
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: Mr. Jonathan's Office

Nathan: Liana... hey.

Me: Nathan...

I was shocked to see Nathan stand next to me.

We stood silently, 5 minutes to be precise before Nathan spoke again.

Nathan: Listen, Liana, I am sorry for ambushing you like that, I didn't know Riana would do such a thing.


Me: Thanks, that was indeed upsetting, but it's okay. Thanks, Nathan.

Nathan: Li?

I looked at him stunned. 

Me: Li?

Nathan: Is that not your nickname for Liana?

Me: Yeah, but how did you know?

Nathan: I always hear you being on the phone with your little sister.

Me: Are my calls that loud enough for you to hear?

Nathan: Pretty much so.

We both laughed. My not being used to talking to people, especially a guy got my heart beating fast.

Nathan was the smooth talker, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a girlfriend.

Me: You are a smooth talker huh?

Nathan: In what way?

Me: You don't get shaken or nervous when talking to women, no offense, just saying.

Nathan: Stop apologizing for everything Liana. Speaking of smooth talkers, I am quite the type. Did you get charmed?

Me: No.

Nathan: Why are you so brutal?

Me: I am being honest here.

We then fell silent before Nathan spoke once more.

Nathan: Liana, tell me.

Me: Yeah?

Nathan: Not wanting a love interest, did you... face a breakup that maybe made you dislike romance?

Me: No - I don't feel ready yet. I will never be ready. I want to enjoy my life with my family.

Nathan: What happens when all your siblings get married?

Me: I will still stay home with my parents. They have never chased me out.

Nathan: I mean what if you have to stay by yourself, and your parents are not there for like months?

Me: Like them not being at home for 3 months?

Nathan: Exactly! What then?

Me: Not when my Dad taught me how to cook, and do all kinds of handy work around the house and my Mom taught me how to bake, wash, and clean after myself - are the skills I have acquired from my parents not enough for a female to survive by herself, Nathan?

Nathan: You are determined to be single forever huh?

Me: As I said, I don't need a man to gain happiness... singleness and marriage are both benefits in their way right?

Nathan: Yes, and I am saying---

Me: And I am saying I choose to be single. This is my decision. And I expect everyone to respect it. Okay?

I then walked into the office, leaving Nathan outside.

Fake apology.

As if that was not enough, I bump into Riana once more.

I am just going to ignore her...

Riana: Liana!

I turned around to meet Riana with Kayla and a few other women.

Me: Look, Riana. I don't want to fight with you. I just came to work, get my salary, and pay the bills, okay? Nothing else.

Riana: I also don't want to fight.

I looked at her straight in the eye, waiting for her to finish her statement.

Riana: I just want to... apologize.

I smirked.

Me: No need.

Kayla and the other women were surprised.

Kayla: What do you mean? Riana just wants---

Me: Oh, it's not that I don't want her to apologize.

Riana: So, what does it mean then?

Me: I just know from your facial expression and body language that your apology would be sarcastic, so why waste your breath? It's all under the carpet Ri.

I walked away and went back to my desk. 

Me: Why is office life super annoying?

Before I could let my thoughts wander, Nathan came up to my desk.

Nathan: Hey, Liana. Mr John is asking for you.

Me: Mr. John? Am I in trouble?

Nathan: Don't know, you have to go yourself to find out.


Nathan: But... if you would like to get yourself out of trouble...

Me: Nathan, didn't you say I have to go to his office to find out?

Nathan: Geez...

Me: Anyways, thanks for calling me.

As I was about to walk into Mr. Jonathan's office, I, for the second time, heard my name being gossiped about by two women.

Woman 1: Liana Rodriguez is going to Mr. Jonathan's office?

Woman 2: Hope she gets fired.

I snapped back.

Me: I hope you learn to ask before making assumptions.

The second woman looked at me shocked, as if she thought I never had a voice.

I knocked on the door, to be told to come in by Mr. Jonathan.


Jonathan: Liana, take a seat.

Me: Thank you, sir.

Jonathan: Liana, I would like to thank you for your hard work. You have proven to be the company's best hacker and for that, I would like to promote you.

Me: Wait, really sir?

Jonathan: Yes. This time, you will take care of the other hackers in your soon-to-be old department oversee their work, and help out wherever you can, that's if we deal with upset customers.

Me: That's a great offer sir, but---

Jonathan: The company needs you. The person who was placed in this position failed dismally, making our regular clients angry but the day you got here was the day we saw smiles on our customers again.

Me: But are you not worried people will not want to listen to my directions? I mean I have created enemies already.

Jonathan: What do you mean? Ah... being questioned about your quiet personality?

Me: Yes, and I have shared a few sarcastic words at them, for that---

Jonathan: You need to put them back into place, for that you have been promoted into the position. End of story.

Me: Thank--- wait what?! No, sir, I didn't say I agree with that! Besides, I am not ready to work more hours.

Jonathan stood up and looked outside his office window.

Jonathan: More hours? You work less in this position. That's what makes people go crazy about this position but their job at the end of the month says otherwise. There's no catch to it, don't worry.

I could use the early knockoffs from work. I won't have to deal with all the others' faces forever and I can finally spend more time with family! There's no catch to this promotion... from his confidence, I can say it's pretty solid.

Me: Okay sir. I am taking it.

Jonathan: Great, I will announce it on Monday first thing in the morning.

Me: Oh? To everyone?

Jonathan: Of course! Even "the haters" must know.

Me: I wouldn't necessarily call them that...

Jonathan: I know. Knock off early today. 

Me: No, sir. I am okay---

Jonathan: Go home, Liana. Boss's orders.

I can't lie, I am super happy right now.

Me: (sighs) Okay---

Jonathan: Is that a sigh I heard?

Me: No sir! Thank you so much, sir!

Jonathan: See you on Monday.

I left for the door and breathed out slowly.

Me: I am not fired. Thank goodness.

I walked straight to my desk, packed up all my things, blasted music on my earphones, and made my way out of the office.

Whether people saw or didn't, I didn't care. I am just happy to knock off early!!!

I walked to my car and drove home.

Me: I can't wait to surprise Ziana when I get home...

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