
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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Chapter 15: Backstabbed

Lee Romano: A capable woman who has proven herself to me and has won my heart.

Everyone: Aw!

Everyone was so amazed that they all clapped hands. We then walked away from the crowd and I was led to the basement under the Estate, where more bodyguards were standing outside the door. Lee then let go of my hand.


Lee was super collected as he leaned against a pool table.

Lee: My apologies. Do you have any questions?


Lee: Listen, I don't have all night to answer all your questions, so jump straight into them.

Me: Didn't you hear a word I said Lee Romano?! I SAID I DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN.

I then tried calming myself down.

Me: First, what's your agenda for all this?

Lee: Okay. Do you want to know that first? Don't you want to know the rewards of doing this?

Me: Get to the point Lee.

Lee: My father, Lawrence Romano, has been bickering about me being 25 years old and without a fiancee. 

Me: Oh - so you want a fake fiancee to lie to your father that you have changed your mind and that you are better able to take care of the company?

He smiled at me.

Lee: Smart girl. So you have a brain?

Me: Don't insult me. Anyway, couldn't you do this with someone you actually like?

Lee: I don't have time to love a woman - it's a waste of energy.

Me: And don't you think it's already a waste of time faking to love a woman?

Lee: Why are you acting all innocent?

Me: What do you mean?

This man is the rudest I have met.

Lee walked up to me.

Lee: I know you were also having a rough time at work. Being pressured to date and get married...

I opened my eyes in shock but quickly returned to my calm expression.

Me: And how did you know?

Lee: A little coupling told me about you.

Me: And you did what? Go with the flow?

Lee: Got a problem?

Me: Yeah - why me?

Lee looked at me in the eye.

Lee: Because you were the best among the women in the room.

Me: Um - Lee Romano, listen up. There are so many women dying to be your fiancee. I made a vow for myself that I won't get married - and YOU are destroying it. 

Lee: What's bad about breaking such a vow? I made a vow regarding the same thing and look at where I am.

Me: That's you Romano. I am me - Liana Rodriguez. I am known for not breaking my vows and here you are purposely breaking them for me.

Lee: Don't you think I deserve a 'thank you?'

Me: And don't you think you deserve a slap?

Lee: On my face?

Me: You heard me.

Lee: You might want to reconsider.

Me: ....

Lee: Let me give you background info. This coupling asked for a favor, and we helped them out. I in turn asked for a favor and they recommended you.

Me: Recommended me...

Lee: Come on in!

There I saw Aunt Hailey and Uncle Henry come through the door.

I stood with my mouth open.

Me: Aunt Hailey... Uncle Henry...?

Lee: Shocked?

Aunt Hailey: Liana!

She came forward to hug me, and I stood back.

Uncle Henry: We can explain---

Me: Just keep quiet.

I looked at Lee.

Me: Lee?

Lee: Yeah?

I whispered to Lee's ear:

Me: Do you have something strong?

Lee: A drink?

Me: Nevermind.

Aunt Hailey: What's happening?

Me: You will see it in due time.

I searched the room to find nothing.

Henry: Calm down Liana---

Me: Oh yeah? I must calm down after what you did to me. You thought my life could repay your debt?!

Henry: You are safe in Romano's hands...

I walked around back and forth in the room, pinching my nose and shaking my head. When Lee realized what I was about to do, he wrapped me in a tight hug and whispered in my ear:

Lee: Were you planning on doing that?

Me: Yes - maybe I might have felt better afterward.

Lee: Ooh... I never knew my fiancee was this fierce.

Me: As for you Romano, I will show you explosions. Don't push me.

For some reason, he managed to calm me down and I let go of my anger.

Me: And tell me Uncle Henry, Aunt Hailey, what made you choose me? 

Henry: We asked for a favor from Lee Romano, and he helped us - you see, the Raynolds asked us to sabotage the Romano's business but Hailey and I refused, so Lee agreed to help us only if we would fulfill his favor. He wanted 3 million Cybric Notes and we were financially broke at that time, so...

Aunt Hailey: So, when we heard he was looking for someone to pose as his fiancee, we recommended you to pay our debt off.

Me: Wow! Thank you so much for being selfish.

Aunt Hailey fell silent.

Henry: I wouldn't have done so if you were going to be in danger.

Me: Yes, thank you so much Uncle for successfully ruining my life.

Hailey: But we helped you silence those Riana people at work.

Me: Yes, Riana was a pain, but I never asked for help. I was just venting it out--- let me guess, Alicia told you?

Henry: Well...

Me: Get to the point.

Henry: Yes.

Me: I was handling it well Uncle Henry, what part of handling it well didn't you understand?

Henry: Well, I guess I took things the other way, but---

Me: No buts Uncle! You ruined my life! My everything. And I must what? Thank you.

Henry: Liana, look. This is a great opportunity for you and your uncle and aunt wanted to ease you from the pressure of marriage.

Me: Yeah, by throwing me into a loveless marriage?

Henry: Okay, yeah but look at it on the bright side!

Me: What bright side uncle, what bright side?!

Lee: You might want to listen to the reward for doing this.

Me: I am listening.

Lee: If you pull this off without anyone suspecting our relationship, you will be 10 times richer than anyone in Cybric. 

Me: Ten times richer?

Lee: I can make it infinity if you want.

Me: Please, as if knowing the reward will make me stay.

Henry: Please Liana. Please do this for us.

Me: Okay. I have an idea. Let Aunt Hailey marry Lee instead. I am going out.

Uncle Henry stood in front of me.

Me: Move out of the way.

Lee: Look, if you are worried about paparazzi, I have Ace to back you up. Your family will be protected from now on.

Me: I never asked you to do that.

Lee: I have to do it for the sake of the act.

Me: Who said I agreed?

Lee: The ring on your finger.

Me: I was ambushed! Besides I didn't want to embarrass the rich kid.

Lee: Hey! I am no rich kid. I worked hard to get to where I am.

Me: Geez! Stop getting all worked up! It was just a sarcastic joke.

The quicker I play this act, the quicker I get back to my normal life.

Me: (sighs) Fine! I will pose as your fiancee.

Uncle Henry: Thank you---

Me: It's not for you though. Although I am paying for your debt.

Henry: Okay.

Me: Backstabbers.

Uncle Henry then kept quiet.

Lee: Ace will escort you home. Come on in Ace!

Ace then came in. I was not surprised by it because it was obvious that Ace and Lee had dealings with each other.

Ace: Liana! We meet again.

Me: Yep.

Lee: He will be your personal bodyguard from now on.

Me: What's with the crazy security, it's not like I am going to die on my way home.

Lee: We need to take safety measures. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt.

I don't know if he was being genuine about my safety or if this was just an act.

Me: Okay... Mr. Safety Measures... I will be on my way then.

Lee: Don't call me that.

Me: You might as well get used to it. Expect a new nickname soon.

Lee smirked at me.

Lee: Okay - see you then... klutz girl.

Me: Excuse me?!

Lee: Get ready for some new nicknames soon... not my words, yours.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Me: Whatever.

Ace and I went out of the Estate and into a tinted SUV car. 

My crazy life begins now...