
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Video Games
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

File I: "Intermission"

As they settled down on the picnic blanket, Omori couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Something unseen lurked in the shadows, its presence palpable yet elusive. Despite his friends' cheerful chatter and the refreshing juice boxes provided by Dreamworld Mari, Omori's unease lingered like a haunting whisper in the back of his mind.

He sipped his juice, trying to distract himself, but the sensation persisted. Was it a figment of his imagination, a manifestation of his inner fears, or something more sinister lurking in the dreamworld's depths? Omori glanced around subtly, not wanting to alarm his friends, but the feeling of being observed weighed heavily on him.

Dreamworld Mari noticed his unease and asked if everything was alright, to which Omori forced a smile and nodded. Deep down, he knew that this intermission in their adventure might not be as peaceful as it seemed.

As Dreamworld Basil took a new set of Photos again as he beamed finishing his juice "Hey Mari we weren't so bad in our first adventure led by Omori right? Hero loved you at our party very much!!! Along well you right my Shears compliment Omori's knife—" As Dreamworld Kel shouted eating a cookie "As me and AUBREY are either there for morale or BACKup!!! Which is so cool!!!"


Dreamworld Hero nodded, as Dreamworld Mari replied to Basil "Yes!!!! Of course-" Then she scooted close to Omori with a poker face and blank stare somewhere in the distance "Answer me Omori and I shall ask again….You alright! And did you have fun?" 

Dreamworld Omori met Dreamworld Mari's gaze with a thoughtful expression, pondering her questions. He nodded slowly, acknowledging her concern. "I'm alright, Mari. And yes, I did have fun," he replied sincerely.

Dreamworld Mari's poker face softened into a gentle smile as she leaned back slightly, reassured by Omori's response. "Good to hear. We're all here for each other, after all," she said warmly, gesturing to their group gathered around the picnic blanket.

Dreamworld Hero chimed in with a grin, adding, "Absolutely! We make a great team, and it's always an adventure with you, Omori."

The dreamworld friends exchanged smiles, enjoying their moment of camaraderie and friendship during their intermission in the dreamworld.

Omori nods as he crawls over close to Dreamworld Basil (whom Dreamworld Aubrey followed) he requests "Hey Basil, can I see the new photos?"

Dreamworld Basil nodded enthusiastically, holding out the freshly taken photos for Omori to see. "Sure thing, Omori! Check these out," he said with a smile, spreading out the photos for Omori and Dreamworld Aubrey to see.

As Omori examined the photos, Dreamworld Aubrey leaned in with curiosity, commenting, "Wow, these look amazing, Basil! You've captured the essence of our adventure."

Dreamworld Basil beamed proudly, pleased with the response. "Thanks, Aubrey! I tried to get some good shots of all of us in action," he explained, pointing out different scenes and moments captured in the photos.

Omori nodded in appreciation, impressed by Basil's photography skills. "These are great, Basil. You always have a talent for this," he complimented, smiling at his friend.

The Dreamworld friends continued to chat and reminisce about their recent adventures, enjoying the memories captured in Basil's photos during their intermission in the Dreamworld.

Dreamworld Kel also crawled over to see "Yeah!!! It's awesome that despite Basil joining our adventures now he captures such action without these umm—" As Dreamworld Hero finishes Kel's line "Motion blurs?" As Dreamworld Kel gasp "Yeah bro!!! That!!!" Everyone else laughed except Omori with a small smile as he nudged Kel to say "It's okay, even I was surprised how Basil easily managed using his shears, and whenever it's not his turn to do something for the party he takes pictures….."

Dreamworld Hero chuckled along with the others, nodding in agreement with Kel's observation about motion blurs in Basil's photos. "Basil has an eye for capturing action moments," he commented, impressed by his friend's photography skills.

Dreamworld Aubrey chimed in, adding, "It's like he's always ready to snap a picture, even in the midst of our adventures!"

Dreamworld Mari nodded with a smile, appreciating the effort Basil put into documenting their experiences. "It's nice to have these memories captured so we can look back on them later," she remarked.

Omori listened to his friends' praises for Basil's photography and felt a sense of gratitude for the memories they were creating together. He glanced at Basil, giving him a thumbs-up to show his appreciation for the photos and their shared adventures.

Basil blushed with a beam as he pasted these new photos in his Photo album as he rambled "Yeah I know, Hey maybe after we finish our current adventure!!!! We can return to my house to check out my Garden for everyone!!!!"

Basil's enthusiasm was contagious, and the idea of visiting his garden after their adventure excited everyone. Dreamworld Kel clapped his hands together, exclaiming, "That sounds amazing, Basil! Your garden is always so colorful and relaxing."

Dreamworld Hero added, "It'll be a nice change of pace after our adventures. Plus, we can see how your plants have grown!"

Dreamworld Aubrey nodded in agreement, already imagining the peaceful atmosphere of Basil's garden. "Count me in. I could use some time surrounded by nature."

Dreamworld Mari smiled warmly at Basil. "Your garden is like a hidden oasis. I'm looking forward to it."

Omori joined in, expressing his anticipation. "It'll be a great way to unwind and enjoy each other's company."

With plans for a garden visit in mind after their current adventure, the group continued with renewed energy, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.


Then, Omori stood up first with his usual Monotonous expression "First, we should explore more again hmm...does anyone want to switch tag first or not? Do we keep the current party? (the party has Omori, Mari, Basil, and Hero. Only Aubrey and Basil back up)"

Omori's question hung in the air, prompting the others to consider their options. Dreamworld Kel was the first to speak up, nodding eagerly. "I'm good with keeping the current party. We work well together, and everyone's skills complement each other."

Dreamworld Aubrey chimed in, "I agree. We've established a good rhythm, and it's efficient for us to continue this way."

Dreamworld Hero nodded in approval. "Yeah, let's stick with what's working. We can always switch things up if we encounter tougher challenges."

Dreamworld Mari glanced around at the group before nodding as well. "I think it's a good idea to maintain our current party setup. We've been doing great so far."

With a consensus reached, the party decided to stay as they were, ready to face whatever the dream world had in store for them next.

Basil nodded as he closed his photo album after pasting the new photos "So Omori, guess our adventure isn't over yet huh?"

Omori nods, and then he drags them along the forest until they reach a high-looking lander that may lead to Other World despite feeling e nervous somehow. He felt brave due to a subconscious fear overcome back in the waking world.

As Dreamworld Mari chuckles "Woah Omori you're becoming a lot braver lately.."

Omori is confused and asks "Braver?"

Dreamworld Mari smiled warmly at Omori's confusion. "Yes, braver. You've been taking more risks and leading us confidently. It's a positive change, Omori."

Dreamworld Kel chimed in, "Yeah, like when you asked if anyone wanted to switch party roles. That's not something you used to do often, but now you're more open to trying new strategies."

Dreamworld Aubrey nodded in agreement. "It shows growth and adaptability. You're becoming more versatile, Omori."

Dreamworld Hero patted Omori's back. "Keep it up, buddy. You're doing great."

Omori took in their words, feeling a sense of pride and determination. He realized that his experiences in both the dream world and the real world were shaping him in unexpected ways.

Omori for a short moment got his eyes dilate as it made him feel a flicker of his sunny self. then revert to his alter ego expression as Omori when he turns to Dreamworld Basil "Did I actually change a bit to everyone Basil?"

Dreamworld Basil nodded with a smile. "Definitely, Omori. You've been more proactive, making decisions and leading us with confidence. It's like you're stepping into a new role, and it's a positive change."

Dreamworld Mari added, "We've noticed how you've been handling situations differently, taking charge when needed, and being more open to trying new things. It's refreshing to see."

Omori took their words in, feeling a mix of emotions. He was grateful for their support and acknowledgment of his growth, yet there was still a lingering sense of uncertainty within him, a reminder of the complexities of his inner psyche.

Omori nods as he continues onward, the rest follows as everyone picks their signature items/weapons for use. Then, they finally climb the tall ladder that reaches above beyond the pinwheel forest that leads them to other world. 

As they climbed the ladder, Omori remained quiet, lost in thought about the absence of news regarding Space Boyfriend and Sweetheart. Meanwhile, his dreamworld friends engaged in a conversation, speculating about the possible reasons for the lack of updates.

Dreamworld Basil scratched his head, pondering aloud, "I wonder if something big happened in Space Boyfriend's realm. Maybe a new ruler or a major event that's keeping everyone occupied?"

Dreamworld Kel chimed in, "Or maybe they're on vacation! You know, taking a break from all the drama and music stuff."

Dreamworld Aubrey shook her head, "I doubt it's just a vacation. Space Boyfriend and Sweetheart are usually all over the news, even for the smallest things. Strangely, there's been complete silence."

Dreamworld Hero, always the optimist, offered a different perspective. "Maybe they've resolved their differences and decided to keep a low profile for a while. People change, after all."

Dreamworld Mari nodded in agreement, "That could be it. Relationships can evolve, and maybe they've found a new way to coexist peacefully."

Their theories floated in the air as they reached the top of the ladder, stepping onto the platform that would lead them into Otherworld. Omori listened to their discussions, finding comfort in their camaraderie and the distraction it provided from his inner turmoil.

As Omori assisted everyone up the ladder and onto the Otherworld ground, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease caused by the recurring silhouette that resembled Basil. Dreamworld Mari noticed his troubled expression and stayed close to him out of concern, while the others began discussing their next steps in Otherworld.

Dreamworld Hero suggested, "Let's start by exploring the area around us. Maybe we'll find some clues about what's been going on."

Dreamworld Kel added enthusiastically, "Yeah! And we should keep an eye out for any new enemies or interesting items we can use for our adventures."

Dreamworld Aubrey proposed, "I think splitting into smaller groups might be a good idea. We can cover more ground that way and gather information faster."

Dreamworld Basil, still focused on his photography, mentioned, "I'll keep documenting our journey. Who knows, we might discover something important."

Omori listened to their plans but couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Dreamworld Mari noticed his unease and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay, Omori? You seem distracted."

Omori forced a small smile and nodded. "I'm fine. Let's focus on our mission here."

With their roles defined and their objectives clear, the dreamworld friends set out to explore the Otherworld, unaware of the lingering mystery surrounding Omori's visions.

Dreamworld Basil then shifts his focus to Omori. He got that same expression Omori is familiar with, the red eyes Basil now has and he seems almost frightened too more expressively compared to Omori asking "Omori…why is there SOMETHING beside you?" Omori got confused. As he faces Dreamworld Mari flickers to SOMETHING of a silhouette of an eye gazing at him. It terrifies him. That cuts off the entire dream world to let him be awakened back at white space. Lying down, Mewo hugged him as he started crying confused why "What are those SOMETHINGS? Why is it disturbing my adventures with my friends? Why is only Basil the trigger? Do I need to get rid of him from headspace? No no, he's my friend!!!!"

As Omori lay in white space, his mind filled with confusion and fear from the unsettling encounter in Dreamworld, Mewo sensed his distress and gently nuzzled against him. The cat's comforting presence helped Omori calm down slightly, but his thoughts continued to race with questions and uncertainty.

Mewo let out soft meows, almost as if trying to communicate with Omori. In his mind, Omori interpreted Mewo's meows as a suggestion to take a break from exploring Dreamworld and focus on understanding the strange occurrences happening within his mind.

Omori took deep breaths, trying to steady his emotions. He realized that the SOMETHINGS he encountered could be manifestations of his inner fears and anxieties, symbolized by the unsettling silhouettes and red eyes. Instead of trying to immediately get rid of Basil or other elements from headspace, he decided to confront these fears head-on.

With Mewo by his side, Omori resolved to delve deeper into his psyche, exploring the root causes of his fears and finding ways to overcome them. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to rest and reflect on his experiences, determined to find peace and clarity within himself before returning to Dreamworld.

Then, he felt determined and felt the need to wake up as he wiped out his crying tears despite his poker face and nuzzled back to Mewo.

He says "Thanks Mewo, you're the only one aware of what I am been through" before he stands up and sets the black Kitty aside and wanders around white space. Avoiding the white door. Then, as he struggles this time he needs to use his knife to cut off the white hands with red outlines blocking his way to the grey door.

He finally reached it. 

In the waking world, Sunny's hands trembled and sweat beaded on his forehead as he heard a voice urging him to wake up. Startled, he gasped and accidentally pushed the person next to him. It turned out to be both Basil and Kel, who were trying to rouse him from his sleep.

Sunny's heart raced as he realized he had been experiencing a vivid dream or perhaps a nightmare. He looked around, still feeling a bit disoriented, and saw the familiar surroundings of Faraway town. The events of his dream were fresh in his mind, and he couldn't shake off the unease he felt from encountering the SOMETHINGS in Dreamworld.

Basil and Kel looked concerned as they asked Sunny if he was alright. Sunny tried to calm himself, his hands still shaking slightly, as he reassured them that he was okay. However, the lingering fear and confusion from his dream weighed heavily on his mind.

As he sat up, he took deep breaths, trying to steady himself. The events in Dreamworld felt so real, and the emotions he experienced were intense. Sunny couldn't help but wonder about the significance of his dream and the symbolism behind the SOMETHINGS he encountered.

Despite his lingering apprehension, Sunny knew he had to focus on the present and the real world around him. He thanked Basil and Kel for their concern and apologized for pushing them in his startled state. With a determined mindset, Sunny decided to put the unsettling dream aside for now and focus on his day ahead in Faraway Town.


Basil then whispers to Kel to tell Aubrey and Hero who were at the kitchen Sunny is awake and can't tell Sunny had a bad dream. Kel nodded with a determined expression before head patting Sunny as he went to his house' kitchen.

Then, Sunny turns to Basil "How long was I asleep in this bed fort with Hero and Kel last night? Rather when did you and Aubrey return here after coming back to your homes and sorting your umm…strained friendship out?"

Sunny turned to Basil, concern evident in his eyes as he sought to understand how long he had been asleep and what had transpired in his absence. He asked Basil about the timeline of events, particularly regarding when Basil and Aubrey had returned home after their discussions to mend their strained friendship.

Basil hesitated for a moment, considering his response carefully before answering, "You've been asleep for a few hours, Sunny. Aubrey and I returned not too long ago after sorting things out, and Hero was the first one to wake up and start preparing breakfast."

Sunny nodded, absorbing the information as he processed the details. He appreciated Basil's honesty and concern, knowing that his friends were looking out for him even when he was lost in his thoughts or dreams.

Sunny, rubbing his tired eyes, turned to Basil and asked, "And what about Kel? When did he wake up? I noticed that both of you managed to wake me up, so thanks for that."

Basil smiled reassuringly and replied, "Kel woke up shortly after Hero. He's probably in the kitchen helping with breakfast or setting the table by now."

Sunny nodded, feeling a sense of relief that his friends were all up and about, carrying on with their morning routine.

Sunny panicked a bit, causing Basil to ask, "What's wrong, Sunny?" As Sunny looked around, he saw something wrapping around Basil's waist and arms, and he felt something at his own back. When he turned, it vanished, leaving him bewildered.

Stuttering, Sunny crawled out of the bed fort and exclaimed, "Then, I didn't manage to check on Mari today?"

Aubrey, coming in with a tray in her hand, reassured him, "Hey, Basil told us you're awake. Don't worry about Mari; we took care of it by messaging your parents from your phone."

Basil nervously chuckled, and Sunny playfully pouted, asking, "When did Aubrey manage to take my cell phone?"


Hero and Kel in the background set up the meal at the kitchen's dinner table. Sunny can smell the aroma of the meal.

As they shouted "Probably when it dropped off your pocket in your sleep when she and Basil came back here—"

Hero added "Plus , we follow your parents' instructions on how to usually take care of Mari turns out it's not so bad—"

Kel followed up with a teased "Although, Hero waited while making breakfast as well for you to wake up Sunny!!!! Susumu Miyamoto!!!! Sunny's full name we almost didn't recall in all these years"

Aubrey groaned from hearing the banter from the brothers in the other corridor, knelt beside Sunny, and said, "I brought you a tray assuming you might not want to sit and eat with us yet. It's been a while since you've eaten with people, right?"

Basil nodded. As Sunny said something that surprised them as he stood up "Actually, I sort of…..wanted to join you guys…on the table after hearing what you all did today…..and for Mari…"


Sunny's decision surprised Basil and the others. He expressed his desire to join them at the table after hearing about what they did for Mari and how they took care of things during the day.


Kel then settles the drinks aside by the dinner table and rushes to Sunny's side to hug him.

Both Aubrey and Basil are surprised. As Aubrey huffed "Kel watch the tray sheesh!!!!"

Sunny returns the embrace to Kel back with a smile "Thanks Kel…Everyone…" 

When Kel asks "Did you mean it? You wanna join us for breakfast together?" He says with a happy tone and beaming expression, Sunny quietly nods.

As Basil softly spoke while helping Aubrey switch the tray to the dinner table where Hero was just re-organizing the chairs "It's a nice day for us to eat together huh?" 


Kel's excitement at Sunny's decision to join them for breakfast was evident, and he hugged Sunny warmly. Aubrey reminded Kel to be mindful of the tray, while Sunny expressed his gratitude to everyone with a smile. Basil commented on how it was a nice day for them all to eat together, as they prepared the table for breakfast.



Now I can take a rest lately for this AU progressing well

Mystic_Magnificouscreators' thoughts