
On the River, Within the Embrace of Trees

“A son of nature. Found himself lonely left, so he resort to trees and rivers.” You might have opened an eye on life with the absence of your family. You might have a family that had never put family as a priority. But sometimes you can find a person or a thing that is meant to be your family.

Niajuol · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Living a normal life in a countryside is very peaceful and calming. Despite the massive amount of sophistication that occupies cities, I had never wished to live in a developed city. Imagining living there with all that traffic, noise and pollution is something that terrifies me, consequently it shakes the serenity that dwells deep there inside my soul and mind. Here, in Clinton; a countryside where we live, there are mesmerizing views of nature.The green tall trees, surrounding a clear, shiny river is my favorite thing in here. Especially when it is windy. I enjoy watching the trees swaying right and left, hugging each other. It's like they are elder family members who are trying to hold together in their hardest time to protect each other, as well as their little young child, the river. I was a young kid, I knew nothing about evilness. My soul was as clear as that river. But my family members weren't like those trees. Maybe that's why it's my favorite when it's stormy and windy, unlike other children, they get terrified. But, me is different. Whenever it is windy, a feeling of safety embraces the whole me, it embraces me externally and internally.

It just reminds me that if my family had never tried to protect me, does not mean that all families are the same. It just reminds me that even if my family had left me in their easiest hard time, there are still families standing like those trees, hand by hand, to protect each other and not abandoning any member, even if they had no any other choice. That's why I enjoy watching trees in storms, it relieves my soul after hitting on my ancient, deep pain. It gives me a feeling of optimism after punching my heart with pessimism.

It tells me that family should be set as a priority, which I took in consideration despite my young age, but my family had never considered this.

That's why I love nature, it's the thing that hugged me tightly after the ones who are supposed to be hugging me, left me. Nature is my family, and I'm son of nature.