
Omniverse II. - Stories Across Multiple Worlds & Realities

Stories in multiple worlds and inter-dimensional reality. In this little book, I tell some very bizarre stories with happy endings about the many wonders and mysteries that encompass the Multiverses.

JohnatenDBrown · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Liam & Emma

Liam and Emma were lounging on a beach towel, soaking up the warm sun and the gentle breeze. They had spent the morning surfing and swimming, and now they were snuggling and kissing, unaware of the curious glances of the other beachgoers. They felt happy and free, like nothing could ruin their perfect day.

Suddenly, they heard a loud boom that shook the ground. They looked up and saw a huge crack in the sky, like a tear in a canvas. From the crack, strange shapes and colors emerged, floating and swirling in the air. They were unlike anything Liam and Emma had ever seen before. They looked like abstract paintings come to life or fragments of dreams and nightmares.

"What on earth is that?" Liam gasped.

"I have no idea, but it's stunning," Emma said, mesmerized by the sight.

They watched as the anomaly spread across the horizon, filling the sky with bizarre forms and patterns. Some of them seemed harmless and playful, like bubbles or balloons. Others looked menacing and dangerous, like spikes or blades. Some of them made noises that sounded like music or laughter. Others emitted screeches or roars that made Liam and Emma shiver.

They grabbed their phones and checked the news. They saw that the same phenomenon was happening all over the world. No one knew what it was or what caused it. Some people speculated that it was a cosmic event, a glitch in reality, or a sign of the end times. Some people panicked and ran for shelter. Others stayed calm and admired the spectacle.

Liam and Emma decided to leave the beach. They felt scared and uncertain about what was happening. They held each other tight as they ran towards their car.

"Whatever this is, I'm glad we're together," Liam said.

"Me too," Emma said. "But let's get out of here."

Liam and Emma drove away from the beach as fast as they could. They were both scared and uncertain about what was happening. They tried to call their friends and family, but the phone lines were jammed. They turned on the radio and listened to the news. Reports were coming in from all over the world about the anomaly. No one knew what it was or what caused it.

They drove for hours, trying to find a safe place to hide. They saw people running and screaming in the streets. They saw cars crashed on the side of the road. They saw buildings on fire. It was like the world had gone mad.

Finally, they found an abandoned cabin in the woods. They parked their car and ran inside. They locked the doors and windows and huddled together on the floor.

"We'll be safe here," Liam said, trying to sound brave.

"I hope so," Emma said, her voice shaking.

They stayed in the cabin for days, listening to the radio and waiting for news. The anomaly continued to spread across the sky, changing colors and shapes. Some people claimed that they saw creatures coming out of it, like aliens or monsters. Others said that they heard voices or messages from beyond.

Liam and Emma tried to stay calm and rational. They rationed their food and water. They talked about their hopes and fears. They made plans for the future, in case they survived.

One day, they heard a knock on the door. They froze, not knowing what to do.

"Who's there?" Liam called out.

"It's me, Jake," a voice replied. "I'm a friend."

Liam and Emma looked at each other, unsure if they should trust him.

Liam and Emma hesitated for a moment before deciding to trust Jake. They unlocked the door and let him in. He was a young man, around their age, with a backpack and a rifle.

"Thank you," he said, breathing heavily. "I've been running for days. I saw your car and thought you might be friendly."

"We are," Liam said. "What's your story?"

Jake told them that he was a student from the city. He had been in the library when the anomaly happened. He saw people panicking and rioting. He decided to leave and find a safe place. He had been walking and hitchhiking ever since.

"I don't know what's going on," he said. "But I don't think it's good."

They shared their food and water with him. They listened to the radio together. They heard more reports about the anomaly and its effects. Some people claimed that it was a portal to another dimension or a gateway to heaven or hell. Others said that it was a scientific experiment gone wrong or a weapon of mass destruction.

They also heard about the government's response. The military had been mobilized to restore order and protect the population. The president had declared a state of emergency and urged people to stay calm and cooperate.

Liam, Emma, and Jake discussed their options. They could stay in the cabin and wait for help or rescue. They could try to reach a nearby town or city and find shelter or assistance. They could also try to join a group of survivors or rebels.

"What do you think we should do?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," Liam said. "But we can't stay here forever."

They looked at each other, trying to make a decision.

Liam, Emma, and Jake decided to leave the cabin and try to find shelter and food. They packed their bags and loaded their car. They drove carefully along the deserted roads, avoiding debris and obstacles. They saw more signs of chaos and destruction. They also saw some signs of hope and resilience. They saw people helping each other, sharing resources, and forming communities.

They reached a small town that seemed relatively safe and organized. They saw barricades and checkpoints manned by armed volunteers. They saw tents and trailers set up in a park. They saw people cooking, washing, and playing.

They approached the gate and were stopped by a guard.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"We're survivors," Liam said. "We're looking for shelter and food."

The guard looked them over and nodded.

"Okay," he said. "But you have to follow our rules."

He explained that the town had formed a council to manage the crisis. They had established a system of rationing and distribution. They had also set up a defense force to protect against raiders and looters.

Liam, Emma, and Jake agreed to join the town. They were assigned a tent and given some supplies. They met some of the other residents and heard their stories. They felt a sense of relief and gratitude.

They spent the next few days adapting to their new life. They helped with the chores and tasks. They attended meetings and discussions. They also explored the town and its surroundings.

One day, they heard some news that changed everything.

Liam, Emma, and Jake heard that the anomaly had stopped and the strange abstract entities had vanished without a trace. They couldn't believe it at first. They ran outside and looked at the sky. It was clear and blue, like nothing had ever happened.

They turned on the radio and listened to the reports. They heard that the same thing had happened all over the world. The anomaly had disappeared as suddenly and mysteriously as it had appeared. No one knew why or how.

They saw people cheering and crying in the streets. They saw people hugging and kissing. They saw people praying and thanking.

They felt a mix of emotions. They felt relieved and happy that the danger was over. They also felt confused and curious about what had happened. They wondered if they would ever know the truth.

They decided to leave the town and go back to their homes. They said goodbye to their new friends and thanked them for their hospitality. They drove back along the same roads, but everything looked different now.

They reached their city and found it changed as well. Some buildings were damaged or destroyed. Some streets were blocked or empty. Some people were missing or dead.

They also found some signs of recovery and rebuilding. Some shops were open or repaired. Some services were restored or improvised. Some people were busy or hopeful.

They went to their apartment and found it intact. They unlocked the door and entered. They looked around and smiled.

"We're home," Emma said.

"We made it," Liam said.

They hugged each other and cried.

Liam and Emma resumed their normal lives, but they were never the same. They had been through a shared ordeal that had brought them closer together. They had seen the best and the worst of humanity. They had faced their fears and hopes.

They went back to work and school, but they had new perspectives and priorities. They valued their time and relationships more. They appreciated the simple things and pleasures. They also felt a sense of responsibility and purpose.

They joined a group of survivors and activists who were trying to make sense of what had happened. They shared their stories and experiences. They also demanded answers and accountability from the authorities.

They never found out the whole truth about the anomaly. There were many theories and explanations, but none of them were conclusive or satisfying. Some people believed that it was a natural or supernatural phenomenon. Others thought that it was a human or alien intervention.

Liam and Emma didn't care much about the cause or the meaning of the anomaly. They cared more about its effects and its lessons. They saw it as a wake-up call and a challenge. They saw it as an opportunity to change themselves and the world.

They lived their lives with more passion and compassion. They loved each other with more depth and devotion. They also loved their fellow human beings with more empathy and generosity.

They never forgot the anomaly, but they didn't let it define them. They defined themselves by their choices and actions. They defined themselves by their dreams and aspirations.

They lived happily ever after, but not in a fairy tale way. They lived happily ever after in a real and human way.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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