
3. you are likely to kill people...

In a City A , a man was coming out of the ICU room in his green gown outfit, a girl wearing white mini dress with simple shoes was following behind him

" Rose I need to meet vannila flavor biscuits and sunrise mocktail juice on my table ,am so hungry" he said taking off his gloves and the translucent surgical cap from his head , when the victim's family headed towards him , " thank you so much Sir, you kindly saved our child's life ,she is now out of danger " a man who seem to have been in distress said , " don't thank me rather thank the one who gave me the incarnation power , anyway your daughter is out of danger for now , so I will keep him under someone else , it will take time for her to recover from the comma so don't stress her . I will be leaving " the man said heading to the changing room he was tired been in the surgery room for almost sixteen hours anyone would be tired , when he was done with everything he went to his office , " Rose thanks " he said with a smile that would kill anyone , Rose blushed and said " it's nothing Sir , you got a phone call " " may I have my phone " Rose hurriedly gave the phone to him , he dialed the number of his secretary Jose , on the first ring the phone was picked up " why are you calling " " Young master ,Sir said we have to cooperate the ' ' Face of the year ' before any other company does....." " what's so special to that girl for my company to cooperate with her , she must be ugly just like all other face's of the years " " sir I don't think if you have seen her , even the most beautiful woman in the world of this year doesn't have the qualities like her" " okay send her the request letter for the meeting " " okay sir". " prepare my car , am leaving now " " okay sir " after he disconnected the call , he looked Rose who was busy preparing his schedule in the hospital, " I have to go , you will send the schedule to my email am not sure if i will come tomorrow" " okay doctor" after having the answer he took his coat and went out of the office with a juice on his hand , as he arrived outside a black SUV was waiting him hurriedly Jose went to him " Sir, she has agreed to our request but she will meet us after two days, she has to attend the party that announces her as the face tomorrow and the gift giving party on the day after tomorrow " as he finished saying that he rubbed the sweat on his forehead , " Okay I will meet her myself, so prepare the requirements , note , she will work with us for five years" "okay sir" after the cheuffer started the car to the Russell's residence in minutes they were infront of a large mansion that had almost four apartments , it was covered with green grass , infront each apartment there was a fountain of different styles , "Jose send my files to my apartment , I will be meeting dad first " he said In a tiresome voice but you can't ignore the domineering power in it.

As he entered he was led to the dining hall ,his dad and mom were having their super , he went over to his dad and kissed his palm after he did the same to his mom , "dad why did you recommend the face of the year for my business " " son , she has been given five years of becoming the face,if we work with her this early then definitely we are going to rise to another level" Mr. Russell said with a smile "Paxton , listen to your dad am sure he has a good sight for this " his mother added before he could answer, he had no way out of this, " okay , goodnight all" he said and left without waiting for the answer .

Paxton Russell a young energetic man who has conquered the business world for many years having grey eyes, dark hair , pink lips, perfect and and a well delicate body figure.