
The peerless demon wants to marry her !

" You being an orphan is not a bad thing. My parents have raised me all their lives , and it's not easy. I have to treat them doubtly well .As for the rest , I don't think Miss Ana has any outstanding qualities." The man spoke while munching on a chicken leg, spitting saliva as he did so . The oil on his hands was about to drip , and so Vanessa couldn't help but take out a tissue and wipe it off for him. Watching the oil being quickly absorbed by the tissue , she neatly folded it , and threw it into the trash can , secretly relieved . This was Vanessa's 97th blind date . She had a cleanliness and obsessive- compulsive disorder and couldn't stand any dirt . But in the man's eyes , her small actions were seen as a sign of interest, and he became even more shameless.

"You're quite considerate. You'll be a good wife and mother at home in the future . I give you a monthly allowance of 700 , don't spend it recklessly. " The man laughed loudly and a piece of chicken flew out and landed on the table . Vanessa couldn't take it anymore and flipped the table over . In the end ,she stood up , straightened her clothes , and hair , smiled gently , " your green bean eyes , face like a pancake , other people's mouths are for eating , but yours is for spewing shit. You're alive just to pollute the air , and when you die , you'll pollute the land . People like you who are useless should be cremated on the spot to avoid becoming zombies and causing the end of the world".

"You-" The fat on the man's face trembled . The man was at a loss for words , and it took him a while to reply, " you're an uneducated orphan .....""

" An orphan is better than a high- aged idiot like you. You were raised by a mother but not taught by one . I suspect that when your mother gave birth to you, she squeezed out your brain. You should go back and find it" Vanessa's innocent face was filled with harmless smile .

To outsiders, this small, weak little cabbage facing the tank - like a pig seemed like an angel spreading good news .

The pigs face turned as red as a liver , and he almost died. Vanessa shook her hair and left gracefully . Just as she took two steps , a man with gold - rimmed glasses stopped her.

" Miss , my young master requests your presence " said Johansson.

Following his gaze , Vanessa saw a man dressed in a dark grey suit with striking features.