
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 16: Bombarded Liana

I jumped into the car's back seat and rested my head on the window.

Ace: Why are you seated at the back?

Me: Just being respectful.

Ace: I promise, I won't bite.

Me: I know, I feel comfortable here.

Ace: Okay, suit yourself.

Ace started the car, and the Estate grew smaller with every move.

Me: I feel like running away.

Ace: Because of marrying Lee Romano?

Me: Just everything. The uncle and aunt I trusted betrayed me by recommending me to Lee to repay the favor, everything has a catch to it, so I can't escape...

Ace: I understand. Well, I can't say I have been in your situation before but one thing I can tell you is that Lee Romano is a great guy to be around once you get to know him. Give it some time.

Me: Since it comes from his sworn brother, I will take your word for it. Thanks, Ace.

Ace: Anytime.

He dropped me at the front gate of the house.

Ace: Will you be okay from here?

Me: I am basically home Ace. I will be fine.

Ace: If you say so... Lee Romano wouldn't want his fiancee getting hurt.

Me: Ace...

Ace: Fine, I will go. See you soon.

Me: Bye Ace.

Wait, he just said, "See you soon." What did he mean?

Me: Wait, Ace---

Ace was long gone. 

I turned my back from the road and went inside the house. I was welcomed by Dad, Zane, Ziana, and Alicia looking at me.

Me: Guys, your stares are pretty painful.

Zane: You didn't tell us you were getting married to Lee Romano.

Me: Dad, Aunt Hailey, and Uncle Henry arranged my marriage! It wasn't my decision. As you saw, I was ambushed!

Alicia: Aunt Hailey and Uncle Henry? Why?

Me: They... thought they would get me away from the pressure of getting married, so Lee Romano asked them to look for a spouse and here I am. Where's Mom?

bed. She is devasted. Wait what?!

Me: Dad, I am not dying. Hm?

Dad: Hailey and Henry... arranged your marriage? To take the pressure of marriage away from you?

Me: Yeah, when they no longer wanted to have dealings with the Raynolds, they asked Lee for help, which in turn, asked them to help out with finding him a spouse. Here I am! Besides, it's not like I am dying... at least.

Dad: Yeah, but you are marrying into the Romano Family! You are going to deal with the life of the paparazzi, and the media and we are part of it too. You think it's fun?

I folded my arms and looked at everyone.

Me: Of course not Dad.

Dad: Then cancel the wedding.

Me: How? It was broadcast to the entire country!

Dad: If you have nothing to lose, cancel the wedding.

I stood in front of my Dad silently. Mom came downstairs with her bag and was at the door.

Me: Mom? Hi.

Mom: Liana, what happened?

If only they knew how much pressure I was facing because of keeping this a secret.

Me: My marriage was arranged by Aunt Hails and Uncle Hen.

Mom: Where are they?

Me: In the Romano Estate... Mom, what are you planning to do?

I walk to Mom, who was just about to open the door... to give her brother a piece of her mind.

Me: It's okay Mom.

Mom: W-What do you mean, it's okay?

Me: Let me do this.

Dad: You sure about that Liana? Marriage is permanent.

Me: I know, and let me try it out. 

Ziana: Lee is my brother-in-law - this couldn't be a much more happy moment than this.

Me: As always Ziana.

Dad: Okay. I am still not happy.

Mom: Yeah.

Me: Mom, Dad. I know you are worried about me, and I love you both for that. I know I am entering into a loveless marriage, but don't worry - I will make the best of it. 

Mom: How?

Me: Learn more about him.

Mom: Honey, I hope you are not doing this---

Me: Because of his money? No way Mom. I just want to try it out.

And get out of it ASAP...

Dad: Okay. If you are happy, we are happy. Are you really sure that you are okay Liana?

I couldn't tell my Dad or anyone else that this was a contract marriage that would break once Lee had accomplished his goal. I get the package while he moves on with his life... I feel like I am nothing at this rate...

Me: (smiling) I am good Dad. I will be okay.

Well, I hope...

Mom and Dad hugged me, and soon, everyone was joining in the hug. 

Mom: Okay then, we will be going back.

Us: Now?!

Dad: Yeah, we thought you all were in trouble in connection with Liana so we came prepared to state our case.


Me: What is up with the uni---

Zane elbows my arm.

Me: You see Mom and Dad? Your kids are perfectly fine under my care. They love me, and I love them. My marriage with Lee won't interrupt our family life, I promise.

The rest nod their heads.

Mom: If you all say so, anyway, our flight is waiting, see you kids---

Dad: Maybe after another 2 months.

Ziana: Take all the time you need guys. We love you very much and don't miss your flight.

Mom and Dad left the house for the airport.

Me: Who thought that Mom and Dad would have been able to travel at night?

Zane took my hand and sat me on the couch. They all came and sat around me.

Zane: Liana... Twin, what actually happened? How did you win Lee Romano's heart?

Ziana: That's my question Zane, but yeah. Spill the tea!

Alicia: Yeah.

Me: Okay, okay! But promise not to tell Mom and Dad anytime soon.

Zane: Okay.

Me: Promise me.

Ziana: You got my word.

Alicia: Okay, we promise.

Me: Aunt Hailey and Uncle Henry sold me to Lee.

Zane: W-What do you mean sold?

Me: They had a favor they asked Lee while they were still in North Cybric and Lee helped them, so Lee asked them a favor to help him look for a fake fiancee and I was "recommended."

Alicia: Your life is about to become like a telenovela.

Me: Tell me about it Ali. I am very upset right now.

Ziana: But Lee... is going to be our brother-in-law?! I wonder if he has any siblings?

Me: Ziana! Anyway, Ace, the friend AKA sworn brother, told me he would see me soon. 

Alicia: Um, Liana. How old is the Ace guy?

Me: Way older than you Alicia.

Alicia: Stop being a mood killer! But at this rate, I hate Aunt and Uncle.

Zane: I am also not happy with what our aunt and uncle did to you... but are you sure you are going to be okay?

Me: I will be okay. I will keep my distance from Lee Romano, besides it is only a contract.

I hugged my siblings tightly.

Me: Don't worry about me guys. I will be okay.

Zane: We know. You are a strong, fierce twin of mine, a sister of ours. 

Alicia: Yeah, I am not fazed. You will do great in marriage as well.

Me: Yeah, if it was built in love.

Alicia and Ziana look at each other smiling.

Me: Girls, you know I don't like being kept in the---

I got a call from an unknown number.

Ziana: Answer it.

Me: Okay.

---ON A CALL---

Me: Hello?

Lee: Liana. It's me, Lee.

Oh right... it has to be Lee Romano...

Me: Oh Lee, hey. Are you okay?

Lee: Stop asking questions, okay?

I felt like throwing away my phone. 

I hate you, Lee.

The girls squealed.

Me: Okay Mr. Grumpy guy, what can I help you with?

Lee: Anyway, my Dad wants to meet with you.

Me: Okay. When?

Lee: I will tell you the details as soon as he tells me.

Me: Okay.

Lee: By the way, Liana.

Me: Yeah?

Lee: You did okay with your act on stage back there.


Me: I did okay? I am a natural in acting but you ambushed me - so don't insult me.

I could hear Ziana squealing even louder.

If only she could know what I am dealing with right now...

Lee: Speaks the klutz girl.

Me: Would you keep silent?!

Lee: Good night klutz girl, don't dream about me tonight okay?

Me: Ha! As if! You don't even exist in my dreams, let alone my memories.


Lee dropped the call.

Me: He is so rude!

Ziana: Don't worry, that will change soon.

Me: He seems hopeless.

Ziana: Don't judge a book by its cover!

Me: I can see you are enjoying this Ziana. Anyway, he said his Dad wants to meet me and he will share the details with me soon.

Zane: Oooh...

Me: Ha! 

Alicia: You will do great. We are right behind you sis!

Me: Thanks, guys. (yawns) Anyway, let me get ready for bed. Good night guys.

Them: Night Liana!

My sillies...