
Once upon a time in my heart

Under the noise of a crowd, he gently kissed her and said before leaving, his last words. "I'll take your heart with me." Even when his rival Mafia had claimed his prize, he was still bent on loving her and under the circumstances, he claimed her mouth in a tender, but all consuming kiss and said, "I'm your first kiss, and I want you to remember the taste of my kiss until the day you die." ________________ Fahsai is heartbroken after her ex boyfriend of ten years cheated on her. Yet he still had the nerve to ask her to take him back so, to avoid him, Fahsai's friend took her to Japan. While she was there, Fahsai was held at gunpoint by a Hong Kong mafia named Daniel Wang. The man was shot and needed a place to stay that night so he ordered Fahsai to take him to the hotel room. She knew nothing about the novice young businessman, the object of desire of many women. Daniel was a handsome devil, he attracted girls like bees to honey but he was one kind of man who didn't get swayed. There was something about Fahsai that Daniel couldn't decipher. The fact that she resembled his first love Botan, the woman he shot after betraying his trust and causing him a lot of pain. Entangled in shackles of romance, reversed harem and fire arms, will their love story have an happy ending??? ---------------------------------- Love is a novel that two people created. And at the end of the story, no matter what happens, once upon a time in their hearts; They've experienced beautiful love!!! Based on a screen Telenovela filmed in Thailand #TdraMa

Pinky_Julie · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Featured in the Magazine

"Hurry up!" Daniel screamed at his men. She kept looking at him and trying to say that she was quite alright, but Daniel was all 'stay still' and tended to her nose.

Fahsai braced herself from his proximity, practically taking big gulps and remembering to breathe.

"Are you hurt?" He asked since she had been holding onto the comforter for her dear life.


"Why's your hand crumpling on to the pillow?" He asked and she let go off the pillow.

"You...go...go wear your shirt first." She said and he smiled fondly at her.

"You have already seen me with my shirt off in Japan." He said.

"Even if I have seen it for a hundred, thousand times, I can't get used to it." She relented.

"Am I that handsome?" He asked, inching closer to her.

"Mmm!" She replied concurring with his remark.

"Are you satisfied?" She asked.

He brushed his hand over her hair with a smile and said, "Satisfied already!"

But that little admission didn't excuse her from explaining why she had come upstairs and the latter asked her about it. Fahsai remembered the forgetful Mrs. Lee and knew what she had to say.

"The bathroom downstairs wasn't functioning well so Mrs. Lee told me to use the one upstairs."

"Mm..hm?" Daniel accepted it for that moment only.

"Can I get a hug?" Fahsai asked Mrs. Lee before leaving.

"She has a good personality." Chern Piu noted, but they just didn't know that she felt bad for using the poor forgetful housekeeper as an excuse. "Her personality is a good fit for the Lady Boss of Mungkorn Thong." Daniel tried not to smile too openly.

"I'll wait for you in the car." Chern Piu bowed before leaving.

Fahsai reached her colleagues at their place, and as always, she had news for them.

"Although I didn't find what I was looking for at Daniel's house, I did learn something new. Daniel has no ill intentions towards Chanming." She told the duo.

"Someone wants the two gangs to misunderstand each other. Have you told Chanming about this yet?" Fai suspected.

"He won't believe me." Fah said.

Nuth tried to interrupt their talk to no avail until Fahsai noticed that she had been pouting.

"Even though both of the Mafias are good looking, they are cruel. I shiver just thinking about it." Nuth admitted and Fai pressed her to divulge what she had learned.

"What if Chern Piu is the person trying to pit both gangs against each other?" Nuth wondered.

"He seems pretty loyal to Daniel." Fahsai said.

That reminded Fai of the two tattoos that she had seen on Piu's body. They then concluded that he was the first suspect.

"Siao Yao will be sent back to HK." One of Khalif's minion reported to Piu.

"It'll certainly make things easier." Chern Piu said.

The following morning at LOLA magazine, Chief tried to sell Daniel on maintaining paperback magazine instead of going digital, as so many of magazines those days.

"I believe it keeps in the tradition that not only people want to read the magazine, they also want to keep it for the sake." The Chief went on and on, which made Daniel grow impatient.

"Stop beating about the bush and get straight to the point. What do you want?" Daniel asked the latter.

"We'd like you to be featured in the magazine." The Chief said.

"Not my style, I have an Officer penning an investigation on me and I doubt readers would want to buy a magazine that features me." He declined outright.

"This is our first draft." The Chief was bummed and let him observe their first draft.

Piu got a text and excused himself, Fai spotted him leaving and tailed after him. He caught her off guard though.

"Why are you following me?" He pressed on.

"I'm not the fearful type okay!" Fai said when he got threateningly close.

"The brave ones die quickly." He argued. In the moment, they were smiling back and forth.

"Help! Someone help!" Fai let out a piercing scream.

"Hush! It doesn't look so great for me." Piu told her.

Daniel peered at his minion like "again dude, wtf?" Piu could only look back at his Boss with resignation. He couldn't handle disappointing the Boss.

"I only went after him so that he could take responsibility over me, but I saw his gun and freaked out, that's why I screamed." Fai lied.

"How do you atone for your mistake?" Daniel asked Piu.

"He should take me home tonight since I have to work late." Fai said.

"Of course, he should." Daniel agreed on his right hand man's behalf.

"I'm not free." He said until he got that "look" from his Boss which boded no argument.

"I want some personal time with Fahsai anyway." Daniel said and the Chief noted the doting look that Daniel sent Fahsai's way. Later, the Chief approached Fahsai.

"I need a small favor from you. I want Daniel on the Magazine. If you could get him to agree, then we'll feature your story." He smiled wryly at her and she just knitted her brows.