
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 27: Home Sweet Home

Lee came back into the car looking down. He quietly came inside and didn't say a word. I placed my hand on top of his.

"You know you can talk about it," I said.

Lee looked at me. "I wish I could, but..."

I looked at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"It is an inconvenient favor to ask you," he continued.

"How bad can it be?" I asked.

Lee looked at Ace.

"Quite bad," Ace added.

I then became unsettled. "Okay, you are scaring me now," I said.

"Well, Grandpa wants you to compete with Elaine for the Romano Games next week."

I opened my eyes. "Next week? Romano Game? With Elaine?" I asked. "She just tried to kill us!"

"I know," he said, holding my hand tightly. "I haven't really told you about my entire history yet."

I shook my head, "No."

Liam then took my hand. "You must do well Mommy! Or Great-Grandpa will separate you and Daddy!"

I smiled at Liam, "I will try my best."

I then looked back at Lee. "So that is the point of the games?"

Lee nodded.

"Don't worry though, I will make sure that no game will take you away from me."

I checked Lee's face to see if he was just playing with me but the determination in his eyes told me that he was not going to let that happen.

"Really?" I asked. "We simply met at a party by my Uncle and Aunt---"

"Henry and Hailey are your Uncle and Aunt?" Lee asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

Lee smiled. "Well, I am glad they brought you back to me."

I looked at Lee blankly. "Back to you?"

Ace simply laughed. "Well, my friend here is saying, he knows you from another dimension."

"Haha," I said sarcastically, "As if dimensions exist."

I looked back at Lee. His face was slightly red. Worried, I touched his forehead.

"What are you doing?" Lee asked, tensed up.

"I thought you had a fever," I replied.

He chuckled. "Would you take care of me if I was?"

"I would try my best."

"But you need to rest."

"Please. I don't have time to rest when I have got games to prepare for!"

Lee looked at me.



Lee took both my hands. "Are you really willing to take the challenge?"

Smiling, I replied, "Of course I am! I missed doing something out of work."

Lee hugged me. "Thanks, Li."

I played with Lee's hair. "You look like a cute little boy thanking his parents after being told they will buy ice cream."

"Guess I am that little boy."

I rolled my eyes.

"Let me in too!" Liam exclaimed, forcing his way through.

Lee gestured for him to go away. "You are not allowed here - bye."

"But she is my Mom," Liam protested.

"And she is my fiancee," Lee shot back at Liam. "She was mine first."

Liam pouted as he went to the front seat. "I am giving you this day only."

"Thank you, Liam!" I exclaimed, patting on Liam's head.

Lee pulled away and then brought me to his lap.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"I want you close to me."

Lee has been very different ever since I got discharged from the hospital. My view of Lee has also changed since I first saw him at that party. He seemed cold at that time - just following the rules. But now...

He has become interested in what I think and my feelings. He is now more open and I appreciate that a lot. Despite my prideful tendency, I have to admit that I am falling for him by the minute. It feels like I am breaking my walls down quickly but Lee and Liam have become important to me. My life feels incomplete without them.

But sometimes I wonder if the way Lee is acting towards me is all part of the act or...

I then pushed my doubts aside and enjoyed Lee's embrace. Before we knew it, we were back in South Cybric. The officers took a good look at us. I was about to move away when Lee stopped me.

"We have nothing to hide, so why run?" he asked.

I started blushing heavily. "I will take your word for it, sir," I said, gently pinching his cheeks.

"Oh! Mr. Liam! Welcome back to South Cybric!"

The officer let us go. We drove away and soon, we were on the highway.

"Don't they need to check our passports, ID, or something?" I asked.

"Babe, we are the Romanos, we have a business to take off - we don't have time to carry such documentation with us."

I nodded. "Who was I kidding?" I asked myself.

"That includes you too."

I looked at me. "Me?"

"And your family."

I cupped his face. "Lee Romano, where is my family coming in with this?"

He cupped my face. "You will find out one day."

My expression turned blank.


"Can't tell you!"

I sighed and smiled. "I guess if you say so."

We all drove in silence. I looked over at Liam and he was already asleep.

"Poor Liam," I said to myself. He went through a lot in two days. He got kidnapped by Elaine, the bombs, and my accident.

I wanted to do something to keep his mind away for a while. I will also have to prepare for the games soon. Next weekend will arrive before I know it.

We took a turn and the next thing I knew, we were back at the Romano Estate. Ace killed the engine and the three of us - Lee, myself, and Ace got out of the car. We stared at the house while rethinking the past events back in the North.

"Home sweet home."

The three of us looked at each other.

"Guess we all missed home."

"Of course! Those were two days of trauma!" Ace exclaimed.

Ace started to look for Liam. "Where is Liam?"

"He is in the car - don't worry, I will take it from here."

"Thanks, Liana," Ace said. "Guess my job is done for the day?"

"Yes Ace - thanks buddy, I owe you lots."

"You bet you do," Ace replied, inviting Lee for a fist bump.

"Bye, lovebirds - see you when I see you."

Lee and I looked at each other and simply chuckled.

"See you, Ace," Lee said, as we waved him goodbye.

"I will get someone to take him," Lee said.

"What for when I am here?" I said. "I will take care of him."

Lee looked at me. "Really?"

"Of course," I replied. "I have always wanted to get the experience."

Lee simply smiled at me. "Thanks."

"You are welcome," I said, opening the front door and gently carrying Liam into my arms.

As we approached the front door, Lee took glances at me.

"This is the fifth time I have caught you staring at me."

He opened his eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah," I replied, smirking. "Hope you are getting a good view of me from your angle."

"I sure am."

We got inside and were greeted by the entire staff.

"Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Romano."

"Hello everyone," I said.

"Good day everyone," Lee said.

One of the staff came up to me and wanted to take Liam.

"That's okay - I will take care of him."

"Everyone is off for the day. Enjoy the rest of the day."

Everyone thanked Lee and quickly left the house. 

"Where's Dad?" I asked.

"Since he wasn't with us, I take it he is with Grandpa."

I nodded. We went upstairs and into Lee's bedroom.

"Why yours?" I asked.

"Because it's spacious," he replied.

I shook my head as I went over to the bed and tucked Liam into the blankets. I kissed Liam on his forehead and gazed at him. I didn't realize that Lee was looking at me. Embarrassed, I moved away and sat on Lee's rocking chair which was close to the bed.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," Lee said as he walked up to me and knelt as he met my eyes.

"You will make a great Mom."