
On My Terms

After a brutal betrayal by his family and fiancée, Hendrix Frost is left for dead. But fate intervenes, and he's given a second chance at life. A childless widow, who works as a maid at the luxurious Dunwoody Villa, takes him in and nurses him back to health. However, Hendrix's memories are lost in the process, and he's reborn as Drix Anderson. As Drix, he takes on a new identity and becomes Camilla Dunwoody's personal bodyguard to support his new family. But as he gets closer to the rebellious heiress, their relationship evolves into something more. Camilla Dunwoody is a force to be reckoned with. Despite building her own successful company, she's determined to inherit her grandfather's empire. But there's a catch - her grandfather insists she marry before taking the reins. Desperate and enraged, Camilla proposes a 5-month contract marriage to Drix, her bodyguard. Little does she know, her 'husband' holds secrets that could change everything and fuel her thirst for power.

Ebbie_Namani · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


D R I Xᯓᡣ𐭩

MY GAZE is still on Camilla's delicate hands, specifically on the diamond ring I slid into her finger. The ring my mom insisted that I use, stating that she had kept it for the woman that I'd get married to. The urgency of the wedding was a blow to her but she was able to accept the truth. She's still in her wheelchair but I find solace in her calm and assuring smile despite the beads of sweet on my forehead.

When she came in with her grandfather, my eyes glittered with admiration. She does this 'beauty thing' with ease like it's so easy to look good on a regular basis and look astonishing on your fake wedding day. I've had courage all through the ceremony from showering her with compliments and making the false vows but a kiss? I wasn't prepared for that.

She's giving me a stare of hesitance, urging me to withdraw and avoid whatever the priest asked me to do. I didn't want to do it either but she's the same person who added the words, "With exception of the wedding kiss" to her contract.

Slipping that ring right in the front of our guests and the priest's pronunciation was a heavy lump for me to swallow. This would definitely suffocate me.

I stepped forward to lean closer when she released her hands from mine, pulled me down by my collar and crashed her lips on mine.

My eyes widened in shock as the warmth of her lips made my chest flutter, I felt her heated breath as the taste of her strawberry tinted lip gloss filled my mouth. A calm steady pulse beat within me as she quickly pulled away, her cheeks are clothed in several shades of red as she quickly darts her eyes from me.

"Is it over? " she asks the priest, like she isn't guilty of driving my once sane mind off trail.

"Yes," he beams and the guests rise to their feet, giving a soft round of applause as we faced them with a smile.

Camilla's choice to hold the wedding at evening gave us access to see the glamorous sunset which drowned my thoughts for a split second until her grandfather headed towards us and wrapped her in a warm embrace.

"Congratulations, Mi Cileo, " he grinned, pulling out before giving me a handshake.

My lips part in shock when he leaves two car keys on my palm as he pulled away.

"Consider this a wedding gift from me to you, the cars would arrive tomorrow. No time to waste, you both have a flight to catch! " He added.

"F-flight?" I muttered.

"Yes, for the honeymoon, " Stephan giggled, Camilla looked at him and handed him her bouquet as he came closer.

I was kept in the dark about this as well, but I think I'll play along with it, as I gave them a smile.

My mom wheeled her chair with the aid of her nurse towards Camilla, she grabbed both her hands in hers.

"Enjoy your marriage, dear. He could be a pain in the neck sometimes but please don't murder him, "

Camilla giggled, "It's inappropriate to plan a funeral right after a wedding, isn't it?"

My mom laughed,"I have a refundable policy, it'll be best to return him with a few broken bones than as a corpse,"

"I'm still here,if you aren't aware," I announced, loud enough for them to hear. If they were 'joking' it's certainly not funny.

"They know, Drix," Luke chirped. It's shocking how we got close in a span of three days, he's married so I think he gets this whole thing.

Moments later, we were already changed into more casual clothing as we said our farewells to the guests.

"Stay safe out there, Mrs. Anderson," Stephan grinned and Camilla whipped her head towards him.

"Mrs. Anderson?" She repeated sharply.

"Stephan, Stephan let them decide on their last names, okay?" Grandfather chuckled, nudgingLuke to quickly get the car started.

"I'll see you soon, Mi Cielo hopefully in a double form," Grandfather laughed.

"Abue!" she screamed, her cheeks reddening in either embarrassment or annoyance. I don't know, I've never been able to read her emotions fully.

"Stay safe, son," My mom smiled.

"I will," I answered.

I can read a lot of meanings to her statement, maybe it's to be safe during the trip or a

reminder to remain alive while I was married to Camilla. That, I didn't know as long as wherever we were going had room to rest which I desperately needed now.

We got into the vehicle and I waved at them until the car was out of the building.

"So…" I started but turned to look at my wife, nodding off slowly with her head on my shoulder.

She looks really peaceful while she's asleep, I'm not stunned by her actions she's been working non stop since three days in a bid to plan the perfect simple wedding, I needed a break as well but I held back the urge and watched her hummed softly as she drifted into the land of her dreams.

We arrived at the hotel to rest before heading for the honeymoon tomorrow, I still have questions but I think it's rude to wake her up. I change my mind when I think of how to transport her into the building.

"Camilla," I called, carefully taking her head from my shoulder but she shrugged and pushed my hand away.

"Leave me alone," she murmured, adjusting her position on my shoulder.

"Camilla, Camilla,"

No answer.

"The hotel is one of Mr. Dunwoody's, the staff have been instructed on what to do," said Luke with a beam.

"Oh, Camilla —"

"Just carry her in,"

"The bags —"

"The bellhops are available,"

Hesitantly and in order to make this seem true, I calmly alighted the vehicle before pulling her out and carrying her in my arms as she yawned and continued sleeping, releasing soft snores.

I walk into the hotel room with countless thoughts, I was now married and the woman who drooled on my shoulder a few hours ago is my wife. Unbelievable.