
On Paper

He caresses my face so gently, like I'm an egg that would shatter at any time if he applies too much pressure. His silver eyes watch me carefully as he leans in. My eyes shut immediately as our lips touch, a tear escaping from my eyes. I could have a heart attack with how fast my heart is beating, I wouldn't even mind. His hand moves lower on my back as he presses my body to his, I moan when his tongue flicks out to lick my bottom lip. He smiles into the kiss when I run my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer as I angle my head to deepen the kiss. " Lorenzo... ", I whine when he pulls back from the kiss, rubbing his thumbs against my waist gently. " Always the impatient one. ", his eyes hold mirth as I frown at him. I move, threatening to pull away but his hold is strong. I glare at him, fisting my hands that are currently trapped between us, on his chest. _______ Amyra Emryn White She is quite the woman. Beauty and brains, a deadly combination of misused. She's had enough of being pushed around and stepped on by those she called family. Lorenzo Kane Sylverio He's mysterious. He likes to keep his life private despite the popularity his name and presence commands. Known as the Billionaire Bachelor, he maintains this profile by steering clear of the public eye. When they are forced into an arranged marriage, a contract, neither of them refuse. Can they learn to tolerate each other for the sake of the marriage and become acquaintances, possibly friends? Will they manage to keep the charade it going in order to fulfill their individual gains? " Till death do us part " was the promise, would they manage to fulfill this or will it remain as it is, after all, their marriage is merely ON PAPER. ***

Cassie_Writes18 · Urban
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13 Chs


Amyra Emryn White

• Mrs Amyra Sylverio

The church is packed with a lot of guests especially, Media personnel.

The flash of the cameras are far from me but bright nonetheless, my veil protects me from most.

I've always wanted Ed Sheeran's Perfect to play as I walked down the aisle to my future husband.

Jacob was the man I'd always imagined walking over to, not some other man.

Lorenzo's face is neutral while Calvin stares ahead with tears in his eyes, threatening to fall.

I hope someone's taking his picture right now.

Dave steps aside in the middle of the aisle so some cameramen can take pictures of the dress since no one can actually see my face through the veil I put on.

Before I know it, I'm already in front of Lorenzo.

Dave hugs me one more time before handing me over to Lorenzo.

The music stops and everyone sits.

" Are you okay? ", Lorenzo's gruff voice snaps me out of my daze.

One look in his silver-like orbs and I feel less jittery.

In another life, we could've been good friends.

I nod, putting on my most realistic smile. He nods firmly, looking at the Priest to continue.

" Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of... "

I tune out the rest of his words, letting my eyes wander over to Lorenzo's side of the church.

The usual traditional vows are said and repeated and I slip a silver wedding band on Lorenzo's finger, he does the same to me and I can almost feel my parents' happiness from their seats.


" Do you, Amyra Emryn White, take Lorenzo, to be your lawfully wedded husband till death do you part? "

" I do. ", I say without hesitation.

" And do you, Lorenzo Kane Sylverio, take Amy to be your lawfully wedded wife till death do you part? "

" I do. "

The Priest nods, continuing, " With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. "

" You may now kiss your bride. "

Lorenzo lifts the veil from my face, caressing my chin a bit before leaning in to plant a kiss on my cheek.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Sylverio. "


We sign the marriage documents and registration soon after.

More pictures are taken and we're taken inside a room to sign more contract papers.

Mom moves to hug me but I hold her back.

" Don't you even think about touching me. ", I whisper harshly and she steps back.

Dulce comes to hug me, talking about how excited she is to have me as her sister now and how we'd do a lot of things together.

I simply smile.

Calvin hugs me tightly, kissing my forehead affectionately, just as Dave did and I can't help but smile.


The reception is brief.

Lorenzo wraps his arms around me, guiding my steps slowly as the first dance is announced.

Perfect starts playing through the speakers and Rachel gives me a thumbs up from behind Lorenzo.

..I found a girl

Beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were the someone

Waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids

When we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

If anything, the song vexes me at this point and I simply want to bash Camilla and Jacob's heads in.

Why does this joke of a union even have a reception?

When I saw you in that dress

Looking so beautiful

I don't deserve this,

Darling, you look perfect


Lorenzo gives me a look, silently asking if everything is fine.

I ignore him.

He slowly let's me go as the song ends, leading me back to our table.

Gifts are given, mainly in investments and cheques.

No surprise there.

Jacqueline really delivered with the quadruple layered butterscotch and vanilla cake, of which I had three bites.

Lorenzo quickly excuses himself to speak with Romano and someone sits next to me soon after.

" Congratulations. "

I turn to smile at Matteo, he's been really nice to me since I first met him and Dulce.

" Thank you. When's it your turn, though? ", I tease and he chuckles, biting his lip.

" Definitely not anytime soon. ", he says.

But I've caught him staring at Rachel more than once all day.

But that doesn't mean anything.

Speaking of, Eriah runs up to me, screaming as she hugs me.

I pull her up to myself, squeezing her tightly as she giggles.

" Happy Birthday! "

I throw my head back, laughing for the first time today.

" It's not my birthday, sweetie. "

" Oh. ", she frowns.

" But you have a party. "

" Well, that's because I married someone. I'm married now. ", I explain.

Eriah wasn't present for the ceremony because Rachel didn't want her disrupting the ceremony, the girl's full of a lot of energy.

" Oh. Congratulations, auntie. ", she kisses my cheek and I kiss hers too.

Most of her vocabulary is pretty sharp for a three year old and if I wasn't present around the time of her birth, I'd doubt her age too.

" Thank you, sweetie. Have you said hello to my friend? "

Her brown eyes widen as she looks at Matteo in awe.

" Hello. ", her voice turns shy and Matteo gives her a small wave.

" Hello, beautiful. "

She turns crimson, hiding her face in my neck.

Rachel walks up to us in her gorgeous emerald green dress that flows down from her knees in a soft wave.

Her red hair is in soft curls down her exposed back and again, I catch Matteo staring.

" Amy, thanks for having her. She's going to make me pull my hair out. "

I smile as she reaches out to take Eriah, resting her on her hip.

" Matteo Sylverio, nice to meet you. "

Rachel's green eyes widen as she looks from Eriah to Matteo.

" Oh, pardon me. I didn't see you there. I'm Rachel Morgan. ", she takes his hand briefly.

" And this little pumpkin here, is my daughter, Eriah. ", she says, tickling the little girl.

Matteo clears his throat a bit and Rachel raises a brow.

" I have to go now. Make sure all the guests have been served. Amy, ", she gives me a small side hug and Eriah waves as they leave.


I change into a sleeveless lilac dress that flows down to my toes and a pair of heels that are three inches.

This is the next best since Rachel tried to convince me to wear flip-flops.


The driver holds open the car door and I thank him before getting in. Lorenzo is on the phone, he ignores me.

Trying not to and failing, I roll my eyes and look out the window as the car engine starts.

The drive is slow and way too peaceful because I wake up to Lorenzo's face in front of me.

With a gasp, I shove him away from my face.

" Don't do that! You fucking scared me, goodness! "

He recovers from the shock, straightening his shirt.

" Sorry. ", He mumbles, " We're here. "

" Oh. Okay. "

I step out as the driver opens the car door for me. The house really is beautiful and we have only a few neighbours about five minutes away, on foot.

The house has a keypad by the front door. I wait for Lorenzo to join me as he tells me the passcode.

Today's date, of course.

We'll be changing that later.

" The maids will be coming in tomorrow so you can order something for dinner, if you'd like. ", he offers, grabbing the house phone lying on the table.

" No, it's fine. It's getting late and I'm tired anyway. "

He gives me a look and nods, placing the phone back in its holder.

" I'll show you to our room. "

I follow him up the flight of stairs to a nice looking hallway. The entire house  has been painted white and mini-chandeliers fixed here and there.


We stop in front of a door and he opens it up to reveal a room larger than the living area. And I tell you, the living area is very spacious.

Just like the other parts of the house I've seen, it's white with a few hints of a neutral color mix.

I can't help but admire the setting and glass walls that scarcely make up the house.

The bed, which lies in the center of the room, propped up to the wall is huge and tall.

There is a fairly long couch on one end and a comfortable-looking chair on another end.

Two doors that led to the closet and bathroom ensuite were a few meters away.

I take a guess on which leads where and enter the closet.

It was divided into two, the bigger part was obviously mine since Lorenzo's things filled up the second part.

I walk back out and only then do I notice the vanity table and set up, a huge flatscreen TV and a glass table with remotes on it.

The driver suddenly walks in with my bags and Lorenzo directs him to put them in the walk-in closet.

" So, what do you think? ", he asks, snapping me out of my train of thought.

He'd taken me around the house and shown me every room that concerned me, the office especially, which we would figure out later.

The kitchen is beautiful and so is the pool area. I'll definitely be spending some time here.

The garden houses a lot of flowers and some trees which I'm surprised

He slowly guides me back when I step too close to the pool's edge.

" It's beautiful. Everything is. "

" Well, you can thank Mari and Dulce for most part then. "

It took me a while before I grasped that he'd been talking about his stepmother.

" I most definitely will. "


Someone I know once said something that I'll never forget.

We were at his school and he was introducing another girl and me to a guy that ended up asking me out, whatever.

So, while introducing us, he went, and I quote, " This is A, the pretty one, and this is B. "

I, in this case, am B. He probably meant nothing by this but it's stuck with me since, and it's going to, forever.

Oh well, how was your day? It's a new week, any plans?

And, I just got into a University, it's online, which means I don't get to physically interact with people until my exams, yayyyyy.

I'm happy. I try to be.

And, I love you guys.

Thank you for being there and reading my rant, I love you.

Love, me. ❤️