
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 20: Staying Sane

5:00 PM


Mr Lawrence Romano AKA my father-in-law wanted to meet me. I honestly didn't know how to react. My "fiancé" Lee didn't share too many details on what to expect.

Liam: I am going to my room.

Me: Oh, okay.

Lee: Make sure to be out when Grandpa arrives.

Liam: Okay.

Liam left, leaving us alone once more. I know this is a fake engagement, but I didn't expect to put my drama skills on quickly.

Me: Lee, tell me.

Lee: Yeah?

Me: Why are horrible at informing people? You brought me here and now I have dinner with your dad… I don't even know what to expect!

Lee: Calm down, okay? He is not going to bite.

Me: That doesn't answer my question.

Lee: Look, he may ask about your life, work… things like that. He can be insensitive to one's feelings, if I may warn you.

Me: Thanks… I thought you were going to sugarcoat things.

Lee face-palmed himself before he got annoyed.

Lee: Just stick to acting and leave things that are not part of business alone.

He was back to his cold self.

As if he could be different.

Me: Sorry. Will not happen again.

Lee: Good. Keep your act convincible and who knows? Maybe the deal might end more quickly than imagined.

Right… for the deal – business is all that comes to mind.

My job is simple: Don't fall in love with him. Lee Romano.

Me: That would be really great. But what do mean, by "keep your act convincible?" It's real enough, don't you think?

Lee: It could be short of a few things.

Me: As if yours is any better… rich kid.

Lee: Mine is better in many ways klutz girl. But it is short of affection.

Me: Context?

Lee: Do I have to explain everything to you?

Me: I am a klutz girl who came from an average family.

Lee: (sighs) We need to make it real, so when my dad is here, display more affection.

Me: Um, no. Sitting next to you is just enough. Besides, you said you hate such a display of affection… "Mr Love is a waste of time."

Lee: I am referencing back to your rules, I quote from memory, "Rule X: Pretend to be in love with me."

Me: Yes, in public! We are not eating out! Or are we?

Lee: My dad likes home-cooked meals, so not today… But still, those are your words, klutz.

Me: I am not a klutz! That was a one-time incident. Back to the topic, it's not happening.

Lee: Mi casa su casa. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.

Me: I never asked you to scratch my back. Be grateful it's one-sided Romano.

Lee: Be careful of your tongue Liana.

Me: Or what? Find a replacement?

Lee only laughed at my words.

Me: It's not funny Lee!

I looked at Lee, who was seated across me.

Me: But I will do it.

Lee: Now you are talking.

Me: I am not doing it for you Mister! I am doing it so that people don't pity me for being in a loveless relationship… it's bad enough with you being cold to me indoors.

Lee couldn't hear my last comment… glad he didn't but it was the truth. Lee being hot and cold got on my nerves, but now when he says he wants us to keep it professional, that is music to my ears and heart.


Lee: Okay… if that's your reason.

Me: Oh come on!

Lee looked at me.

Me: You don't have to dramatize it like you feel pained by my words! I see your drama skills… no need to throw it in my face.

Lee: There are 40 minutes left before he comes home, you can freshen up… please dress appropriately.

I so felt like screaming in his ears… what does he think I am? A girl with no brain to discern what occasion needs what kind of outfit?!

I walked away and went into my room.


5:25 P.M

I freshened up and went into my closet.

Meeting Mr. Lawrence Romano is not easy… he sounds intimidating judging from how Lee described him. He also wanted his son to get married ASAP, leading me to where I am right now… a cold-hearted 25-year-old workaholic.

I lined the dress options on my bed and inspected them closely, keeping Lee's words in mind.

What's his voice doing in my head?

Me: Dress appropriately, what does he think I am? A robot?

Lee: Even robots can be smart despite their thinking capability being programmed.

I looked behind me to see Lee leaning on my door.

Me: Don't you know the saying, or rather instruction, "knock before you enter?"

Lee: No, it doesn't ring a bell. Anyway, how is the outfit choice going?

Me: What do you think?

Lee: That you need the help of a professional.

Me: I don't need your help… Mr. professional.

Lee: Cut it out klutz girl.

He came inside my room and closed the door behind him.

Me: I hate you---

Lee: And I hate you more.

He looked at my dresses and nodded.

Me: You don't have to insult my dresses in your heart, say it out loud.

Lee: Why do you always think that I am insulting you?

Me: Lee Romano. You are cold towards me, what must I think?

Lee: Don't judge a book by its cover klutz.

I glared at him.

Lee: Your outfits look average, so tomorrow we will go shopping.

Me: Do I look like I am complaining?

Lee: Yeah, you are screaming for help, so let me help you.

I facepalmed my face. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or do both.

Me: Okay rich kid, since you are professional at these things and my clothing is average, why don't you take over?

Lee went over to his room and bought a dress that looked silver in color.

Lee: (handing the dress over) Here. Try this.

Me: Thanks.

I went to change but instead of standing in front of him, I opened the balcony door and stood there.

Lee: Why go that far to---

Lee stopped in his words.

Me: What? Does it look bad? You don't have to be shy.

Me: As much as I am fierce, you can be open with me. I can---

Lee cupped my face in his hands.

Me: What are you doing?

Lee: It looks perfect.

Our eyes meet. It felt as if time froze. I wish I could enjoy this moment…

If only it was built on real love.

Me: Um, you can let go now.

Lee: Sorry. You look great. (looking at the time) There are 15 minutes left.

Me: That quick?!

I felt my stomach turn into knots. I felt vulnerable. Unlike at home where I had Zi, Zane, and Ali as backup, I felt alone. Like I was thrown to wolves.

Having three boys (excluding Ace) in one house feels intimidating:

Lee Romano

Liam Romano

And Lawrence Romano

Will I make it out alive without getting burnt?