
Omniversal Chat Group [Semi-OP OC]

Living in a world where people wield supernatural abilities is the norm, Hyuto’s life was already out of the norm compared to others. More so when you take into the account that he is one of the most powerful beings in his world! Though, perhaps he’ll find some interest when he finds himself suddenly invited to join a chat group with people across the Omniverse! This will certainly be interesting...

ConstantReign · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The First Quest





'School... kill me.'

Hyuto grumbled under his breath as he was now walking towards a massive white building, it was similar to that of a castle but more modernised and built out of metal. The main colour was white with the rooves being composed of a smooth blue material. He had only just walked on through a large black gate leading into the area.

It was now the next day as everyone in the chat group had all gone off since they had their own things to do, and it was no different for Hyuto. While he may very well be one of the strongest beings in this existence, he was still a teenager, meaning he had to go through the hell that was known as learning at school.

He was now in his uniform which consisted of a deep blue undershirt, a white button-up long-sleeved jacket over the top, a pair of formal tight black pants, and a pair of black leather shoes. Around his right arm was also a blue band of sorts. Finally, he was carrying a black leather satchel over his right shoulder as he walked.

He didn't like school, it was a pain in the ass.

It was necessary for all people to go to school if they are of age, no matter who they are or what they are. It was something made necessary by the people who were at the top, meaning the absolute strongest. The top five strongest people were in words the lawmakers of this multiverse, they were who decides what is necessary and what isn't.

Despite his position of being in the top twenty strongest beings, he was certain that if he even tried to use his position as a way to completely skip school, the higher-ups would surely kick his ass. Why did he know this? Cause it already happened once before, and he was very damn sore afterwards. They didn't show any mercy to him!

He was strong, that was a fact. However, he wasn't anywhere close to the strongest...

"Yo, Hyuto! You actually came to school!"

The boy in question turned his head backwards as he stopped walking, the voice that had called out towards him being very familiar. When he looked, he saw a male that appeared to be the same age as himself and wearing the same uniform as himself, though they had all their buttons done up while he only had the middle one buttoned up.

The male was running over towards him before slowing down as they both began walking together. The male had slightly tanned skin along with having spiky brown hair that was swept to the right, and his yellow eyes being present along with a bright smile on his face. Hyuto was honestly envious that this guy could smile so brightly this early in the morning...

This person being Kido Yuta, a friend he had known since he started junior high school.

Kido wasn't exactly strong in Hyuto's eyes, the most the guy could probably do was destroy a few decently large buildings before exhausting himself. Not enough to be considered strong here in this world. Much stronger than a normal human, but still weak to a good number of people's standards.

"Well, it's finally the time. We're moving into our third year of junior high, and in a year's time, we'll be heading into high school." Kido voiced as he had his arms crossed behind his head as a relaxed smile stayed on his face. "I'm honestly surprised that you actually decided to turn up. Everyone knows how much you don't like school."

"What do you expect? Last time I tried... it wasn't pleasant."

"Yeah... they sure did have no mercy on you." Kido smiled nervously. Hyuto sighed as the top guys sent the sixteenth and seventeenth strongest to go and bring him back. They weren't able to, but that was more of a curse as the third strongest then came for him. That's when it all went to hell. "You resisted so much that third actually struggled a bit! Hahaha~! Didn't you guys almost destroy one of the newer dimensions because of your little skirmish?"

"Hey, I wasn't going down without a fight." Hyuto frowned as he recalled the events. He didn't use nearly all his power, but enough that it could threaten the survival of a dimension. Thankfully, that dimension was new and currently had no people living in it yet. Though, he did have third giving him the beat down. "Man, I'm still a bit sore from it..."

"What do you expect? You may be the fifteenth strongest, but third is way out of your league. No way you were going to win." Hyuto just sighed as he knew that was true. The fight was more like a parent disciplining their child, with the third strongest being the parent and Hyuto being the disobedient child. "Anyway, what class are you hoping to get into?"

"Don't really mind, except if it's Mr Mazuna's class."


"Because if I was in his class, then I would have no chance to sleep." Hyuto responded to Kido's question as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Seeing the dumb look that Hyuto was giving him, Kido couldn't help but sweatdrop. It was true that Hyuto usually slept through pretty much every class since he always got top scores.


Warrod was sitting quietly within his small home on top of a decently tall hill as he was staring out the window. His mind had been focused on one thing in particular ever since yesterday, and that being the Omniversal Chat Group. He had heard of magic that could connect minds, like telepathy, but never something like this chat group.

He wasn't as surprised at the idea of different worlds, but was still surprised in a way. He knew that different worlds existed, there had been many reports and evidence of that. However, the idea of entirely different existences altogether was something he had not seen, and it truly did pique his interest when he had been informed this chat group consisted of people from different multiverses.

He was sure the others were probably the same.

"I wonder... is it really true that there might be a being far greater than gods out there?" Warrod couldn't help but wonder. He thought back to Hyuto's guess on their situation, and it was certainly an interesting one. The idea of beings greater than gods was hard to believe. He then frowned though. "Though, that one child..."

His mind went back to the final member that had joined them. He had experienced a lot in his life, and war was also something he was a part of in the past. He had seen many looks before, of those that had seen horrors and had given up. Aya was someone who carried a similar look. He didn't know how she had such a look, but she did.

It wasn't only here. Hyuto as well. The boy smiled in his picture that he sent over, but he could see emotions that no child his age should have. He hid it well behind the smile, but Warrod was able to see through. They did say that wisdom comes with age. Just looking at Hyuto's eyes through just a picture, he could see there was more to the boy than meets the eye.

He was sure none of them were bad, but he couldn't help but worry. They were still strangers after all.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't suspicious of Willa. His experience with demons weren't good ones, and the few encounters that he had, had in the past weren't exactly great. He knew he shouldn't judge her based on what she is, so he was definitely going to wait and see if she was different from other demons.


Willa was simply flying up in the sky as she looked up with her usual tired eyes. If she remembered correctly, then the festival of Salamandra should be arriving in a few months time. She didn't have any particular interest in the matter as Ayesha was already going to be attending. She didn't have any good reason to go.

However, what truly piqued her interest lately was the chat group.

Just from the two hours of talking with each other on the chat with the members who were apparently from different existences, she had gained quite an interest in all of them. Warrod was somewhat of a surprise because of his appearance, Lux was also interesting with his choice of clothes, Aya with her personality, and Hyuto all around.

Something about the boy really interested her.


Lux was deep in thought as he walked through the hallways of the school as he was heading towards his class. His mind was still lingering on all the information and also the chat that he had with the chat group members. He didn't get too much sleep since he had actually been messaging with the members.

He had been too engrossed in the talk with them that he hadn't noticed the time passing by.

He would be lying if he said that he wasn't a little sceptical about the whole situation, the idea of different existences was so bizarre, even for his world's standards. Along with that, he didn't fully trust the members yet, and he was sure the others were the same. Though, he was sure that they probably were actually good people from how they interacted.

'Different worlds, huh?'


"E-Eh?!" Lux flinched when his train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the tired sounding voice of his childhood friend. Turning his head, he saw a pink-haired girl with rather large assets was now walking beside him. "Oh, it was you, Phi. Sorry, I didn't notice that you were even walking along with me..."

"It's fine, Lu. What were you thinking about?" Phi, or Philphie, which was her true name, had asked curiously as she had noticed how Lux had been rather deep in thought the entire time. Lux panicked a bit but shook his head as he then responded with a nervous tone in his voice, confusing the young girl.

"N-No, don't worry about it. Let's just get to class."

Lux was glad that she didn't seem to push on the subject, to which he gave a small sigh of relief. All the members had agreed to keep the existence of the Omniversal Chat Group in the dark from everyone else unless they absolutely couldn't or had permission from all members. That was what they decided on before they all went offline.

No one had any problems with the decision.


Aya sighed as she was walking to school, though slowly as she really didn't want to go. Just like all other days, she knew it was going to be hard for her to get through the day, though she did at least have something that she could look forward to at the end of the day. That was talking with the chat group members again.

She had woken up and quickly gotten ready for school. She may not want to go, but she didn't want to be late either, it would only cause more trouble for her. When she had woken up, what she did immediately was check if it was all a dream before getting ready for school. Thankfully, the chat group menu was present.

It wasn't a dream after all.

For this, she was truly thankful. She did try to wrap her head around the idea that everything they had talked about and learned within the chat was true, and it was quite difficult. You couldn't blame her. Aside from the abuse and bullying, her life was as normal as normal could be described. Nothing supernatural like the others from what she had been told.

Though, that also made her a bit depressed and also curious. The others seemed to have their own unique little traits and also interesting background. Willa and Warrod were self-explanatory with their rather unique traits, she wasn't sure about Hyuto and Lux, but she was sure they were the same boat as the former two.

And her... there was nothing special.

Just a girl with no traits that made her stand out at all. So, why was she chosen for this opportunity to join a group of people like this? She didn't have powers or anything. Whatever the case was, she was grateful that she was given the opportunity. It was the only thing right now that was actually giving her a reason to keep going.

It was the first time she was actually excited to go home.


"Oi, Hyuto. Wake up."

"Five more minutes..."

"We still have two more classes to get to, then we can go home!" Kido was heard shouting to Hyuto as the male was shaking the shoulder of Hyuto, who was currently sleeping on his arms while sitting at the desk of the class that had just finished. Kido then smirked before taking out something. "Come on now, look what I got! A lollipop, wake up buddy!"

"I'm not a pet, you bastard." Hyuto deadpanned as he saw Kido waving the treat in front of his face. Kido knew that if there was anything that could make Hyuto wake up when he didn't want to, that was giving him lollipops. Hyuto sat up and snatched the treat before chucking it in his mouth and getting up from his seat. "What classes do we have?"

"We got math than history..."

"History, ugh..." Hyuto grimaced. It was no surprise that everyone in the school hated history, that being because everyone already had been taught everything about how the world was blessed by gods, how their civilisation came to be, and more. It had been drilled into their heads by their families and also ever since elementary.

They would be surprised if the history classes ever taught anything new...


"Finally, it's over!"

"You were asleep most of the time..."

"I don't care. I'm going home, see ya."

"Right, see ya tomorrow."

Hyuto quickly grabbed out a strange device from his pocket before pressing the button, causing a human-sized portal to appear in front of him. The portal being a way to travel back to the dimension that he resided in. His school was located on one of the continents in the original dimension, where the weaker individuals lived.

The device that he used to travel back to his own being developed by those who had powers over space, allowing them to create teleportation methods for people to utilise. Hyuto didn't have such powers, so it was necessary for him to have one of these to allow him to travel back and forth from home with ease.

When he walked through the portal, he was greeted with the sight of his bedroom. His house being located on the edge of the land where he could overlook the ocean, there was even a beach in the area. His house was quite big, and he didn't know why he even bought a big house since he lived on his own, but what the heck.

He sighed as he chucked his bag onto his bed before taking off his school jacket, to which he then tossed it onto the back of his desk chair as he stretched his limbs. First day of school out of the way and more hellish ones to come later. He was about to take off his other clothes to prepare for a shower when a ding was heard.

He blinked as he saw a notification popup on the Omniversal Chat Group.

{New Omniversal Chat Group Quest}

{Task: Reach Floor 200 Of Heaven's Arena}

{World Destination: Hunter x Hunter}

{No. Participants: All Chat Group Members}

{Quest Difficulty Rating: E}

{Reward: 200 Tokens, 1 Gift Box}
