
on the low .

"You keep playing like I won't fuck the shit outta you" Ra smirked, studying Samiyah's body slowly. "We don't do empty threats here Ra," Samiyah smiled, biting her bottom lip slightly. Without saying a word, Ra reached over and grabbed Samiyah's neck. "Empty threats?" He questioned rhetorically. With his free hand, Ra snaked it down her stomach and into her pants. "Ra.." Samiyah whimpered as he made contact with her wet secret. *this book contains a series of flashbacks* there's always a little bit of truth in my stories. I hope you guys enjoy:)

jayla_wayla56 · Teen
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5 Chs

I want you .

"Here," Ra said, signaling for Samiyah to take his hand so he could guide her down the hall to his room. "So what game are we playing?" He asked, turning a corner and heading into his bedroom. "Umm I was thinking maybe-" Samiyah started but Ra had pushed her up against the wall before she could finish.

"Ra-" "Shh," he interrupted, putting his left hand on her throat and squeezing slightly. "All day Miyah...All day you've been playing with me," he said, slowly sliding his right hand into her skirt. "First, you wear this small ass skirt," he groaned, rubbing his fingers on the outside of her bodysuit. Ra moved his hand from Samiyah's neck and unzipped the back of her skirt, making the frilly white thing fall to the floor.

"Second, grabbing my dick while I was driving wasn't fair. And leaving me hard was worse," he growled, looking at Samiyah's smirking lips as he licked his own. "Are you going to stand here and complain or are you going to do something about it?" She challenged. Her dark eyes visible with want and lust. She had been this way since this morning, she wanted nothing more but for Ra to fuck her.

They had been texting about it but never actually acted on it. This would be her first time, and she wanted it to be with him. Everything he did turned her on, from the way he walked to the way he said her name. His voice sounding like velvet through the phone, only made her want him more over the past few nights. She often found herself soaked after talking with him.

Most nights she couldn't sleep unless she relived the pressure she felt in between her legs that he had caused. Ra wanted the same thing, he wanted to destroy her walls in the most sensual way. The last few days were just as rough for him as it was for her. The only difference was that he was just hiding his better than she could. He thought about her constantly and what it would feel like to be balls deep in her wet, warm pussy. To feel every inch of her body as he filled her up with his length.

To watch her back arch up off the bed while he gave her long deep strokes. He wanted her just as bad as she wanted him and this was their chance. This was the moment that they both had been waiting on.

Ra swiftly picked Samiyah up and walked her over to his bed. He placed her down gently and attacked her lips with rough kisses. She kissed him back with the same amount of force he was giving to her. Samiyah reached down towards Ra's pants and started to undo the button then the zipper on his jeans.

Taking the hint, Ra started to shake them off. Neither of them breaking the kiss. After shaking his jeans off, he climbed onto the bed with her and unclamped the soaking wet body suit buttons she had on. "Damn, is this all for me?" He smiled, gazing upon her glistening clit. Samiyah smiled and watched him for his next move.

Ra slowly made his way down to the bed til he was eye level with her clit. "Tell me you want me," he whispered, looking up at her from his position. "I want you," she breathed.