
One's Boundaries

She is the sunshine. He is the darkness. Liana Rodriguez enjoys her normal life of work and family, but also her hacking hobby from time to time. But her entire life comes crashing down when the most prominent man of South Cybric, Lee Romano embarks on a search for a fiancee and Liana happens to be the one when she attends the dinner party in South Cybric's fanciest of places - to which her Aunt lured her to go. What happens when she gets bombed by the news? How will her new marriage life with Lee be? Read along as Liana and Lee get to know each other and learn to overcome their differences!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 1 - Work

07:00 a.m

Me: Bye guys, see you later!

Zane: Okei dok!

Ziana: Bye sis!

Alicia: See you later.

I left for the door. Another typical routine of home and work. I was not complaining about my life, don't get me wrong. I was living the best life I could. 

I jumped into my car and drove to work, munching on a glazed donut I packed for myself today while I patiently sat in traffic. Luckily for some reason, I woke up early for work so I don't mind the traffic taking 10 minutes to open up. 

I played some of the hip-hop beats that I made with Zi, Zane, and Alicia. No, I am not a musician but I do like creating beats for fun. Enough about that though...

Welcome to the life of Liana Rodriguez. I am a 25-year-old who has a job in South Cybric's Biggest Cybersecurity Company. My job? To hack into the accounts of big businesses to check their security and if their cybersecurity needs any enhancements or improvements. 

I learned how to hack and create malware (another word for a computer virus) at the age of 15. I then conducted lessons for cybersecurity from 17 years up until 19 years of age. I was then invited to a job interview at the South Cybric Cybersecurity Company at 20 years and since then, I have been working there.

I can rant about my life story forever... but back to reality:

I am still stuck in traffic. 10 minutes have already elapsed but with no movement. It is as if life has been put on a standstill.

I looked at the time on my watch:

07:40 a.m

Great I still have 20 minutes to spare before I am marked late. Why does work feel like school sometimes? You get warned up to 3 times for lateness and fired if you exceed the third warning. I sometimes want to give up on life and just do nothing. 

But what can be done? I have to work to survive.

I looked at my phone on the empty passenger seat next to me to see an incoming call from... an unknown number.

Me: Unknown? Who could be calling me at this time?

---ON A CALL---

Unknown: Hello?

Me: Hello?

Unknown: How are you?

Me: I am good thanks and yourself?

Unknown: Are you saying you don't know who is calling you?! I am so disappointed.

Me: (looking at the caller ID) Um, I recognize the voice but it doesn't tell me who the caller is ---

Wait! Could it be...

Me: Uncle Henry!

Henry: Finally! Sorry for calling with an unknown number, we moved back to South Cybric.

Me: No, that's okay - wait, when you say, "we have moved back," you mean you and Aunt Hailey?!

Henry: Of course! We are incomplete without each other!

Me: Oh wow, I am so happy to hear! Where's Aunt Hailey?

Henry: She is very busy, unpacking and organizing the house.

Me: Okay, please send my regards to her!

Henry: I will. Speaking of which, how is everyone? It's been a while since we spoke.

Me: Mom and Dad are good, they are on a 3-month vacation. Alicia, Ziana, and Zane are good. Alicia, Zane, and I are all working at big companies, while Ziana is on holiday from her first semester of senior year.

Henry: That's my kids! Which one do you all work for?

Me: I work for the SCCC, Zane works for the Aviation Company and Alicia works for the Media.

Henry: You work for the Cybersecurity Company?!

Me: Yes Uncle! That's the one.

Henry: I am so proud of you, Alicia, and Zane! You know what? We should visit you guys!

Me: That sounds like a great plan! I will talk to them and we will let you know.

Henry: Thanks kiddo. So where are you right now?

Me: I am stuck ---

The cars are moving again! The traffic is gone! Let me hit the road.

Me: I was stuck in traffic on my way to work but the traffic has been cleared now.

Henry: Will you get there on time? There are 10 minutes left.

Me: I will, it is a 5-minute drive from where I am so I am good.

Henry: Okay then, that's safe. Enjoy your day and we will talk later okay?

Me: Okay uncle! Thanks for the call!

Henry: You are welcome Lia!

Me: Bye!

Henry: Bye.


That was the longest call I have ever had. But all thanks to it, the traffic opened up in time. It's time to get to work.



At last! I am now at work. All I just want to do is to just get to my desk and stay quiet.

In which my plan failed successfully.

Riana: Hey Lia!

Me: Hey Ria! How are you doing this morning?

Riana: Great and yourself?

Me: Great, thanks.

Riana: You know, Kayla and I would like to invite you to hang out with us, by the cafe on the next street.

Me: You mean the cafe that's a street away from the office?

Riana: Duh!? Of course, that one!

Me: Right - what time?

Kayla: At 7:00 p.m

Me: That's 4 hours after working hours.

Kayla: So?

Me: Isn't that a bit late?

Riana: Geez Lia, you sound like you live under strict rules.

Kayla: You can say that again.

Me: No I don't, I just like keeping safe.

Kayla: So, are you coming or not?

Me: I will have to pass. Sorry.

Nathan: You always pass invitations from us. Sometimes you need to get out and chill you know?

Me: Yeah, but I am more introverted, so home is my comfort place.

Kayla: You know - you never talk to anyone in the office except for us... don't you wish to talk to a guy or something?

Me: No - I am happy with how my life is. But you two can.

Riana: I already have, thank you, and will soon be getting married.

Riana showed us her engagement ring and others from the surrounding desks came to check out Riana's ring.

Kayla: Oooh, congrats girl!

Me: Congrats Ria.

Riana: And everyone will be invited but the sad thing is you need to bring a partner with you.

Nathan, Kayla, and the others surrounding Riana looked at me.

Riana: Unlike a little someone who doesn't like interacting.

Me: No matter what you all say, nothing is going to change my mind, so just accept defeat. Anyway, bye.

I walked away from the crowd until I passed by a woman who was whispering to another woman.

Woman 1: Introverted girl.

I went back to the woman.

Me: Thank you so much. I never knew I was worthy of being gossiped about!

All eyes went to her and her friend while I walked away.

Me: The disadvantages of office jobs... gossip and criticism.

I went over to my desk and sat. 

Me: (sigh) Let me get to work.

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