
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Video Games
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38 Chs

File P: "Peaceful Paranoia"

As they take the shortcut back to the main otherworld, Omori leads the way with a thoughtful expression, his mind seemingly occupied with something beyond the immediate surroundings. Despite Kel's complaints about the unresolved side quest, there's a sense of anticipation and curiosity among the group, especially regarding Omori's demeanor and the new potential hangout spot.

Dreamworld Mari chimes in, "It's always interesting to see different sides of Omori. Maybe this new spot will inspire us for our next adventure!"

Meanwhile, Dreamworld Basil adjusts his floral straw hat and nods in agreement. "Indeed. Every discovery adds to our experiences and insights. Who knows what we might find?"

Aubrey, with a playful smile, adds, "As long as we stick together, even peaceful walks can turn into exciting escapades. And Omori seems to have a knack for uncovering hidden gems."

With renewed enthusiasm, they continue their journey, eager to explore the new area and see what adventures await them beyond the familiar paths of the junkyard.

Then , as Omori turns Hero notice a chuckle as Aubrey blush and let go of Omori as she realize she has been holding his arm earlier "Ahh Right s-so-sorry Omori Mari..the others Uhh—" Then they got surprised when Omori who is quietly had a small chuckle even though it's quiet and subtle.

As Omori's subtle chuckle breaks the moment, Dreamworld Kel grins and nudges Hero, whispering, "Looks like Omori's enjoying the attention, huh?"

Hero nods, a playful glint in his eyes. "Seems like it. It's nice to see him loosen up a bit."

Dreamworld Mari smiles warmly at Omori. "No need to..."

As Mari continues what she is about to say as the rest to pay attention. For Dreamworld Basil ask "No need to what Mari?"

Dreamworld Mari continues, "No need to apologize, Aubrey. It's nice seeing everyone relaxed and enjoying each other's company."

Dreamworld Basil nods in agreement. "Absolutely. We're all here to have a good time and support each other."

Meanwhile, Dreamworld Kel, with his usual enthusiasm, suggests, "Hey, since we're exploring new spots, how about we make it a quest? We can search for the best hangout spot in the Otherworld!"

Omori, still smiling softly, nods in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Let's make some new memories together."

Dreamworld Mari continues, "No need to apologize, Aubrey. It's nice seeing everyone relaxed and enjoying each other's company."

Dreamworld Basil nods in agreement. "Absolutely. We're all here to have a good time and support each other."

Meanwhile, Dreamworld Kel, with his usual enthusiasm, suggests, "Hey, since we're exploring new spots, how about we make it a quest? We can search for the best hangout spot in the Otherworld!"

Omori, still smiling softly, nods in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Let's make some new memories together."

Dreamworld Hero nods in agreement with Omori's reminder, adding, "Right, we need to focus on finding those missing pieces for our main quest. But it's nice to see everyone working together smoothly." Dreamworld Mari chimes in, "Absolutely! We make a great team when we stay focused and keep each other in check." Dreamworld Kel, ever the optimist, exclaims, "And who knows, maybe we'll stumble upon some clues for that side quest along the way!" Their comments reflect a balanced approach to their tasks and highlight their unity as a team.

As Dreamworld Basil held Omori's other hand and utters "Let's just hope we all kept that bargain with Rosa right? Since we did made a deal to get this mixtape…."

Dreamworld Omori nods in agreement, acknowledging the importance of honoring their agreement with Rosa to obtain the mixtape. The group's cohesion and determination are evident as they prioritize their tasks and commitments, ensuring they work together effectively to achieve their goals.

As they finally reach space boyfriend's home after fixing their own appearance up initially by the nearby Mirror as Dreamworld Mari comments "It's so nice seeing us all together…." As Dreamworld Hero chuckle "Although the mirror shows were to TIGHTLY knit to fit everyone given it…"

Dreamworld Omori smiles softly, appreciating the camaraderie among the group. They may face challenges and obstacles, but moments like these where they come together and support each other reaffirm their bond and unity.

Then , Basil whispers "Woah you seem naturally more expressive Omori.." As Omori turn quietly confuse as he got poker face again. As he sign language what does he mean as they walk.

Basil smiled gently and replied, "Oh, I meant you're showing more emotions naturally. It's nice to see you comfortable like this." He then gestured to indicate that Omori's natural expressions were a positive change and added, "It's like you're showing more of yourself without even trying."

Omori eyes that are lifeless dilate a bit before it reverts to being stoic again with no life "Guess….if that is a good thing surely I can agree…." As Dreamworld Kel jumps ahead "Hey come on Omori and Basil!!! We're almost welcome by the crew to check on Space boyfriend!!!!"

Dreamworld Mari chimed in cheerfully, "Yes, let's not keep them waiting! I bet Space Boyfriend is excited to see us."

Dreamworld Hero nodded in agreement, adding, "I'm curious to see how he's doing and what he has to say about all this mixtape fuss."

Aubrey smiled softly and said, "I hope we can resolve this peacefully. It would be nice to have a positive interaction for once."

Basil encouraged Omori with a gentle pat on the back, saying, "You got this, Omori. Let's see what awaits us."

Nods as they finally enter the area , the crew welcomed them warmly, excited to see their return. "Yahar! So, the guests have returned! Any luck finding the mixtape yet?"

The friends responded cheerfully, with Dreamworld Kel leading the explanation. "Yahar! We've got it indeed!" he exclaimed, as Omori handed over the mixtape. "We had a little chat with Rosa, and she kindly agreed to let us borrow it for a while."

Hero then explained with Basil how it took awhile to do it with Rosa.

Hero nodded in agreement with Basil's explanation, adding, "Yeah, it did take some time to convince her, but we managed." The crew expressed their gratitude, saying, "Thanks again! Sorry for the trouble you had to go through over at the junkyard."

Mari elegantly swayed her head, her flowing hair adding to her graceful gesture, as she asked, "No problem! Is Space Boyfriend still upstairs in his space-bedroom sulking?"

The crew chuckled softly, a few of them exchanging knowing glances. One of them, a robotic figure with a friendly tone, replied, "Oh, Space Boyfriend is indeed in his space-bedroom, but I wouldn't say he's sulking. He's just... contemplating the vastness of the cosmos, you know how it is."

Dreamworld Kel laughed, nudging Omori playfully. "Contemplating the cosmos, huh? Sounds like he's having one of those existential moments again!"

Dreamworld Hero grinned, adding, "Well, we've got the mixtape, so let's go cheer him up!"

Omori nodded in agreement, a faint smile crossing his face, reflecting the subtle warmth he felt among his dreamworld friends.

As they went ahead upstairs , Space boyfriend is crying as he is now cocooned with his blanket and groans "…." As Kel test a small colorful xylophone he spots to play a beat as Aubrey sighs saying "Pshh Kel!!! Focused!!!!"

Kel quickly stopped playing the xylophone, looking sheepish. "Sorry, sorry! I just thought maybe some music could cheer him up."

Aubrey patted Kel's shoulder reassuringly before turning her attention to Space Boyfriend. "Hey, Space Boyfriend, we're back. And look what we brought!" She gestured to Omori, who held out the mixtape with a small smile.

Space Boyfriend peeked out from his blanket cocoon, his eyes puffy from crying. "You... you found it?" His voice was filled with a mix of hope and disbelief.

Dreamworld Hero stepped forward, handing over the mixtape. "Yep, we got it back for you. No worries now, you can listen to your favorite tunes again."

Space Boyfriend's expression softened, and he accepted the mixtape with gratitude. "Thank you all so much. I don't know what I'd do without my music."

Omori spoke softly, "We're glad we could help. Everyone deserves to enjoy their favorite things, especially in tough times."

Dreamworld Mari nodded in agreement, offering Space Boyfriend a warm smile. "Exactly! Music has a way of lifting our spirits."

The crew gathered around, happy to see Space Boyfriend feeling a bit better. They chatted and laughed, sharing stories and jokes, creating a cozy atmosphere in the space-bedroom.

Then Dreamworld Basil "although we found it by the junkyard with a bit of a fuss with someone taking it from there…that Sproutmoles..Rosa mentioned it's thrown away…" As Omori Pat Basil as he speak mononously "What Basil meant to ask….Did you threw your mixtape? If so , why? Is it because something between you and sweetheart?"

Space Boyfriend let out a heavy sigh, his expression turning melancholic. "Yeah, I did throw it away. Sweetheart and I... we had a falling out. I couldn't bear to listen to our songs anymore. It reminded me too much of happier times."

Dreamworld Hero nodded understandingly. "Sometimes, memories can be bittersweet. It's okay to take a break from them until you're ready."

Omori added, "We all go through tough times. If there's anything we can do to help or just listen, we're here."

Space Boyfriend looked appreciatively at the group. "Thanks, guys. I'll figure things out eventually. For now, I'll cherish this mixtape you retrieved for me. It means a lot."

Dreamworld Mari gave him an encouraging smile. "Take your time. Healing isn't always quick, but you'll get there."

The crew spent some more time with Space Boyfriend, chatting and offering support. Eventually, they bid farewell and made their way back to their hangout spot, feeling a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie.

Kel gasp as he whispers to Hero "Wait , so we didn't upset Space Boyfriend? We didn't even need to fight him?" As Space boyfriend groans and smiled to say "Also Don't call me that…I think I want to get back at Capt. Spaceboy now…if you don't mind…."

Kel nods, relieved. "Yeah, looks like we avoided a potential fight. And sure, we'll call you whatever you prefer."

Space Boyfriend chuckled softly at Kel's comment. "Thanks, guys. And yeah, go ahead, call me whatever you like. Just not Space Boyfriend, please."

Dreamworld Hero smiled. "Got it. Capt. Spaceboy it is. We'll leave you to your plans then. Take care!"

With that, the group bid farewell to Capt. Spaceboy and made their way back to their hangout spot, chatting about their adventure and the lessons they learned along the way.

Aubrey and Mari shared a reassuring pat on Capt. Spaceboy's shoulder, conveying that healing takes time and they'll always be there for him and his crew. Their gestures were a silent promise of support and friendship, acknowledging the difficulties but also the strength that comes from sticking together through tough times.

Capt. Spaceboy chuckled and exclaimed, "Wait, I should also give a gift!" He handed the party an extra 150 clams along with a special item—a weapon that Mari could safely keep in her picnic basket, the early version of Capt. Spaceboy's Space Ray-gun. This generous gesture was a token of gratitude and a symbol of their strengthened friendship.

Kel and Aubrey gasped in surprise, while Omori nodded in appreciation. Mari's smile widened as she expressed their gratitude to Capt. Spaceboy, says, "We're very grateful, Capt. Spaceboy! May we meet again!"

Hero then suggested, "Hey, can we use the back door to take a shortcut back to the otherworld?" This idea would help them save time and navigate more efficiently through their adventures.

Capt. Spaceboy looked at them with a mix of relief and gratitude. "Of course, my friends," he said warmly. "The back door is always open for those who have helped me in my time of need. Safe travels on your journey, and may you find peace and joy in your adventures." With that, he gestured toward the back door, indicating that they were welcome to use it for their shortcut back to the otherworld.

They nod as they left , Omori turn a glance and spoke "Just don't lose your mixtape again okay? Deep down it still YOUR music…"

Omori's words lingered as they left, resonating with Capt. Spaceboy. He nodded appreciatively, understanding the sentiment behind Omori's reminder. "Thank you, Omori," he called after them, a hint of determination in his voice.

As they left and walk on the back door's purple like bridge and they were in awe (but Omori is internally awe still having a stoic face) while the rest of the party express witnessing the Space GALLERY where it showcase even all the planets of the solar system that are just standing by on their places and other otherworld sky related features.

As they walked along the purple bridge, the ethereal beauty of the Space Gallery unfolded before them. Dreamworld Mari twirled, her hair catching the soft glow of the starlight. "Wow, this is incredible! Look at all the planets, they're so vivid," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

Dreamworld Hero nodded in agreement, his usual charm momentarily overshadowed by the grandeur of the celestial display. "This is beyond amazing. It's like we're walking through the cosmos itself," he remarked, gazing at the intricate details of each planet suspended in the air.

Dreamworld Kel, usually full of energy, was unusually quiet, taking in the cosmic spectacle with a sense of awe. "I never thought we'd see something like this up close. It's like a dream," he murmured, his voice filled with reverence.

Dreamworld Aubrey walked beside Omori, her hand lightly touching his arm as she glanced at him with a soft smile. "Isn't this breathtaking, Omori?" she asked, her eyes reflecting the starlight.

Omori's stoic expression softened ever so slightly as he took in the sight. Internally, he marveled at the intricate design of the Space Gallery, the planets arranged in perfect harmony. "It's impressive," he replied simply, his gaze drifting across the cosmic panorama.

Dreamworld Basil, usually the quiet observer, spoke up with a sense of wonder in his voice. "I never imagined we'd witness something like this. It's like a painting come to life," he said, his eyes alight with curiosity.

As they continued walking, the Space Gallery's majesty enveloped them, filling their hearts with a sense of wonder and unity. Each planet and star seemed to whisper tales of distant worlds and cosmic mysteries, creating an unforgettable experience for the dreamworld adventurers.

They walk further as Omori comments a glance at one of the empty silhouette marks at the gallery "Look, Kel pointed out before so…Guess Pluto really is missing…" Hero uttered with Mari walking by his side "I wonder why he left his post somewhat?"

As they walked further, Omori's gaze lingered on one of the empty silhouette marks within the Space Gallery. "Pluto is missing," he remarked, his tone contemplative.

Dreamworld Hero, walking alongside Dreamworld Mari, glanced at Omori and then at the empty spot where Pluto should have been. "It's strange. Kel did mention it before. I wonder why Pluto would leave its post," he mused, his curiosity piqued.

Mari tilted her head, her violet eyes scanning the celestial display. "Maybe there's a reason. Or perhaps it's just part of the cosmic dance, ever-changing and unpredictable," she suggested, her voice carrying a hint of fascination.

Kel, who had been quiet for a while, spoke up with a thoughtful expression. "Pluto's absence feels significant somehow. Like there's a story behind it," he said, his gaze lingering on the empty space where the dwarf planet should have been.

Aubrey, walking beside Omori, nodded in agreement. "It's like a mystery waiting to be unraveled. Maybe there's more to Pluto's departure than meets the eye," she added, her gaze drifting back to the cosmic display.

Basil, always observant, chimed in with a speculative tone. "Perhaps Pluto has its own journey to embark on, separate from the rest of the planets. It's intriguing," he suggested, his eyes scanning the other celestial bodies in the Space Gallery.

As they continued walking and pondering the mystery of Pluto's absence, the dreamworld adventurers felt a sense of curiosity and wonder, eager to uncover the secrets hidden within the cosmic tapestry of the Space Gallery.

As they came to a halt, Omori was the only one who noticed a faint glimmer in the distance. It was the missing keyboard piece, seemingly beckoning to him. The voices in his head grew more insistent, whispering, "Take it, take it now..."

Dreamworld Kel looked around, puzzled. "What's up, Omori? Did you find something?"

Omori's expression remained stoic as he focused on the elusive keyboard piece. "I... I think I see something," he murmured, his voice barely audible.

Mari, concerned, asked, "Is everything okay, Omori? You seem... different."

Hero, always attentive, noticed Omori's demeanor. "Omori, what's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Aubrey, sensing the tension, placed a comforting hand on Omori's shoulder. "Hey, if something's bothering you, you can talk to us."

Basil, observing Omori closely, remarked, "It's like he's in another world right now. Omori, are you hearing something?"

Omori's internal struggle was evident as he grappled with the voices urging him to take the keyboard piece. "I... I need to...," he began, his voice trailing off as he tried to make sense of the situation.

The dreamworld friends exchanged concerned glances, unable to perceive what Omori was experiencing. Only he could hear the persistent whispers and feel the pull of the mysterious artifact.

As Omori reached out tentatively towards the keyboard piece, the voices grew louder, echoing in his mind with increasing urgency. The decision weighed heavily on him, signaling a pivotal moment in his journey within the dreamworld.

As he finally pick it up and hid it in his inventory is stopped. Until , they encounter a battle with a shadowy silhouette of something of the dark although this time it looks like more Of a spider as Hero got terrified. The rest got eerie as Dreamworld Mari shield Omori and shouted "Everyone , get ready for this random battle!!!!" As Omori focus to not succumb to the current creature and remembers to himself (that stranger!!!! How dare does these things bother my adventure with my friends and sister!!!!)

The shadowy silhouette transformed into a menacing spider-like creature, casting an eerie atmosphere over the group. Hero's fear was palpable, but Dreamworld Mari quickly sprang into action, shielding Omori and rallying the rest for battle.

Omori's determination surged as he faced the creature, recalling the encounter with the stranger who warned him about such disturbances. "Not this time," he thought to himself, channeling his resolve to protect his friends and sister.

Dreamworld Kel brandished his weapon, ready to strike, while Aubrey prepared her umbrella for defense. Basil focused on support spells, and Mari readied her guitar-like keyboard player for an offensive move.

As the battle unfolded, Omori maintained his composure, strategically guiding his friends and coordinating their attacks. Each member of the party played their part, utilizing their unique skills and teamwork to overcome the shadowy spider.

With precise maneuvers and coordinated efforts, they managed to defeat the creature, earning valuable experience points and newfound confidence in their abilities.

As the battle concluded, Omori couldn't shake off the sense of foreboding caused by these random encounters. He knew that more challenges lay ahead, each one testing their strength and unity as a team.

In response to the creature's unsettling echo, Hero and Basil shifted their focus to bolstering the party's defenses. Hero cast protective spells, creating barriers and enhancing their resistance against the creature's attacks. Basil's support abilities were directed towards healing and providing defensive buffs, ensuring that the party could withstand the creature's onslaught with minimal damage.

As the creature continued to echo, calling out "Sunny... Listen... Listen..." Omori's mind raced with a mixture of curiosity and caution. The mention of his real-world name, Sunny, within this dreamworld context sent a chill down his spine.

Dreamworld Mari sensed Omori's unease and stepped forward, her guitar-like keyboard player ready for another round of offensive moves. She glanced at Omori, silently reassuring him of their collective strength and determination to face whatever challenges arose.

Kel and Aubrey stood poised for action, their resolve unwavering despite the eerie echoes and the unsettling presence of the creature. With a shared glance, they communicated their readiness to support each other and Omori in this unexpected confrontation.

Omori steadied himself, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to confront the creature once more. The echoes of his real-world identity within this dreamworld setting added layers of mystery and urgency to the encounter, prompting him to delve deeper into the secrets that intertwined his two realities.

As they finally defeat it. AUBREY AND HERO SIGHS. While Basil muttered "You okay Omori? Everyone? Hopefully that isn't the same creature from that small train encounter last time right?" As Mari pouts "I still don't get it how does it randomly followed us?"

As the battle concluded and the eerie creature dissipated into nothingness, a collective sigh of relief swept through the group. Aubrey and Hero exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring a mixture of exhaustion and reassurance that they had prevailed once again.

Basil's concern was palpable as he checked in with Omori and the rest of the party, his soft-spoken words carrying a sense of care and attentiveness. Mari's confusion mirrored the sentiments of the group, wondering aloud about the inexplicable appearance of the creature and its mysterious connection to their adventures.

Omori nodded in response to Basil's inquiry, his stoic demeanor giving little away of the internal turmoil and questions swirling in his mind. Despite the victory, the encounter with the creature had left a lingering unease, a reminder of the deeper mysteries and challenges that awaited them in this dreamworld.

With a shared nod of understanding, the group decided to press on, their determination and camaraderie stronger than ever as they ventured deeper into the dreamworld's secrets, united in their quest and ready to face whatever obstacles came their way.