldn't help but smile but worry.

Me: Ziana's words are wrong. That's not what's happening to me.

I sat on my chair and turned on the computer.

Me: Let me get---

Before I could complete my sentence, I heard Mr. Jonathan on the office speakers.


Mr. Jonathan: Good morning everyone. May all get back to work. Just an important announcement to make, Miss Liana Rodriguez has been promoted to be the overseer in the hacking department. We applaud her in her new promotion and she will surely be missed in her previous office. Thank you.


I was about to put on my earphones when to my surprise, I got a call from Nathan.

---ON A CALL---

Nathan: Liana, congrats!

I was stunned by his words.

Me: Oh! Um, thank you, Nathan.

Nathan: Did I stun you? 

Me: In your dreams sir.

Nathan: I know you would never admit to it but hey. Anyways, congratulations ma'am.

Me: No need to flatter me Nathan, but thanks for your words. 

Nathan: No problem - let me get back to work. See you.

Me: Yeah me too. Wait, see me when?

Nathan: During lunch. Or are you going to spend it in your car?

Here's another goal of mine being a successful fail.


Ziana: Right... think of something.

Me: How? I will just keep my conversations with them short and brief.

Ziana: See? You got it.


Ziana sis, I am in real need of your help!

Me: That's how I spend---

Nathan: Starting today, you are spending it with me.

Me: You wouldn't dare.

Nathan: Says who?

Me: Says me. No matter how hard you are trying to flatter me, I am not interested in romance.

Nathan: Ow, what a way to reject someone.

Reject someone?

Me: Reject who?

Nathan: No one. Anyway bye, Liana!

Me: Nathan, wait---


"What a way to reject someone..." Reject who? After my many confessions of not being interested in a romance, I still get told this.

Why are your words coming true Ziana...


Ziana: Speaking of which, even Nathan likes you too.

Not another bombshell! I can't be tangled in a love triangle.

Could this day get any worse?

Me: Well, I kind of see Nathan - but still, I have zero interest in him.

Ziana: But still, like Jonathan, he likes you regardless.


At this rate, I just want to run away. How did I get tangled in a situation that I hid myself away from so perfectly?

Life is ironic at times... especially when it comes to mine...