
Omniversal Librarian

Read if you are bored and don't want to think too much. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? The one that contains all the knowledge that ever was and ever will be. But what if I told you that it is not the only library of its kind? There is a more amazing and mysterious place, where the information of all the universes, of every corner of the multiverse and even of multiple multiverses, is kept. Welcome to the Omniversal Library. In an unknown corner of infinity, this magnificent library stands as the epicenter of universal wisdom. Here, the shelves fade into the distance, each one holding unimaginable volumes on all conceivable topics. From the deepest secrets of science and philosophy, to the stories of unknown worlds and unimaginable creatures, the Omniversal Library contains the treasures of knowledge that the human mind can barely imagine. -------------------------------------------- The beginning is slow until he gets his power, he will develop in the main world before going to other worlds or he can make a short trip to have fun. Main world will be a zombie world but a time before it happens and it is divided into 2: Japan and Korea. (in the future maybe China) Japan: Central story with HOTD and characters from normal stories like Haikyuu, netoge no yome, etc. Korea: Central story Return Survival and people from "normal" stories like PTJ verse more focused on Quest Supermacy, also manhwas h like My Sister's friends, secret your mom or silent war.

Gaelicus · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Was my complaint heard by the world?

Shit, what a bad ending this manga had. At first, I only started it because of a friend's recommendation, then I stayed for the opening.

Who would have thought that I would finish the anime in one day and the manga in a week?

It's been a long time since I did that. Good memories of high school, or maybe bad?

Meh, who cares.

Back to the topic, what the hell was that ending?!

Letting your sister stay with your boyfriend just because she also loves him and went into a coma. Seriously?

I mean, she's pregnant with him! And no one knows when she's going to wake up.

Did you have faith? You're not the damn Toretto! I wanted Hina to win, but… not like that!

Maybe it just meant that Rui didn't love him that much. In the end, I knew it would be the same as the novels that my mom watches on TV.

Drama, drama and more drama. Sigh, if only I was there, I wouldn't let Hina go through all that!

Bruum!!! Suddenly, the loudest thunder I had ever heard in my life rang out; even my house seemed to shake.

Can a thunder cause an earthquake? DING!! Before my useless thoughts invaded my mind, a bell rang in my head.

I thought the damn thunder had damaged my ear until I heard the following: "Damn, this world's will is really pissed off. Stealing almost all of the planet's fate energy is no joke. So… did I find him?"

At that moment, a fairy-shaped light with wings, which looked like Tinkerbell, looked at me with a thoughtful expression. "… So you will be my new Master.

In that case… I introduce myself, I am the system "Thief of Destiny" After that, an awkward silence occurred in my room.

I wonder if watching so much anime and complaining has damaged my head, since now I'm hallucinating being one of those damn protagonists of "systems".

Why me? I mean, most of them are stupider than the dense protagonists of Japan or more violent and murderous than the villains.

Cough interrupting my next thoughts, the fairy pretended to cough and continued talking, ignoring the awkward silence, "Now, human, just think about accepting and then, the system and I will be completely yours".

Just as I was about to ask what this was all about, a thunder even worse than the previous one rang out.

Then, I saw the fairy sweating, with her hair standing on end. Seeing her so nervous,

I thought, "Could it be that the so-called world's will that the fairy talked about is looking for her? That means that… as long as that damn thing is here, the world's will will track her down. I don't know what that is, but according to my experience as an otaku, it won't be anything good".

Meanwhile, the fairy's thoughts were frantic, "Fuck, why doesn't this damn human accept quickly? Doesn't he realize how great an opportunity it is to have me as a system? Literally any entity would beg to have me, even a God. Shit, I need him to accept soon so I can integrate into his soul and hide from the damn world's will"

Impatiently, the fairy let out a defiant scream: "Hey, human, accept already!".

But instead of obeying, with a quick movement, I threw the rude fairy out of the window with all my strength. To my surprise, however, the little creature reappeared by my side as if nothing had happened. "Hey, piece of shit, you're not getting rid of me that easily. If I sink, you sink with me", she threatened with a malicious smile.

I had no choice but to try to get rid of her in another way.

I threw her three more times, tried to crush her with a book and even tested her with fire from a lighter, but she seemed immune to any damage. What the hell was this thing!

Frustrated and confused, I faced the persistent fairy.

"What benefits would accepting you have and how do we avoid being found by the world's will?", I asked trying to understand the situation.

Frustrated and confused, I faced the persistent fairy. "What benefits would accepting you have and how do we avoid being found by the world's will?", 

The fairy, while stroking her chin with an air of superiority, replied: "Humph, your benefits will be countless. With me, you will steal the fate of the incompetent children of destiny and take over their powers, riches and women. You will have absolute control over their fate and take whatever you want, whenever you want and however you want. The great fairy of the system "Thief of Destiny" will be by your side forever! And as for the world's will… together, we will be invisible and undetectable to it".

Although I felt skeptical, I couldn't deny that the offer was tempting. Could this strange alliance be my path to greatness? However, something inside me warned me about the danger of accepting a deal with such a being. It was time to make a decision that would change my life forever. Would I dare to face fate itself?


Create a discord to add images of the characters I add, and everyone can keep up.

The original language is Spanish, I translate the chapters with AI, in webnovel Spanish it is in the original language.
