
Omniverse II. - Stories Across Multiple Worlds & Realities

Stories in multiple worlds and inter-dimensional reality. In this little book, I tell some very bizarre stories with happy endings about the many wonders and mysteries that encompass the Multiverses.

JohnatenDBrown · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Abstract Invasion

It was a normal day in New York City. People were going about their business, unaware of the impending chaos that would soon engulf their world. But then, without warning, everything changed.

A loud boom echoed across the sky, followed by a blinding flash of light. A huge crack appeared in the air, like a tear in the fabric of reality. And from that crack, strange creatures emerged. They were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. They were abstract entities, manifestations of concepts and ideas that had no physical form in this world. They were shapes, colors, sounds, emotions, numbers, symbols, and more.

Some of them were harmless, even beautiful. A rainbow of colors danced in the air, creating a dazzling spectacle. A soft melody filled the ears of those who listened, soothing their nerves. A warm feeling of love enveloped those who touched it, filling their hearts with joy.

But others were dangerous, even deadly. A sharp edge sliced through anything in its path, cutting flesh and metal alike. A loud noise shattered the windows of buildings, deafening those who heard it. A cold feeling of fear gripped those who felt it, paralyzing their bodies with terror. The abstract entities had no sense of order or purpose. They acted on their own whims and impulses, oblivious to the consequences of their actions. They collided with each other and with the concrete objects and beings of this world, creating havoc and destruction.

The people of New York City were caught off guard by this sudden invasion. Some tried to run away, but found themselves trapped by the abstract entities that blocked their escape routes. Some tried to fight back, but found themselves outmatched by the abstract entities that defied their logic and weapons. Some tried to understand what was happening, but found themselves confused by the abstract entities that defied their comprehension and language.

No one knew what caused this anomaly or how to stop it. No one knew if this was a natural phenomenon or an artificial one. No one knew if this was an isolated incident or a global one. No one knew if this was the end of the world or the beginning of a new one. All they knew was that they had to survive.

As the abstract entities continued to wreak havoc on New York City, a group of survivors gathered in a nearby subway station. They were a diverse bunch, from different backgrounds and walks of life. But they had one thing in common: they wanted to live.

Among them were:- Alice, a young journalist who was working on a story about the anomaly when it happened. She had a curious mind and a brave spirit, and she wanted to find out the truth behind this phenomenon.

- Bob, a middle-aged engineer who was on his way to a conference when the anomaly occurred. He had a logical mind and a practical skill, and he wanted to find a way to stop this phenomenon.

- Carol, an elderly artist who was visiting her granddaughter when the anomaly struck. She had a creative mind and a sensitive soul, and she wanted to find a way to communicate with this phenomenon.

- Dave, a teenage hacker who was playing video games in his basement when the anomaly erupted. He had a rebellious mind and a clever talent, and he wanted to find a way to exploit this phenomenon.

- Eve, a young child who was lost in the crowd when the anomaly appeared. She had an innocent mind and a pure heart, and she wanted to find her way back home.

They decided to work together, using their different strengths and perspectives to survive and solve this crisis. They also decided to name the abstract entities that they encountered, based on their appearance and behavior. For example:

- The Slicer: A thin line that moved at high speed and cut through anything in its path.- The Shatterer: A loud sound that burst into existence and broke anything in its range.- The Freezer: A cold feeling that spread from its source and froze anything it touched.- The Dazzler: A bright light that flashed in different colors and blinded anyone who saw it.- The Lover: A warm feeling that radiated from its center and attracted anyone who felt it.

They soon realized that the abstract entities were not all hostile or indifferent to them. Some of them seemed to be curious or friendly towards them. For example:

- The Singer: A soft melody that followed them around and calmed them down.- The Painter: A rainbow of colors that painted their surroundings and cheered them up.- The Solver: A series of numbers that solved their problems and helped them out.- The Joker: A funny sound that made them laugh and relaxed them.- The Hugger: A cozy feeling that hugged them and comforted them.

They also noticed that some of the abstract entities seemed to have personalities or emotions of their own. For example:

- The Angry: A red shape that grew bigger and hotter when provoked or attacked.- The Sad: A blue shape that shrank smaller and colder when ignored or rejected.- The Happy: A yellow shape that bounced higher and faster when praised or rewarded.- The Scared: A green shape that hid lower and slower when threatened or chased.- The Curious: A purple shape that explored further and wider when intrigued or invited.

They wondered if these abstract entities were sentient or intelligent beings, or if they were just projections of their own subconscious minds. They wondered if they could communicate with them or understand them, or if they were just incomprehensible forces of nature. They wondered if they could coexist with them or control them, or if they were just doomed to clash with them.

They wondered if they would ever find out the answers to these questions.

As the group of survivors continued to navigate the subway tunnels, they encountered more abstract entities along the way. Some of them were friendly and helpful, while others were hostile and harmful. They had to use their wits and skills to avoid or overcome the dangers and obstacles that they faced.

They also learned more about the abstract entities and their origins. They discovered that they came from another dimension, a place where the abstract and the concrete were not separate but intertwined. A place where concepts and ideas had physical forms and manifestations. A place where reality was shaped by imagination and creativity.

They also learned that the anomaly that caused the invasion was not a natural occurrence, but an artificial one. It was created by a rogue scientist, who had been experimenting with a device that could open portals between dimensions. He had been obsessed with exploring the abstract dimension, and had tried to bring back some of its wonders to this world. But he had miscalculated the risks and consequences of his actions, and had unleashed a disaster instead.

He had also been trapped in the abstract dimension, along with his device. He was the only one who knew how to close the portals and stop the invasion. But he was also the only one who didn't want to do so. He had fallen in love with the abstract dimension, and had become corrupted by its power and beauty. He wanted to merge the two worlds into one, regardless of the cost and chaos that it would cause.

He was also aware of the group of survivors, and their attempts to stop him. He had been watching them through his device, and had been sending some of his favorite abstract entities to hinder or harm them. He had also been taunting them with messages and clues, hoping to lure them into his trap.

He wanted them to come to him, so he could show them his vision of a new world. A world where the abstract and the concrete were one. A world where anything was possible. A world where he was the master. He wanted them to join him, or die trying.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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