
Alexander's empire

Alexander was a king of Rome. He was a great soldier also. He was very river harted person . His village name was "woods of Alexander." There was many enemys of Alexander. One of the biggest enemy of Alexander was Baldwin. He was very angry person. He had three sons. After the defet from Alexander, Baldwin decided to rise up his empire. About 1.5 years Baldwin create his army, in his army there was about 2Million soldiers. He made plans to destroy the empire of Alexander.

When he thinks there was a wonderful time to attack on the Alexander's army he attacked on the Alexander's army

Alexander never thought that Baldwin attack again on him.

Alexander doesn't prepared for the war. He had only 1M active soldiers but Baldwin had 2M. But Alexander doesn't give up. He fight and destroys the army of Baldwin but he got very injured. Although he won the battle. But after one month, because of the injury Alexander passed away...