
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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Chapter 18: Dad?!

I open the door to find:


Me: L-Lee?!

Lee: Oh wow - you didn't have to miss me that much.

Me: As if! What are YOU doing here?

Lee: To pick you up. 

Ziana: Oh come on Liana! Just let them in!

Me: Sorry... come on in.

I let them inside. I saw Lee Romano look around the house.

Was he inspecting?

Lee: Your house... doesn't look too bad - it's pretty average.

Me: Pretty average? Should I take that as an insult?

Lee: No - as an honest review.

I felt hot with anger. 

Did he come all this way to insult our house?!

Me: How may I help you Lee Romano?

Lee: You haven't dressed up yet?

Me: Dressed up for what? If you have working eyes Romano, you will see I am from bed.

Lee: You have 30 minutes to get ready and have everything packed.

Me: Packed for what? Lee you are getting on my nerves.

He came closer to my face.

Lee: Expect me to be on your nerves because you are coming to stay with me - you are my fiancee remember?

I opened my eyes wide.

Was this happening? This was all too soon!

Me: We haven't gotten married yet... sir.

Lee: Well we will be soon.

I glared at him.

Lee looks at Zane, Alicia, and Ziana.

Lee: Are they your... siblings?

Me: What did you think Lee?

Lee: I was just checking.

Lee goes to greet Zane, who seems happy seeing Lee. Ziana tried not to fangirl, and Alicia looked at him skeptically.

Please don't do that Alicia...

Me: Do you want something to drink, Lee, Ace?

Ace: No thanks.

Lee: I am good thank you.

Ziana: We will give you some space.

Lee: No need. I was just here to pick Liana up. My father wants to meet her.

Ziana and Alicia: Wow!

Me: What?! Today?!

Lee: What were you expecting? Next month?

Me: Of course not! I am not even dressed yet! Let alone pack my things yet!

Alicia: Mr Lee.

Lee: Oh please call me brother. You are my sister-in-law, right?

Alicia: Indeed.

Ziana: Brother, please don't worry about Liana - it's the first time she is going to be in a relationship, let alone marriage, her bags will be ready in 30 minutes.

Lee and Ace smiled at Ziana and Alicia.

Lee: Really?

Ziana: All will be taken care of.

Me: Girls! That was not part of the plan! 

Lee: You have...(looking at his watch) 30 minutes until we will for the villa.

I walked to Lee.

Me: Rich or not, I want to keep my independence.

Lee came closer to me.

Lee: I never said I was taking it away.

Lee's voice grew soft as he whispered to me.

Lee: (whispers) If we want our story to sell, we need to act the part, don't you think?

Me: I hate you.

Lee: I hate you more.

Ziana and Alicia dragged me away to get ready while Zane and Lee had a serious conversation. I loved how Zane always stood up for me, although these two silly sisters of mine were over the moon about things.


Me: You shouldn't have thrown me out of the bus!

Ziana: Tell us, how would you have run away from the situation? His dad wants to meet you.

Me: And interrogate me, yeah!

Alicia: We are sorry, but there is no turning back from this. All we can do is to play the part well. You are not losing us.

Me: Yes I am because I won't be able to see your faces everyday.

Alicia: Aw, well try not to miss us too much okay?

Ziana: Yeah, I am sure you can visit us on the weekends. Now get ready! I know exactly what you are going to wear!

Me: You two are super mean.

Alicia: Yeah, we know.


My bags were already inside the car, thanks to Alicia and Ziana. Zane looked happy but also a bit sad. 

Is my moving out of the house saddening him?

I say my last goodbyes to Alicia, Ziana, and Zane.

Me: I will miss you guys.

Zane: I will miss you more little sis.

Me: We were born on the same day.

Zane: But I was born an hour earlier... but still - I will miss you, little sis.

Me: I will miss you too big brother.

Lee: There won't be a need.

Me: Lee, don't you see I am---

Lee: They can visit anytime they want to, I mean it would be nice to see the city view from a different perspective, right?

The three of them looked at each other.

What have you set me up for Lee Romano?!

Zane: Bye!

Ziana: You will visit us when you have some time then. Bye!

Me: You won't be---

Alicia: You are not moving out of the country, so we won't be missing you too much.

Me: Okay... bye!

It feels sad despite that though.

We went into the car, to which Lee Romano was behind the wheel while I sat on the passenger seat next to him and Ace seated behind us.

Me: Just what are you up to?

Lee: I don't follow Liana.

Me: You literally turned my family against me! Follow that! Just, what are you trying to achieve in doing so?!

Lee: I am forming a relationship with your family, sad I couldn't meet your parents.

Me: They are on vacation, they will be back in 2 months.

Lee: Nice. Speaking of which...

Me: Yeah?

Lee: Your house... looked average.

Me: Just keep quiet Lee Romano! As if your villa has the potential to satisfy all my needs. My "average" home just had what I needed to make it the perfect home and has made me the woman I am today, thank you.

Lee: I never asked anything.

Me: And I never asked for your input on my family's house.

It's going to be a looong way to go.



I stepped out of the car to see a fancy sports car on the driveway and a huge villa in front of me. I opened my mouth wide in shock of what I was seeing. The view was breathtaking. It was as if it came from a fantasy book!

Although it is way too big for two guys and an elderly man.

Although I was not pleased with moving in as of yet, I had to meet Lee's dad and I had to play my part as perfectly as I can.

Lee came and stood next to me.

Lee: Loving the view already?

Me: As if - it's just that it is too big for two boys and your father.

Lee: How sure are you that there's no one else staying here?

Me: Oh? There are others?

Lee: No. Come on in, we need to get you settled.

Me: Let me get my---

Lee: Ace has taken care of that. Come inside.

I walked inside the villa and even though I didn't want to admit, the villa looked as amazing as on the outside – I didn't mind seeing such houses on TV but living in one feels like a dream – a dream I never had and wanted.

Lee: So, how is it?

Me: Yeah. It's fancy.

Lee: Admit it, you love this place.

Me: This is not my kind of life, so I can't admit to a life I never wanted.

Lee: Anyway, my father is in town and he will be back before---

Lee got interrupted by a phone call.

Lee: It's my dad. I will be right back.

Me: Take your time.

I was left with Ace.

Ace: Liana, I took your bags to your room. It is upstairs, the second door on your left.

Me: Oh, thanks, Ace.

Ace: Liana, you know, once you get to know Lee, you will see he is not a bad guy. He may look tough on the outside, but he is soft inside. Give it some time okay?

Me: Well, it's my first time being with a guy, let alone getting married so it feels a bit overwhelming but I am okay, thanks for the advice, I will try to keep it.

Ace: Sure, so you really haven't had a romance before?

Me: No. Found it as a waste of time.

Ace muttered to himself but I could hear what he was saying, but then I decided to pretend I didn't hear a word.

Ace: (mutters to himself) You and Lee really are alike…

Me? Like Lee? Alike? I don't see us sharing interests AT ALL…

Me: Were you saying something?

Ace: No, it's nothing. Lee's coming back, I will see you later.

Me: Bye Ace.

Ace: Bye Liana.

Ace left and Lee came back.

Lee: What was Ace saying to you?

Me: Why do you ask?

Lee: Out of curiosity.

Me: Oh my! The Great Lee Romano is curious about conversations. Wow! You deserve a noble prize!

Lee walked to me and held my chin to meet his gaze with mine.

Lee: Lee Romano doesn't care about what you talk about but with our contract in mind, you need to follow some rules.

Me: Rules?

He let go of my chin and gestures me to sit across him in the living room.

Me: What rules?

Lee: Firstly, do not talk to other men.

Me: Easy. Move on.

Lee: You sound like you have no connection with men.

Me: Because I don't.

Lee: The only person you can have around you in public apart from me is Ace.

Me: Okay. Oh, and don't worry – Ace was just telling me how much of a nice man you are.

Lee smirked at me.

Lee: Who said I was worried?

Me: You sounded worried.

Lee: Ha, you really are energetic, aren't you?

Me: What is that supposed to mean?

Lee: Moving on---

Lee ignored me, once more. Could he get any worse by the minute?!

Lee: Secondly, do not pry on my private life. Your life is yours and mine is mine. Remember that.

Me: Got it.

Lee: Thirdly, do not fall in love with me.

After months of acting, he thinks no girl would fall for him?!

As if I would though…

Me: With pleasure.

It felt a bit painful though – I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH LEE ROMANO!

Lee: Great.

Me: But don't think you only make the rules sir. I have some of my own.

Lee: Look at you being very professional, I must say, it's quite impressive seeing it come from a klutz girl.

Me: Romano, don't try me.

Lee: Expect more to come – not my words.

Me: (rolling my eyes) Anyway, here are my rules.

Lee: Take it away.

Me: First, as much as we both hate each other, when we are together, you must pretend to be in love with me.

Lee: Really?

Me: Yes Mr. Drama boy, don't you know the saying, "Do it for the plot?"

Lee: As much as I hate it, fine I will do it.

Me: Don't worry, you will grow to hate it even more but end up loving it instead. Secondly, I can visit my family anytime I want.

Lee: Not possible. Since you are my fiancée, paparazzi will be after you each day – your family wouldn't want to see their faces on the newspaper right?

Me: And who said I am happy to see mine there?

Lee: You will grow to hate it to love it.

Why does he like turning my words against me?

Me: Thirdly…

Lee: Yeah?

Me: Don't take marriage lightly. It's a serious responsibility.

Lee: Should I take advice from a girl who knows nothing about relationships?

Me: Yes, take it from the klutz girl. I may know nothing about being in a relationship, but I know how important it needs to be taken – seems like the rich kid knows nothing about relationships huh?

Lee: Don't push it.

Me: You started it.

This game of chess will be a fun one to play.

Me: Anyway, that's all from my side. Anything else you need me to know?

Lee: One more thing---

I heard a young boy stepping into the house and walking over to Lee. Lee gently picked him up as I looked at him, shocked by what I am seeing.

Me: Lee, is this---

The boy spoke up before me. He looked at me suspiciously before turning back to Lee.

Boy: Dad, who is she?