
I don’t know you, Meg Miller

I hugged my mother affectionately and then passed it on to my father:

- I would like to apologize.

- It's okay, Megan. said my mother.

- I don't want to apologize for my feelings for Noah... But for leaving our family exposed in some way.

- I accept your apologies... After all, I'm sure you thought better of it and decided to stay with Axel. He is your husband.

- Like I said, I don't want to apologize for my feelings. - I said going to the table and sitting next to Martina.

I kissed Martina and poured myself some juice. They also returned to the table.

- How's everything going? You look tired. said my mother.

- Axel had an accident. - I said.

- Like this? asked Martina worriedly.

- It was serious... He's... In a coma.

Everyone looked at me terrified.

- How is Martin? asked my father.

- How's Noah? – Michelle asked.

- Noah... It's okay. He left for Noriah North this morning... on business. Martim... It's even better, believe me.