
The Loot Period

'Where am I…'

'What happened to me?'

I can't see anything that I could describe the figure in front of me is unworldly It's like my eyes can't focus but I can make out every detail… yes they seem to be a being.

i apologize

The figure didn't quite speak but I could hear.

'How odd.'

but now you can provide some entertainment

'Huh just what did you mean by that Mr. disembodied voice?!'

consider your greatest wish granted with my own personal flair

'Can a possible deity and definitely multidimensional being have a personality?'

Have fun

Suddenly out of nowhere a dry itching sensation comes from my eyes like I haven't blinked in hours. Thinking about it when was the last time I blinked. I shut my eyes then when I opened them I could see something other than blankness and some maybe person.

In the background of my vision I could make out what seemed like a Dragon Ball Z desert landscape with rocky spires and everything. I say in the background because at the forefront of my vision there was a… notification?

It read: First off no you don't have a system that would make things too easy.


Second if you have or haven't noticed you are Madara Uchiha.

After reading that line a wave of memories slammed into my brain like a train through a car. Early childhood, adult life, ninja training, the countless and I mean countless murders and being hooked up to a tree and teaching Obito. Hell I even remember dying.

But I feel as though giving you all his powers and abilities end of series would be too OP for the world you desire to live.

As I look as myself a notice the crack marks. 'Ah Edo Tensei… goddamn it.' The last thing I want to be is a zombie… will I even be able to taste food?

So I came up with the genius idea of a Loot Period! You have three hours to mess around before you get sent away consider this a tutorial of sorts now get collecting and good hunting.

After reading that last part of the message the world seems to move. 'I guess time was paused?' Then I heard the roar of thousands of Shinobi. In the corner of my vison a timer is counting down [2:58:47].

"Well there's no time like the present." I say to myself as I bring my hands together and pulse my Chakra breaking free from Kabuto's control. Next..

"Wood Release! Wood Clone Jutsu!"

A dozen clones sprout from my body.

"Prioritize collecting we can learn once we get transported to this other world."

"Yessir!" My clones salute in unison before creating five shadow clones each, then all my clones created Perfect Susanoo and fly off in different directions.

'While the clones collect Justu scrolls, legendary weapons and most importantly I sent three clones to go to Kabuto to take over the Edo Tensei, if I can take a force of zombie ninja to whatever world I'm going too it'd be nice reassurance plus if I snag some flesh off of people maybe I can make reanimations in this other world.

Only one minute passed as I pumped more and more Chakra through my body my perception slowed, my senses were pushed to the max and I started moving fast. The faster I moved the slower the timer ticked down.

'That makes me wonder…' pushing more Chakra into my eyes my Sharingan activate

'Damn I guess speed is the only thing that affects the timer I got to be having a Flash/Quicksilver moment.'

As I speed blitz the Shinobi Alliance before they can make contact I jumped. I jumped I swear I jumped so high I easily cleared half of the Shinobi Alliance before getting blown away.

A girl with spiky blond hair done up in two buns or pony tails I can't quite tell, dressed in the Sand Ninja uniform and an excessively large fan in hand.

Before she can even get a word out with a flex of my legs I'm in front of her sharingan spinning and when she looks into my eyes she's out. Turns out the god didn't know which abilities Madara's Sharingan had so he gave me four random abilities two for each set of eyes Tsukuyomi being one of them.

In the Tsukuyomi I let her live my whole life before I was Madara. Then I programmed the end of the illusion to be telling them not to worry everything will be over soon.


While Temari was busy living my life possibly watching a version of herself I took her fan and put it into a storage scroll she had in her person.

"Bye." I do a to finger salute and this time I use the Body Flicker to get to wear I'm headed as sand strikes where I was.


When I appeared to the giant Chakra's I could sense I see Obito with the other Edo Jinchuriki battling Naruto and Co.


One minute later the tree man sprouts from the ground.

"Yes my lord." Twin voices answer.

White Zetsu get my Rinnegan as far as I'm concerned Obito has failed Black Zetsu on me and prepare the Rinne-Rebirth.

"Of course my lord."

Zetsu vanished into the ground and I popped a squat to watch as a snake like feeling coiled up my leg and hung out in my sleeve. I quickly glance at the timer as I let out a sigh.



By the time White Zetsu returned the Leaf gang finally got Obito to reseal the other beasts and Naruto got KCM2 and started going crazy fast.

"Great now we wait for Obito to be hit and.." I got cut off by Obito getting blown up by a Rasengan. "Seems like the time to act is now." I Body Flicker right on top of the downed Obito.

"Forgive me." I genuinely apologize to Obito as my Sharingan evolve into the Rinnegan.

"Almighty Push!!"

In an instant everyone got sent flying as Obito gets crushed and pinned between my Jutsu and the ground. Next Black Zetsu slithers down my leg attaching to Obito.

"Yes we truly are sorry." Zetsu let's out a malicious chuckle as he brought Obito's hands together


I could feel even more than I could before when before I could feel things in my hand my armour pressing on my body now I can smell and taste the air I didn't even notice I couldn't before. The wind on my skin was unreal to feel again I could help but smile. I couldn't see but Now once again I felt truly alive. But then the spots from my vision started to fade and I could see?

Looking around quickly I was confused was I Shorter finally before I could think anymore I could hear a voice.

"Madara!" A voice I recognized yelled at me but it wasn't coming from someone else. "What have you done to me?! Madara!" A familiar voice came from my chest.

"No way…" I thought. As I put in the Rinnegan White Zetsu handed me I could see it.

"Let me go now you Idiot!" Hashirama's voice said.

Looking down I could see the Senju cells which mutated his face on my chest was Alive and talking and more importantly knows who he is. Quickly ignoring Hashirama for now I sense the Nature energy and begin to draw it in.

'So he can't interfere. That's good at least.' As I finish I enter sage mode and my senses expand, black sage marking appearing on Hashirama's face.

"What do you think your doing Bakadara!" The annoyance yells.

'Hmm another idea.' Plucking out the other Rinnegan out of the weakened Obito I put it in the other socket and my Chakra rised. Thank god all the murder memories have desensitized me to this much.

"H-how d-dare you.." Obito barely managed to get out as I pluck out his Mangekyou.

"Don't worry in due time Obito in due time." I bullshit as I pluck out one of Chest Senju's eyes and swap it for Obito's Sharingan. "Can't believe I didn't luck out and spin Kamui on the Random Mangekyou abilities." Focusing chakra into the eye it begins to spin as I phase my body.



"Whew thank goodness that worked." As I look at Kakashi who just tried to Lighting Blade my chest. I then quickly duck and jump to the left dodging Naruto and Might Guy respectively. "Time to do what the Uchiha do best." My Rinnegan devolve into the Mangekyou as I caught Samehada that Killer B swung at me.

As we battle I use the Sharingan to Copy all the abilities I desire. From Might Guy I learned how to open the First of the Eight Gates. From Kakashi I took the Lightning Blade as well as it's variants and from Naruto I took the Rasengan Frog Slap and Frog Kumate. I also analyzed Killer B's eight sword style when I disarmed and stored Samehada.

"Time for me to hurry this up." Kakashi tried to take my head with the Kubikiribōchō but it phased through me and I caught it with a Wood Clone that formed out of me. The clone sealed away the sword and with Kakashi close range I plucked out his Sharingan and kicked him with all my sage strength stopping a millimetre before impact letting the force send him flying back.

"KAKASHI SENSEI!" Naruto screamed as I swapped Hashirama Chestu's other eye.

"Relax Naruto, it's just an eye." Kakashi muttered before his legs gave out.

"Besides you got bigger things to worry about." My voice rings out as a clone fly's over them with someone under his arm and three other wood clones dropping from him. "I've spent enough time watching you fight Obito time to get things done."


My clones were enough of a distraction for me to assume control of the Gedo Statue just missing the eight and nine tailed beasts well half of the Nine Tails as my clone holding a torso with just a head under his arm tosses the reanimated corpse of Minato Namikaze into the statues mouth causing one of the eyes to half open.

"Quick we gotta pull out all the tricks

One combo beast ball to is sure to stick!" Killer B rhymes as Octopus tentacles shoot out of his back before assuming the full beast form.

"Let's do it!" Naruto answers as he creates the Avatar already forming the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Together they formed a huge Tailed beast bomb. Three times as strong as the one that matched the other Tailed beasts.

"I guess they get stronger the more in sync they are." I knew that already but seeing it is a different story. "But alas a waste I'm not just gunna stand here and let you charge." Bringing my hands up into a seal two chains shot out of the statues mouth wrapping around the necks of the tailed beasts and began to pull them in.

Using Naruto as a guide point of sorts and my Dojutsu to see B I waited until he was at the tip of the tail before cutting down severing a tail off of each beast leaving enough Chakra to let them live and maybe even eventually use the power again.

All the eyes of the Gedo Statue opened wide and went crazy before it started to transform.

Before the statue fully transformed I appeared in front of possessed Obito.

"Now you too have served you're purpose." I say

"Wha-what?" Obito muttered before I put my hand in the half that was covered in Black Zetsu and I pulled out the soul of Black Zetsu. Using the Rinnegan I summoned the King of Hell and got him to put the life essence of Black Zetsu into Obito.

"There all healed… at least everything except your vision. Consider it a consequence I guess." I shrug as I appear on top of the ten tails.

The tentacle thingy makes it's way up and attached to my neck and instead of letting it rampage or letting it do anything I focused on evolution and started pumping mass amounts of chakra into it.

With the whole Shinobi force finally arriving as I got started they were in frozen awe as they looked apon the beast. Very quickly the Ten Tails started to morph and change until a weird sack like thing began to form. Looking at it with the Rinnegan I could see what looked like a seed.

"Ah perfect the God Tree seed that means it's time."


Slowly I sucked in the Ten Tails sealing it within just as easily as Madara had become the Jinchuriki in the anime. Now with the seed for the God Tree and my Wood-Style sprouting the tree will be a piece of cake.

Running through hand seals and clasping my hands together I started to sprout a tree but my chakra alone isn't enough. "Damn these memories apparently the stupid tree needs blood… wait.. wait! If White Zetsu can be used for Edo Tensei maybe they'll work.


My Limbo Clones then created Wood Clones and started to slaughter the white Zetsu.

"Thank God!" I let out a sigh of relief as the tree started to grow but of course the Shinobi Force stoped gawking and finally started to move.

"Ugh how annoying just let me do what I want." I can't help but frustratedly scratch my head. "I bet the clones are doing way better."


"Hahaha! This is too easy!" My Edo Tensei Wood Clone laughs as he knocks out Sai looting various scrolls.


"Hah and that's all the cool weapons around here." My clone states as he takes out a battalion with a wave of a fan.


'Man they really did just leave Genin to watch the village for the most part.' A clone thinks as he straps a scroll to his back before jumping out of the Homage's Office.


"Get back here and give me that rock you muskrat!"


"He sent me to check for remnants but to think the non cannon stuff hasn't been delt with?" My clone asks with disgust as a black tail swipes at him. After getting rushed by a crazy buff old dude.

"Now Zero Tails if we work together I'll set you free!" The old guy screamed.


Clones out in the field find themselves having competition who can get the most basic supplies, who has the most zombies unsealed, who can copy the most jutsu and one clone even took the uniforms and armour off of Shinobi for the 'Collection he thought.


In a cave somewhere three Wood clones are chilling wondering how long they have.

"Yeah I was just thinking it's weird how we don't have the timer but I hat just means we gotta hurry right?" One says from on top of a sealed coffin.

"But it's not like we gotta bring anything back right?" One with his arm slung around Kabuto with Sharingan eyes and a hazy look.

"Stop being lazy we're heading out." The third and final clone orders as he seals away Sasukes sword into a scroll. "We'll he might want Kabuto and if he does we better get there before the timer runs out. Orange hair take care of this mess."

Jugo rushed to Sasukes aid arm fusing into a slash on his stomach area guts almost spilling out if he wasn't unconscious and on his back.

"Edo Tensei Summoning Release!" My clone undid the jutsu causing all the zombies to go into their coffins and return to the ground.

"See ya." My clones gave a two finger salute one hoisting Kabuto over his shoulder and they all Body Flickered away.


"Oh shit my clones are definitely having a better time."



"Thank Kamui."


Using the truth seeker orbs I create a flat blade so thin it's almost only visible from the top and bottom.

"I think it's time." I mutter as I dodge another one of Guy's hits. Controlling the Truth Seeker Blade I slice through the tree, followed by me breaking the growth on my head to reveal a third eye and absorb the God Tree. When Guy comes at me this time I dodge instead of phase by flying up. I fly high enough where I won't be bothered for a while and enter my mind scape.

Compared to Naruto's Sewers my mind scape is a lot nicer to be quite frank it's the Uchiha District. Strolling around for a minute I'm a little breathless at what I'm seeing hell what I'm feeling feels so real. Eventually I find what I'm looking for, it's my house and walk inside.


"I new you'd show up here sooner or later Bakarada!!" A copy of Hashirama yells as he draws his fist back from the wood. His punch went right through me. "Damn how? That was right in the face!"

"You really think I'd let you hurt me in my own mind? C'mon you're even more powerless here than in the real world as a face at least there you might be able to bite me in my sleep… if I have to anymore." A smile can't help but form on my face cause with a quick glance in the mirror in the hall I can confirm. "I'm not Madara anyways."

Standing there was me in my perfectly unassuming lanky self. With light brown hair kept no longer than two inches at all times, light blue eyes and a pair Beats around my neck. Plain black clothes cover me from head to toe.

"I might need a hand in the basement. Then once everyone's together I'll explain." I told him.

Hashirama was honestly gobsmacked and couldn't talk so he just decided to follow me into the basement. As we approached the door that would lead to stairs I activate my Rinnegan and walk down the stairs. When I get to the bottom of the stairs theirs another door which is odd because in my memories it just opened up into basement. When I opened the door I was a little surprised to see the scale the room had taken to contain the beast but I was more surprised to see the beast scratching up against the tree like a bear and purring.

"Okay that is not what I expected." I deadpanned. "Let's see if I can figure this out." Suddenly an eye opens on my forehead and the Rinne-Sharingan begins to spin I hear a cough come from behind me.

"Do you even know the proper technique?" An elderly voice speaks.

"Thanks goodness I thought you might show up Mr. Sage." I let out a sigh of relief as I lay eyes on the Sage of Six Paths.

"Hmm really? And whom might you be you're definitely not the man who's come closest to my power." The Sage states. "If I'm to assist you must first tell me what do you desire?"

"First off I don't exactly know and you won't have to worry wbout me for long." I answer as I glance at the timer.


"I was sent here by a random being when I died so if I could dream about anything it would be freedom to do as I please." As I finish stating my dream the Sage gives me a scrutinizing gaze and i stammered out. "And of course make new friends and eventually a family of my own."

"Hmmm." For a minute which feels like an eternity he than cracks a smile. "Then let's see if you can really make them you're friends." He then tells me to put my hands on his and I feel a boost of chakra flow through my system before memories and feeling flow through me.

"So this is Ninshu then eh?" I ask

He chuckles. "We'll informed aren't we."

I push my memories forward with Ninshu and let him experience my life. After what feels like days but I'm reality was three minutes he imparted onto me a portion of his skills as well as the most important part. I slam my hands together.

Six Path Sage Art: Heavenly Fraction!

I blitzed the Ten Tails and slammed my palm into its exposed stomach as it was rubbing up on the God Tree. I feel the Chakra begin to split and I smile. I don't have to say anything but what's an attack like this without some kinda reference or one liner.


Then the Ten Tails started to vomit out the Tailed beasts. After both halves of Kurama got spit up the Ten Tails reverted back into the Gedo Statue. The beasts were confused for a second before they all started to slam their tails down.


The Tails slammed into my position, when they pulled back there was a perfectly undamaged black sphere. When the shield started to recede it showed me unharmed with nine Shadow Clones, Sharingan spinning as we all stare into the eyes of the Bijuu.

"Tsukuyomi." We all say in unison.

Putting the tailed beast under my Genjutsu so show them what I showed Temari and the Sage.

"This might take a while, feel free to stay to at your final goodbyes." I tell the Sage before he gives me a small smile and a nod before I turn to Hashirama. "I hope we can be friends let's talk more once we get to the other World."

"Hahahah! Well said.. we what was your name?"

"You can call me Madara, yup just Madara is fine." I exit the mindscape with a final wave to the old Sage.


Back in the real world my form had changed a bit. No longer the Ten Tails Jinchuriki my pastey skin turned back to the slight tan it was before, My hair turned from white back to black. The Chakra cloak had turned into a solid white cloak that was open instead of closed like before showing the much more animated face of Hashirama to the world with the Sage of Six paths markings on the back. A white headband formed on my head covering my Rinne-Sharingan other than that I had basic ninja pants and ninja sandals. The Truth Seeker Orbs at my back went from ten to 12 and Tomoe formed in my Rinnegan, three in each eye. Hashirama's Sharingan had turned slightly orange and the Sage markings were gone but even more Senjutsu Chakra was pumping through me than before.

"Overall I'm just as strong if not stronger." I say.

"So what's the plan from here?" Hashirama asks.

"I think I will write an apology." From my finger a tiny branch extended from my finger then a letter sized brown piece of paper which I tear off. Then I used a small application of fire chakra to turn the tip of the stick into Charcoal and I began to write while at the same time using my knowledge to put a Chakra key so when the Sage of Six paths Chakra or Indra and Asura's chakra goes through the paper my Chakra will activate in response and show them my memories.

After about 20 minutes of procrastinating to get this letter written I ended up just writing; 'I'm sorry for the turmoil but enjoy the power up I guess? Love ya Not Madara but Still Madara.'


"Better get regrouping." I let out three pulses of Chakra before free falling back to Earth. Right before I hit the ground I stopped. "I don't exactly know how it works but Damn! Do I love Omni-directional flight."

With my Wood-Style I create a mail box in the center of the cut trunk of the God Tree and put the letter inside. After I did that I felt something coming at me with my Sage Senses the did a matrix dodge.


A Rasenshuriken passed me distinct Sand Seals in the Ransengan core of the Jutsu.

"Woah! What was that!" Hashirama asked.

"I'll show you." With my new Tomoe Rinnegan I can use all my Sharingan Abilities and that's not counting the prowess of my Rinne-Sharingan I easily copied the Rasenshuriken.

Forming one I explain the Jutsu from it's origin then toss it at Naruto.

"I'm really sorry for any issues I caused but with the Bijuu with me I'm sure you'll find a way to contact me again!" I yell before I run away.

"Hey! Get back here!!" Naruto Yells but when the dust settles I've already disappeared.

As Naruto slumps down and sighs he gets into a runners start before Sasuke teleports beside him swapping places with a piece of rubble.

"Did you seriously let him escape Naruto." Sasuke scowls.

"But look a mailbox!" Naruto points out. "Maybe it's a clue." The nucklehead goes to open the mailbox.

"Naruto don't!" Sasuke teleports beside him and at the same time they pump chakra through their system to try and grab the letter first.


They grabbed the letter at the same time and a pulse of chakra along with some memories went through them.

"So do you think he's telling the truth?" Naruto asks as he puts a seal on the burnt out Guy's chest.

"Only one way to find out." Sasuke answers then also gets into a running stance.

"3… 2… 1… Go!" With a flex of leg muscles they vanished from the sight


With my clones I decided to let them to gawk at the sheer amount of stuff That was piled in front of me. Mountains of basic supplies like Kunai and Shuriken, Scrolls stacks like can towers, coffins stacked like a pyramid and a myriad of things I frankly don't have time to go over.


"So boss if I might ask before you dispurse us what are you gunna do with all of this? No way it fits in storage scrolls." A clone asks.

"And you call yourself me." I nod in mock disapproval as I point at the awake Hashirama's eyes on my chest. "I think I should be able to always access my Kamui Dimension." Then I suck everything into Kamui.

After the 5 minutes it takes for me to do that I disperse my clones some proofing some turning into tree saplings. Getting all the knowledge I needed from them. I create two dozen clones.

"Let's begin the Kamui Hideout plan!" I order my clones. And we all begin to suck up dirt, water, plants and animals. Everything we can to make an Island in the Kamui demension.

"Oh yeah I definitely want my summons too." Going through the hand seals for the summoning Jutsu I summon all of the Summoning Path animals and suck them into the Kamui space.

With only two minutes left Sasuke and Naruto appear.

"Oh it's you guys." I face Naruto and Sasuke.

"Is what you put in this letter true?" Naruto asks.

"I could have been a Genjutsu but it didn't disrupt like one so I'm curious as to your goal." Sasuke states as he goes to grab his sword only to grab air. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing after this as far as I'm concerned I'll focus on surviving and exploring in the world I'm sent to them live happily." I answer simply. "Maybe try and find may way to other dimensions or maybe even back here to see what's up."

"And you expect us to believe you?" Sasuke's suspicion gnawing at him.

"No but you'll see in about 20 seconds." I say as I put my hands together. My clones poof out and my Chakra begins to spike.

Sasuke got into a defensive stances before Naruto put his hand on his shoulder.


With the power given to me from the Sage plus I maybe siphoned some Bijuu Chakra to bring back all the dead ninja killed by the reanimated and White Zetsu.

"I hope you'll forgive me after all-" a portal opened in the sky and I began to get sucked up. "I'm not Madara but Also Madara." I smile as the world of Naruto vanished from my sight.


Currently my body was going through a kaleidoscope of colours I imagine it was a wormhole or something taking me to the next dimension so I decided to go to my mindscape while I waited where I was caught by surprise.

"Mr. Sage?" I question what I'm seeing as I look at the Sage of Six Paths and clones of him giving belly rubs and head scratches to all the Bijuu.

"Ah yes, I do suppose it's time for me to go." He brushes his cloak off and levitates once more. "It was a ple- wait…" then in the most fake scene of anguish played out before me. "How could I get so distracted gosh darn it."

"You totally wanted to stay." Hashirama, the Bijuu and I all deadpanned in unison.

"I ugh.."

"Can it old man I don't need an explanation, surely waiting around for reincarnations of your son to duke it out must get boring so just sit back and enjoy the ride." I stop Hagoromo from coming up with some kind of excuse after all there's no need it's too late at this point. "I imagine that means you Bijuu will work with me then?"

"Yes with what you showed us plus father trusts you so we do also." Yin Kuman's answers and puts out a fist.

"Hell yeah" I answer in kind and fist bump the dark half of Kurama. "Now let's get to know each other and party!" I materialize mugs and a soda dispenser from McDonald's with every drink I've ever had and a lever big enough for the Bijuu to use. "Gotta love the mind."

For what felt like days I partied and partied until I could hear an ethereal voice calling out to me faint at first. I couldn't even make out what they were saying. And it kept getting louder.

"Mister! Please get out of my fishing boat!" A squeaky voice calls to me.

"Goddamn it kid let me be I was having the most amazing party." I groggily push the hand shaking me away and turn over to attempt to got back to my mindscape before I shoot up. "Wait a minute. I'm here?" Looking around to see a vast ocean in front of me I can't help but smile.

'A world that doesn't know Madara Uchiha eh? I think I'm gunna have a lot of fun here.' I can't help but think as a stare at the sun beaming down on me from right in the middle of the sky.

"Sorry about that kid, I guess I had a bit too much to drink last night." As I turn around my Rinnegan turn off and revert back to the dark brown almost black eyes the Uchiha are known for as well as use my cloak to cover up Hashirama's sleeping face. "I'll be on my w-" for who knows how many times today I've been too stunned to speak after all I recognize who's in front of me.

A skinny and small kid stood in front of me, iconic pink hair parted in the middle and thick round circle Harry Potter glasses. He wore a white button up t-shirt with a blue stipe that went along the seam with black pants and red and gray sneakers.

'It's Koby from One Piece…' I think and process what this means for me. In the middle of my thinking I hear something ugly breathe down my neck.

"Well well boys look what we have here?" A husky female voice bellows.

"Looks like a couple of rowboat thief's boss." Some rat voiced man pipes in.

"And what do we do to thieves?" She asks the crowd again.

In unison a cacophony of voice say. "They work on the ship willingly or they meet the Iron Mace."


Turning around I see Iron Mace Alvida in all her glory and she had just destroyed half of the dock we were attached to. Before I can get a word in Koby drops to his hands and knees.

"Of course it would be a pleasure to work on your ship." The sweat was running profusely off this kid. "I wouldn't dare disrespect Iron Mace Alvida whom has a 2,000,000 Beri bounty."

'Hmm fine this will at least be an easy way to get around and a small force of pirates to try tests on I wonder if I could create some kind of Super Soldier Serum with Hashirama Cells or something.' I think about the pros for a while and it's not like there are any cons other than the fugly bitch in front of me. "Yes we will work I suppose."

"Now men! Who is the fairest in all the Seas!" Alvida yells and I roll my eyes and nudge Koby so he'll quit kowtowing and pay attention.

"Why you of course Captian Alvida!" The pirates and reluctantly I synchronize lied as we headed to a very ugly boat with a duck or swan figurehead.

AN: Sup hope y'all enjoyed whatever this crack fic is going to be. Not serious power fantasy so strap in. I'll be sticking with One Piece for now but like Madara said it might go Multiversal idk yet plus I never finish what I write I'm not motivated enough sorry not sorry lol I had fun writing this and I think another chapter will come out quick. What would you like to see I'm curious, critiques and comments are encouraged and appreciated.

yo wassup might update might not you’ll have to wait and see love y’all.

Gabe_creators' thoughts
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