
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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Chapter 5: Mr. Prince Charming

6:50 A.M

Me: Bye guys!

Ziana: Bye sis, and take it easy okay?

Zane: Bye sis.

Alicia: See you later Liana.

Me: Haha, I will do so Ziana, thanks. Bye.

I left for the door. A Thursday morning.

I then hopped into my car and drove off.

Today the traffic was not as bad as yesterday's, and I got to work pretty early. I looked at the time on my watch:

07:20 A.M

Because I did not want to talk to anyone this morning, I scrolled on Cybric 24, the country's most used news platform, and goodness was I not bombarded with the news full of celebrities.

Me: Geez, what would I even want to know what's happening in the world of celebrities?

As I scrolled through the news, I just stopped at the biggest news:

"Prince Charming Meets His Cinderella: Going live in 5 mins"

Me: Woah, going live in 5 mins? I need to connect to the office's one to tune in!

For some reason, this caught my interest and I felt like I had to watch it.

I exited my car, locked the car, and dashed to the office.

Surprisingly, I found everyone in the office looking at the TV screens. I joined from behind.

Nathan stood right next to me.

Nathan: Good morning.

Me: Oh, morning Nathan. 

Nathan: How are you this morning?

Me: Good thanks, and yourself?

Nathan: Great, thanks... see you are also joining the fun.

Me: Me?

Nathan pointed at the screen on the wall.

Me: Uh, yeah. You?

Nathan: (laughs) You are interesting Liana.

Me: Mmm, in what way?

Nathan: You are super introverted, yet you want to catch up on the lives of celebs?

Me: Wait, what?

Nathan: (sighs) Let me not spoil it for you - you will see.

Me: At least give me a hint, please.

Nathan: You will see.

Me: (sighs) Okay.

2 minutes before it began streaming live, Ziana gave me a call.

---ON A CALL---

Me: Hey Zi!

Ziana: Hey sis! Are you about to watch it live?

Me: The "Prince Charming Meets His Cinderella" livestream?

Ziana: Listen to yourself being on top of these things.

Me: It's not that I want to be on top though... I just found the title to be interesting, that's all.

Ziana: Do you even know who you are about to watch?

Me: Is it someone from my senior high?

Ziana: Just wait and see sis!

Me: Why are you cutting me---

Ziana: Ciao!

Me: Ziana---


I looked down at my blank cell phone.

Me: Why is everyone leaving me hanging?!

Nathan: Let me guess, your little sis told you the same thing as I did.

Me: Yeah... do you even know who my little sister's name is?

Nathan: Ziana?

Me: Right, my loud voice sells it out. How do you even know she's my little sis? I have two more siblings.

Nathan: You regularly check up on Ziana, unlike the rest, considering that means that she's the youngest.

Me: Wow... listen to smart Nathan...

Nathan: Stop your sarcasm Liana, geez!

Before we knew it. It was the beginning of the livestream.

Kayla: The moment we have all been waiting for.

They have been waiting for this moment? Kayla and celebrity men...


Reporter: Good morning South Cybrians and welcome to today's live stream. I am Rayla Martino and we are at the house of the Romanos, the most prominent and richest family in the country of Cybric. We will be talking to the family head of the family, Mr. Lawrence Romano who will give us more insight on what exactly is meant by his statement: "Prince Charming Meets His Cinderella."

Let's go!


Rayla: Good morning Mr. Romano.

Mr. Lawrence Romano: Ah, it surely is a good morning indeed. Please come on in.

Rayla enters.

Rayla: How are you, sir?

Lawrence Romano: I am good and very excited to share with the entire country of Cybric exciting details.

Rayla: Oh please do share! Everyone, especially the females are very eager to find out.

Lawrence Romano: Mr dear beloved son, Lee Romano has chosen for himself a fiancee. We invite you all to attend.

The Romanos surely have money to spend... to invite everyone?! Impatient, Kayla was shouting at the screen.

Kayla: Just tell us who she is, Mr. Romano!

We all looked back at the screen.

Lawrence Romano: Unfortunately, he is attending a very important business meeting so he can't be here to explain but I as his father was told to keep it secret until tomorrow night.

Rayla: Oh really? Fans must be disappointed as they are dying to see Mr. Lee's fiancee.

Lawrence Romano: I understand but we warmly invite you all to gather tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. to get a glimpse of my son's new fiancee and join in on the Romano's happiness. Thank you.

Rayla: Thank you, sir. 


Rayla: As you have heard viewers, Mr. Lee's fiancee reveal is secret until tomorrow night, so make sure you all get your best outfit out of your closet because tomorrow night will be eventful! Thank you all for watching this channel, see you tomorrow on Prince Charming Meets His Cinderella!


The TV gets switched off.

Kayla: I guess I wasn't his match.

Riana: Sorry friend. I mean you still have time so be patient.

What's so special about marrying into a rich family? With a father-in-law like Mr. Lawrence Romano, I wouldn't survive! 

Me: I guess the fiancee must be from a rich family.

Riana: Oh, Liana - didn't know you were into this kind of thing.

Me: I just happened to like the title, that's all.

Kayla: I must dress up with my best outfit! I am going to show Mr. Lee Romano what he missed.

Me: Calm down Kayla, I get how you feel but at least dress appropriately, he now has a fiancee.

Kayla: What kind of appropriate dress do you mean Li?

Me: One with no slit?

I felt everyone's eyes look at me.

Me: But I am introverted, what do I know? Hope you enjoy the party.

Riana: Are you not going?

Me: What for? I don't like crowded places anyway.

Nathan: Everyone in the office goes.

Me: Like whether you want to or not?

Nathan: Used to be like that but since Jonathan is the boss, you could be an exception.

Me: I will try my luck. Thanks, Nathan.

Nathan: Anytime.

As I was about to walk away, Riana uttered a few more words that stunned everyone.

Riana: You don't have the type of clothing... that's why you don't want to go, right?

Nathan: Riana! That's---

Me: It's okay Nathan. Thanks for trying to help, but it seems some don't want to be helped.

I looked at Riana straight into the eye.

Me: You are right, I don't have the gala-type of clothing in my closet to attend the party. FYI, if you have been listening to what I have been saying, you will remember that I hate crowded parties. And thirdly, before you speak, ask - it doesn't cost a fee. So, how about you learn a quick skill? Mind your own, okay?

I walked away, leaving everyone else, except Nathan, stunned once more. 

Nathan: (smiling) That's Liana alright...