
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 12: The Meeting

Great... just great.

My aunt and uncle have left me in the lion's den - I don't even know how to go about from here! They are so going to listen to my complaints after this.

Seeing the crowd was already a chokehold, having to pass through them was another. As I excused myself from the crowd of people, I went to find a quiet seat while I looked at the crowd.

Before I knew it, I met Riana, Jonathan, and my colleagues simultaneously! Riana was shocked at my gown, while the rest were amazed and in awe of my outfit.

Riana came forward to me.

Riana: Oh my, Liana! I never knew you would dress this way!

Me: You never asked! You look stunning by the way.

Kayla: Wow - after Riana's brutality, you still compliment her. You are a sweet, kind person Liana.

Kayla's words shocked me. Well, I did know I was a kind person (with sarcasm sometimes) but hearing Riana's best friend say that to me... WOW!

Me: Thank you, Kayla. You are the kind one here.

Riana: Well, we need to go, so see ya.

Me: Bye Riana.

Kayla: Bye Liana.

Me: Bye Kayla.

They walked away. I then caught sight of Jonathan and Nathan. As I locked eyes with the both of them, they walked towards me.

Jonathan and Nathan: Woah...

Me: What's wrong... guys?

Jonathan: Nothing... you just look...

Nathan: Stunning!

I don't know how to respond to this...

Me: Thank you for your compliments... you both look sharp!

It's an average answer, right?

Jonathan: Do you want to join us? 

Nathan: Yeah, the entire team will be over there.

Nathan points over to where Riana and the rest are standing.

Me: I will pass, besides I am looking for a few people.

Jonathan: Oh? Do you know someone?

Me: No, I am looking for my aunt and uncle - they ditched me the moment we entered. 

Nathan: Don't worry, you will find them.

Jonathan: Well, if you need us, you know where to find us.

Me: Thanks.

Nathan and Jonathan left to join the rest of the team.


As I carried on excusing myself:

Woman 1: Watch it!

Me: I am so sorry!

Man 1: You nearly tripped me!

Me: I am very sorry! Please excuse me.

Woman 2: Hey! Do you know how much this dress cost me?! It's half your life!

Like I care!

Me: I am truly sorry, ma'am. Please excuse me.

As if that was not enough, I tripped on my foot, causing me to fall facewards.

"Cross my heart, and hope to die," is what said right?

I brace for impact but nothing comes. Until I felt big, strong hands grabbing me.

I looked up to see the most handsome man in the history of man!

He was tall, almost my height, handsome, with black, silky hair and eyes - he was the man of my dreams!

Once I regained my composure, I decided to thank him for catching me on time.

Me: Thank you so much for your help!

To my dismay...

Lee Romano: What a klutz...

The world?!

I snapped back at him.

Me: Excuse me?!

Lee Romano: I hate girls who are all beautiful but have no brains.

His cuteness diminished by the second - no, millisecond. In my 25 years of existence, no man has ever heard the nerve to tell me such words. Who does this rich guy think he is?! 

Me: Listen here, pretty boy. I don't care if you are rich or what but no man in my 25 years of existence has ever spoken to me with the disrespect you gave me. If you were never taught manners, how about you take your millions of cash and enroll at a school for mannerisms because it seems you deleted the file in your brain?!

Cheerful man: Woah! She surely got you there!

I looked to see a cheerful man standing alongside the rude man. 

How is he kind and gentlemanly, unlike his friend?

Cheerful man: Forgive me miss, on behalf of my friend here - he is clueless about women, so take me as his mentor. My name is Ace.

Me: Oh, nice to meet you, Ace, please revise with your friend... some mannerisms, because he seems to be lacking in that - a man with good looks yet awful mannerisms... what a shame.

Ace's aggressive friend was fuming. He deserved it.

Ace: My apologies. I really should revise with him because he is doing it all wrong. Does your name miss?

Me: I am Liana. Liana Rodriguez.

Ace: Nice to meet you, Miss.

No need for the title Ace...

Ace: Lee. We went through this man. In a scenario like this, you need to check if she's alright and get to know her better.

Like I am interested in knowing him better...

Lee: Fine. Are you hurt, Liana?

With his cold expression, it doesn't feel genuine at all... rich snob.

Me: I only tripped.

Lee Romano: Yes, and you could have died.

Me: I am alive, am I not?

Ace facepalmed his face and looked at his friend in disappointment.

Ace: You suck at this.

Lee Romano: If I suck at it, let's just drop this conversation.

Me: Yeah - let's drop it.

Lee Romano: Glad we both agree on something.

He walks away, leaving Ace and I together.

Ace: I truly apologize for my friend's behavior. It's been a while since he has been around women. But once you get to know Lee, you will realize he is not a bad, aggressive person.

Wait, WHAT?!


Too bad he is extremely handsome but awful in manners - what a shame... I wonder how is his fiancee keeping up with a man like him.

Me: So, that's Lee Romano, huh?

Ace: In the flesh.

Me: So then why should I be concerned about knowing him better?

Ace skipped my question and changed the subject.

Ace: You look stunning.

Stunned, I looked at him speechless.

Me: Ha... thanks.

Ace: You don't seem to be familiar with events like these, am I right?

Me: Completely... my aunt and uncle lured me to come along but as it is, they are nowhere in sight.

Ace: I am sure they are fine... we never had any disappearances in the past couple of years.

Me: This is basically tradition?

Ace: You can call it that.

Lee came towards us.

Lee Romano: Ace. We need to attend to some matters.

Ace: Guess that is my queue to leave... please enjoy yourself, okay?

Me: Guess so?

Lee and I's eyes locked on each other. He looked like he wanted to say something to me but decided to put it on hold.

Still trying to wrap my head against my awful meeting with the so-called Lee Romano, to my surprise, I met...