
Once Upon a Second Chance

Nick has managed to rid himself of every bit of his past. The crimes, the betrayal, the fire, and the guilt that came with it all. He has a new life now; for years he's been the man he never dreamt he could ever manage to become. He's happy. For as long as she can remember, Olivia's only focus has been to take care of Kimi. That's why when her business, their only source of income, starts facing financial trouble, she decides to take a risk. She lands herself a meeting with a company she never dreamt of working with, but desperate times call for bigger risks. When she arrives at the meeting, she's shocked to find a familiar face there. Someone she not only has a past with but stabbed in the back once upon a time when they were lovers. These two are forced back into their past when their paths cross after over a decade. Old feelings and words left unsaid can no longer be ignored as the two begin to work together. With everything that has already happened and how much they've both changed, it seems impossible they could ever go back to a time when they were happy together. Yet neither can deny what their heart feels when their eyes meet.

KatherineKeyz · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Apple that lingers by the tree

My eyes move from the iPad in my hands and my new secretary arranging water bottles around the wooden rectangular table. Since signing the deal with T&M, I figured it's necessary to hire a new secretary. She's a temp, here on a three months contract. I intend to give her a new, longer one but for now, since I'm aware that I can't pay much, I didn't want to make it difficult for her if she got a better offer somewhere else.

We have a meeting with the marketing team from T&M. I've found it's less nerve wrecking when I'm preparing for it knowing that Nico won't be in attendance. I expected to have to deal with him frequently but it appears he might be too busy for these meetings. As disappointed as I am to not see an old friend, a small part of me in relieved. What would I even say to him?

The voices of my team approaching the boardroom cause me to look up again. A moment later, Sheila and Matthew step into the room, still chatting. Behind them, the new intern follows.

"Are we ready?" I ask with a smile, seated at the front of the table. Behind me is the whiteboard I've been meaning to swap for a screen.

Everything is digital at T&M, what if this doesn't make a good impression on them? What if they realise they shouldn't be trusting their turnover with a company that could barely keep its lights on two months ago?

"We're ready, boss." Matthew replies with a grin.

For today, we won't be needing the board or a screen.

"Everyone has all their documents on hand?" I ask, scrolling across the screen of my iPad.

Monica, the intern, sits on one of the four chairs placed against the wall. She sits on the one furthest from the door and opens up the blue file that was tucked under her arm.

While I'm usually late for a lot of things, I can never do that when working with my team. I have to lead by example and everyone here always sets things up on time.

I go over the meeting agenda with my secretary and everyone else one last time. Less than ten minutes later, the team from T&M arrives and my breath stops in my throat as I see the first person to walk in.


As everyone begins to stand up and shuffle out of the room, Nico remains seated. I try not to look at him, although I fail and steal glances from the corner of my eye. My focus struggles between the clients I am politely bidding goodbye to with handshakes and smiles and the person I had hoped would be the first one out this door.

Why isn't he moving?

I can feel my smile slowly become forced as my palms turn sweaty.

I stand by the door, watching everyone walking away until they turn to their left and disappear. My mind is racing with thoughts of what to do once I turn around. I am almost tempted to leave all my things behind and run to my office. I can just say I forgot he was even there; that I thought everyone had left.

That is not a good way to treat a client. You're better than this, Olivia.

I muster up the courage, gently wiping my palms on my grey pencil skirt, before turning around. He remains in his chair but instead of focusing his eyes on me now, they're looking down at his iPad. I take in a deep breath. He still looks handsome.

Not the time to be drooling over his jaw or how good he looks with longer hair.

I don't know what to say to him or even how to address him.

I awkwardly walk back to the table and start packing up my things. It's only the iPad, a file, and the bottle of water but I find myself being very slow in picking each item up. With each passing second, I am hoping he looks up- says something to me. He doesn't.

"I just wanted to say thank you again for signing with us."


It's to late, I've already opened my stupid mouth and now he's looking up at me, brows creased and a blank look in his eyes. His eyes, they are shades lighter than I remember. They used to be such a dark brown, I could've sworn they were black.

He doesn't acknowledge my statement but rather pushes back his chair and stands up.

"Could I have a minute, Ms. Watson?"

"Yeah, of course." My eyes feel like they just lit up. I hope he can't tell.

He opens his mouth to speak but voices of people approaching the boardroom fill the air and he remains quiet. His eyes glance at the door as the people pass by but I remain looking at him.

"Can we go to your office?" He only looks at me for a second.

A few minutes ago I could feel the hole he was boring into my skull but now he can't even hold my gaze.

"Of course." With my things held tightly to my chest, I lead the way to my small office.

I realize how sweaty my palms have become as I place my hand around the doorknob. I open the door and step aside, motioning for him to go in. His eyes don't even wander around once he's inside.

"Please, take a seat." I say as I place everything in my hands on the desk and sit on my chair.

"I don't want to take up much of your time." He shakes his head.

Chances are that it's your time being wasted here but alright.

"Is this about the meeting?"

"No." Another shake of his head, followed by a sign and a hand running through his curls. "Ms. Watson, I'd really appreciate it if you kept our history to yourself."

Since when was he so straightforward?

I mean aside from my friends, I haven't told anybody that I know Nico. Kimi doesn't count because although she doesn't remember it, she already knew him.

"I...I mean...I wo..." I give my own head a shake. "Of course, I won't."

"Good. Our relationship is purely business."

"Of course, no need to remind me."

I sure as hell didn't spend an hour imagining what our actual reunion would look like. We were at a coffee shop, not in my office.

"I don't appreciate people asking about my past and it would certainly make them curious to find out how we know each other."

What does that mean?

"Frankly it wouldn't do any favours for your reputation either."


"If anyone thinks you got the deal because you know me."

What? That isn't why I got the deal now, is it? Nico can't have that much influence.

I suddenly feel intimidated with him on his feet and towering over me so much.

"Nico...It's not..." I push back my chair and stand up. He still towers over me by a couple of inches but I instantly feel more confident. "It's really nothing to worry about. I am a professional and I also don't enjoy talking about my history."

No one would want to work with me if I did. I've only ever told Sophie and Ama about it. I don't want my business to be associated with crime. Most importantly, I don't want anyone to associate Kimi with it.


I had wondered if Nico would be interested in seeing her but something tells me he wouldn't care.

'Well, I'm glad we share that feeling." He finally smiles. It's nothing like his old smile. This one is all straightened and bright white teeth, all rigid and devoid of warmth. "I shall see you at the next meeting, then."

I really hope you wouldn't come.

"I look forward to it." I say as I watch him approach the door. He stops and turns back to face me.

"Oh, and, Ms. Watson, it's Mr. Garrido." He says with another smile before turning around and walking out the door.

I sit down on my chair, my shoulders deflating to a slump. Of course, I accidentally called him Nico.

Mr. Garrido- that's who he is to me now.


"Ms. Watson!"

Meera, my secretary, comes running into my office not more than two minutes later.

"Yes, Meera?" I look up, trying to wipe off any signs of annoyance or sadness from my face.

"There's someone who's here to see you."

"Are they a client? I thought I didn't have an appointment until after lunch." I reach for my iPad but her words stop me.

"He's not a client and he doesn't have an appointment however, he insists that he has to see you."

"It's an emergency."

Meera and I shoot our eyes towards the door at the sound of the strange voice. A man, dressed in a blue and white plaid shirt and denim jacket with khaki trousers stands by the door. He has a strangely familiar face although I can swear I've never seen such a tangled beard or tired grey eyes.

"I asked you to wait." Meera sounds nervous and exasperated.

"It's..." My eyes remain locked on the burly man as I try to figure out why he looks so familiar. "It's okay, Meera. You may excuse us."

She gives me a nod of the head before scurrying out the door, the man stepping aside to let her walk past.

I watch him as he enters my office, his eyes searching around, leaving no corner unchecked. He pulls out a chair and sits before I can even offer.

"Who are you?" I ask with a strained smile.

"Oh, where are my manners?" He offers his hand, "I'm Jackson Miller, you know my mother."

His hand remains in the air as mine stays glued to the table and the sweat glands in my palms begin to get to work. The bump on his nose bridge, the chubby cheeks, and tired grey eyes begin to morph into a face I can never forget. The name rings all the right bells. He can also tell, I see it in the smile that dawns across his face as he sits back. His hand is removed from the air as it becomes evident I have no intention of shaking it.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here on business. My mother sent me?"

The words send a shock through me and a for a minute, my brain can't fathom his words. The accuracy of their reality seems flaky and I am almost convinced the human sitting opposite me is but a figment of my imagination.

"What does Bertha want from me?"

"My mom has a gig, a really huge one that she can't do on her own."

"What does that have to do with me?" My teeth grit against each other.

"She needs help and she said you're the only she trusts and the only one capable of doing this."

"That's bullshit." I whisper, dropping my head into my hands and resting my forehead on the table.

"Tell her she can go jump off a cliff for all I care." The words are muffled by the sleeves of my blue blouse. "I'm not getting involved with her again."

"I was told not to leave here without having convinced you to work with us."

"Us?" I sit up and look at him. "I'd be working with you and her?"

"Of course; my mother and I are business partners."

Of course, that makes sense.

"So the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree." I don't even bother to hide the irritation in my voice.

"I like to say I linger around the apple tree." I narrow my eyes in annoyance and confusion. "My mother hid her true line of work from me for years but once I figured everything out, I chose to be a part of it all."

"She hid it from you?" My voice comes out as a whisper.

"Well, yeah." He chuckles.

I slowly begin to feel the anger rising in me. It starts from somewhere in my stomach, where I swear I'm about to be sick and rises to my throat, where it's stopped by a lump holding all my tears in.

Of course her own child gets to be protected from her messed up ways. Of course she sees his innocence as something to preserve meanwhile Sakari and I had to weep and plead for Bertha not to use Kimi to ask for money from passersby.

"What's wrong? You don't look too good." He comments with a smile that makes me feel even more sick.

"You can go tell your mom to fuck off." I sit back on the chair and grab my phone, ready to text Meera and ask her to call security.

"Oh no, I told you I can't leave her until I've convinced you to accept our offer."

"I'm not accepting anything." I open the chats between Meera and I.

"Olivia," he says my name like we've known each other for decades, "see my mother told me we have three options for this gig. It was you, her first choice, because you're apparently the best in the game and like a daughter to her. Hey, I guess that makes us like, siblings."

I roll my eyes and sigh. He gets more insufferable the more he speaks.

Also how does he look older than me when I never even knew Bertha had a son? Is he even real? What if he's lying?

"The second option was a Sakari."

My heart drops at the mention of Sakari. No one can track her down. My anger returns at the realization that Bertha isn't even aware she killed my best friend.

"Who's the third option, go to them?" I begin typing to Meera.

"Nico De Leon."

My fingers come to a halt, hovering above the screen. They can't be serious. They can't do that to Nico.

"You won't be able to find Nico De Leon."

He doesn't exist. I couldn't find a single thing about him online."

"Really?" He reaches into his pocket and produces a crimpled up magazine page.

He places it on the table and slowly unfolds it before smoothening it out. I find myself leaning in towards him, my head tilting to the side as my eyes remain glued to the magazine page.


My eyes widen as I get a clear look at his face. He's wearing a grey suit and there's that smile I don't recognize.

"How did you find him?" There's a tremor in my voice.

I don't even know why it's there. I don't know why it suddenly feels like water is being poured over my palms. I bring them under the table and harshly rub them against my lap.

"By chance honestly." He chuckles. "My mother came back home three weeks ago saying we hit the jackpot. She showed me this picture, saying she'd found her third option."

"Why can't you do it?"

"I already told you, it has to be one of you three."

"That's nonsense. Tell her I won't do it. Sakari won't do it, and you'll be lucky to just get into the building where Nico works."

"I already know Sakari won't...can't do it. I don't think ghosts are in the slightest bit reliable."

So they do know she passed away.

"I asked if her daughter wouldn't have perhaps inherited her smarts and charm but my mother said it would take forever to train her."

"If you even go anywhere near Kimi..."

"Calm down," He waves a dismissive hand, "I already told you we ended up with just three options. After she realised Sakira's body was probably among those recovered from the fire so that just leaves you and Mr. De Leon? Garrido? Like you said, it will be difficult to get him to cooperate."

"Exactly so if I refuse and you can't get Nico, I guess it's time to go back to your little mommy and tell her you failed." I smile, feeling like I've worn.

"That's why my mom gave me a weapon, your kryptonite."

This is getting more ridiculous by the second.

"And what would that be?" I sigh and roll my eyes again. He already said they're not interested in Kimi so whatever he's going to say will be more nonsense.

"Mr. Nico De Leon himself."

"What?" We lock eyes and there's a smug smile playing on his lips.

"You do realize Nico and I hadn't even seen each other in years before a couple of weeks ago, right?"

"Yes, but my mom assured me he was once your weakness and would remain as such. Something about her never witnessing a love like that before."

"We were teenagers and stupid. It was puppy love that didn't even survive. She should be aware of this considering that it was her who sent me to betray him."

Even as I say this, I can't stop the dreadful feeling that builds up in my chest. The idea of Nico going back into something that used to tear at his conscience so horribly. No matter how good he was at misleading others and running off with their money, it made him feel like a terrible person each time. It's evident he's worked so hard to erase that part of himself and...

"Your eyes say something different." That annoying smile appears again.

"Get out." I say through greeted teeth. "You either leave on your own or I'll have security drag you out of here."

"No need for all of that." He raises his hands in mock surrender. I'll be on my way."

I watch as he gets up and walks out the door. Only once he's disappeared from my side do I realize I can't breathe.