
Why Did You Call Him Daddy?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Matthew was the first to react. He jumped off the sofa, wiggled his little legs as he rushed to the man's arms, then called out in an infantile voice, "Daddy."

The man squatted down, held the little boy in his arms, and carried the boy up firmly.

At long last, the man could finally be at ease after being worried sick earlier.

Timothy's lips twitched when he heard the boy call out 'Daddy'.

He thought that the boy was a miserable little kid who did not have a father, yet he went around hugging strangers and calling them 'Daddy'! Did the boy enjoy taking advantage of other people's sentiments?

Ronald froze all of a sudden too.

The fantasy he had was instantly shattered. The child could not possibly be Timothy's illegitimate son if he had a father already.