
On Air, Turquoise Devils

MC I am but not 
ALL CAPS I’m not but I am all
 All mere character, I’m no MIGHTY CONQUISTADOR Midas curse, not MONTEZUMA CROWNED [We] All gold but I’m cursed
 Curses!! Such a standalone that I sit and wrap my raps in some slice of life and hope to get a huge chunk of rep. Reputedly, I'm being meta, meta morph me into something (please), I'm just some thing.

CloudBamboo · Music & Bands
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42 Chs

Lady and Villain

Between ladies, the Lady told Mona Lisa to keep the world, her Ermine was enough for her and Mona Lisa did, not disappointing when Caesar sent an SOS into the world, into Renaissance.

Answered with EVERYTHING IS LOVE but everything was not love. "Why must it be when I am having a Lemonade4" pouted Mona Lisa unhappily but she still came through for Caesar. Queen helps queen after all and SZA and Beyonce were the undisputed queens of 2021.

And the Lady, where was she when all this going down?

Still with her Ermine10, but what was it in this age. Mona Lisa was now Beyonce and Caesar was now SZA, surely the Ermine was not what it had been in that Renaissance long ago. Indeed, it had become a thing transcendent and otherworldly and so Lady had to be too to remain holding it. Caesar is SZA and Mona Lisa is Beyonce, who had the Lady become?

Arthurian lore has the answer. Lady of the Lake once, now Lady of the Forge, that is the Lady. Arthur's death caused the change, had Lady of the Lake changing states to prevent being given back Excalibur, that terrible burden once more and so to that end, her liquid body turned gas and she evaporated into a higher realm. Lake into the sea, then silence for many years. 

Evaporated into the sea of stars where she found employment as the Lady of the Forge2. First commission was a hammer. Mljönir was what the Lady made for Thor, all thorium. The pitch (gray) Norns9 thought otherwise

"It is a point below."

"Actinium is eminent but not worth Thor."

The Lady disagreed so they sent a kelpie to seize the hammer. Unwilling to take this fate from the Three like pi, she hides it in the decimals. Hides it where the ever complex Norns will never find it—in plain sight. 

"The cover is not complex. It is not! Just like the identity of the one behind the metal face. A destroyer, his first operation was Doomsday."

Part II

As unluck would have it, the English Poet 5heard not American Poetry7 , inadvertently dooming RAP to a Kiss of life. That is Sade. That is not death, it's emotionless. Just came, courtesy of the inimitable trench coat who dug perfectly deep, disposed of the trench masterfully and slithered inside, cerebral, culminating in a mike getting head.

Like a hammer, it smashes into unsuspecting RAP from the underground courtesy of the covert coat who makes himself invisible soon after, a riding coat into the ether of unmasked, unknown obscurity. Came to destroy rap and did, what a true-green-Doomsday. Smaragdine success was the operation and he celebrates it by smoking trees, catching up on monster movies and buying a pilot coat.

Every villain needs to look fly and if impossible, at least fly before the inevitable fall like Icarus. Wore it one dim day and flew into the future where Desiigner is the present and everyone was a Panda6. Desiigner replaced Future so they was no more lean. All was mumble rap and that was no improvement to the once covert-coat -now-Panda. He would not lean on mumble rap so he went manga, Panda but not Panda. They killed him for his contradiction in '22. Caught a .22 in 2021, he was not the victor in a sorcery fight8. Can't come back as a Rhinestone Cowboy3 for the Cowboy is no loser but it was a Great Day 1nonetheless. Great Day for he shed the flesh of a Panda. Worry not about death for DOOM never dies, only transfers his consciousness into another motherfucker, call him MF. 

Mona Lisa can finally take an interlude. MF DOOM on the other hand, well, he's up and we going all the way. ALL THE WAY!!

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