
Omniversal Librarian

Read if you are bored and don't want to think too much. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? The one that contains all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be. But what if I told you that it is not the only library of its kind? There is a more amazing and mysterious place, where the information of all the universes, of every corner of the multiverse and even of multiple multiverses, is kept. Welcome to the Omniversal Library. In an unknown corner of infinity, this magnificent library stands as the epicenter of universal wisdom. Here, the shelves fade into the distance, each one holding unimaginable volumes on all conceivable topics. From the deepest secrets of science and philosophy, to the stories of unknown worlds and unimaginable creatures, the Omniversal Library contains the treasures of knowledge that the human mind can barely imagine. -------------------------------------------- The beginning is slow until he gets his power, he will develop in the main world before going to other worlds or he can make a short trip to have fun. Main world will be a zombie world but a time before it happens and it is divided into 2: Japan and Korea. (in the future maybe China) Japan: Central story with HOTD and characters from normal stories like Haikyuu, netoge no yome, etc. Korea: Central story Return Survival and people from "normal" stories like PTJ verse more focused on Quest Supermacy, also manhwas h like My Sister's friends, secret your mom or silent war.

Gaelicus · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

CHAPTER 36 Teachers Room

"Hey Daniel, I have a question," Azusa said while eating a hamburger made from 1,000-year-old wild boar meat.

"What is it?"

"Where did this food come from?"

Then, everyone stopped savoring their food and realized.

Currently, we were all in the gymnasium's center, where a large table was set up for all of us to sit comfortably.

We were all naked.

Clearly, we hadn't gone 24 hours without eating. They still had the need to eat, and whenever I noticed their hunger, I summoned food from my inventory.

They were all excited, so they didn't think much of it. But now, with calm and clear minds, they noticed all the oddities.

"Magic, look." I then summoned a ball of water and ice to fill their empty glasses.

Everyone was amazed, and they forgot to chew.

"Haha, calm down; I'll explain everything once we get to my house. For now, finish eating and rest while I find the truck and bring it here."

So, I stood up to leave, but again, they tried to stop me from going. I explained that there was no danger and that I would be fine.

- Yukana's POV -

'I'm scared.'

Ranko called and said everything would be fine, that she made a very strong friend who would help us, but a lot of time has passed, and he hasn't arrived.

I'm with three other girls in this dark and dirty bathroom, surrounded by hungry zombies pounding on the door. I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. Where is Ranko? Where is her strong friend? Have they abandoned us?

I can hear the zombies outside the bathroom... I'm scared.

"Yukana-san, do you think they'll rescue us soon?"

"I don't know, Fujinoki-san; I hope so."

Suddenly, I hear a noise outside the bathroom. The zombies stop trying to open the door, and I hear them running. It seems someone is fighting the zombies. I hear shouts and thuds. My heart races. Is it him? Is he the one who's going to save us?

Suddenly, I stop hearing noises; everything falls silent. Did he lose? Did the zombies eat him?

Someone knocking on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. "Excuse me, is there someone named Yukana Yame here? I'm a friend of Ranko's, and I've come to look for her."

I quickly open the door and see a figure entering. He's a tall, muscular guy with black hair and deep black eyes. He's holding a sword. His face is serious and determined, but he also has an arrogant smile. He looks at me with a penetrating gaze that makes me tremble. There's also a girl with glasses.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen in my life. He's like a king, a hero, a god. I feel my face turning red and hot. What is this? Is it love? I read in a magazine that this is a symptom of... am I infected?

"And Ranko? Where is she?" I ask weakly.

"You must be Yukana-san. You're even more beautiful than Ranko described. Don't worry; she's fine. She stayed in the infirmary while I came to find you. I see you're not alone. The more people we save, the better. My name is Daniel, and I'm in the second year. And you?"

"I'm Yukana Yame from the first year."

Seems like a good guy; he came to save me alone and didn't mind that there are more people.

"I'm Nene Fujinoki, also from the first year."

"I'm Yuki Kashi, same year."

"Asuna Ashitaba, I practice kendo. If you give me a weapon, I can help."

"Pleasure to meet you all. We're in a hurry, so once we're safe, we can talk more and get to know each other."

Daniel tossed a wooden sword to Ashitaba-san. Where did he get it? I only saw him carrying a sword.

"Let's go to the teachers' lounge. We need the truck keys so we can all get out of here. I'm going to lead."

We followed Daniel until we reached the teachers' lounge.

During the journey, we passed by the zombies as if they were nothing. Apparently, the zombies are deaf.

We continued like this until Nene tripped, and the noise alerted the zombies. However, Daniel quietly killed them all, and the hallway fell silent again. It seems Ranko wasn't lying about her friend being strong.

We arrived at the teachers' lounge. Daniel tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Good morning, could you please open up? We need to find something in there."

"Don't open it, sensei! It could be dangerous. Besides, why would you need anything from the teachers' lounge?"

"But it's a student who needs help."

"Nezuku, stop her quickly, she wants to open it."

"What?!... I'm sorry, Sensei, it's dangerous!"

They seem to be arguing whether to let us in; it's so annoying. Teachers are here to help us!

"I'm fed up with this; the school is starting to stink. I just want to get home."

Then, with his sword, Daniel split the door in two.

"Look for the car keys; they should be in the back closet," Daniel said dominantly, he seems annoyed.

We all rushed in following Daniel's instructions. The teachers and students were surprised by our actions.

"Wait, what are you doing? You broke the door! How are we going to protect ourselves now?!" The annoyed girl shouted. She seems like a gyaru, like me... but I'm not that annoying!

Oh, I found several keys.

"What do you think, Yukana-san?"

"We should ask Daniel."

"Daniel! Which key should we grab?"

"What?! The keys have been here all this time; we could have escaped at any moment! Why didn't you mention it, Sensei?"

"You didn't ask, and besides, I don't have a car."

It seems they started arguing.

"Grab them all; we're too many. We could take more than one car," Daniel replied, now in a neutral tone, but it didn't last long...

"Let go of the teacher already; we're inside now. You just seem like a pervert trying to take advantage of the situation."

Daniel, angry, is so dominant and hot... Focus, Yukana!

The guy let go of the teacher who tried to open for us. If I'm not mistaken, she's Kiryu-sensei. Besides her, there are two more female teachers. One is the physical education teacher... I like her style, but I didn't try opening, so I don't like her.

Oh, the English teacher is here too.

Then, there's Nurse Hitsuji... Are there too many nurses in this school? I think there are three of them, if I'm not mistaken.

We finished gathering all the keys and were ready to leave.

"We have them all, Daniel."

"Alright, let's go. Kiryu-sensei, come with us; we're getting out of this hell."

Daniel took Kiryu-sensei like a princess and led her with us... I'm envious.

"Wait, and what about us?" said the annoyed girl.

"I don't care what happens to you, and I recommend not shouting so much if you don't want to die."

True to his word, the noise attracted zombies from the area, but Daniel quickly dealt with them, leaving the boy and the teachers speechless.

When they saw what Daniel could do, they wanted to stick to him like cockroaches.

"Come on, kid, help out your lovely teachers."

The nurse clung to Daniel, pressing her chest against him. She's annoyed! I pushed her away to get her off him.

"Leave it, sensei; he didn't even try to open us up when we spoke."

"Don't take it the wrong way; I thought you were infected... don't be mean to sensei," the boy said, trying to calm the situation.

"Yes, let it go, Yukana. We're not going. As for help, why not ask the boy with you? It seems like he's the one in charge of pleasing all of you. Haha."

We walked away, leaving the astonished teachers behind. It seems Daniel knows a few things; those teachers are so strange. Why would they let someone like that go with them? The boy seems like a virgin; he hasn't even been with someone... maybe Daniel would be a good option.