
Omniversal Chat Group [Semi-OP OC]

Living in a world where people wield supernatural abilities is the norm, Hyuto’s life was already out of the norm compared to others. More so when you take into the account that he is one of the most powerful beings in his world! Though, perhaps he’ll find some interest when he finds himself suddenly invited to join a chat group with people across the Omniverse! This will certainly be interesting...

ConstantReign · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Heading Towards Heaven's Arena





"Do you think the other two are back yet?"

"Uh, Willa. We're kind of two hours late... Hyuto is definitely already there with Aya." Lux sweatdropped as the group of three were now quickly making their way towards where they were supposed to meet back up with Hyuto and Aya. In fact, the building could be seen just ahead of them. "We really shouldn't keep them waiting much longer..."

"That is true. We may have enjoyed ourselves too much." Warrod chuckled as Lux just facepalmed slightly. Warrod was the one that kept running around and exploring everything, the guy was both serious and also goofy and crazy at times. It was exhausting for Lux to try and keep him in check, especially in this new environment.

It didn't take them long at all before they arrived at the building, to which they quickly entered through the doors and looked around. When they saw Hyuto, they saw that he was sitting down on a stack of metal girders with his bag resting beside his legs. He was seemingly observing something with crossed arms.

They began walking over to greet him, though Willa soon spotted the other female of their group. The others also noticed her presence as well when they got closer.

"What is Aya doing, Hyuto?" Willa asked curiously as the other males observed as the young girl was seen jogging slightly around the large area with sweat dripping down her face constantly. It was strange as it seemed she was having trouble to even run, though they did notice the strange bracelet on her wrist.


"Eh? Is there a reason?" Warrod wondered curiously.

"Yeah, there is. I wanted to tell you about something important, what took you guys so long?" Hyuto asked in confusion as he looked at them. He saw Warrod suddenly turn his head away, Willa having a flushed look on her face, and Lux just deadpanned with a flat mouth. "Oh, I think I get it. Willa and Warrod got distracted, didn't they?"

"Sorry..." Willa and Warrod apologised quietly.

"Don't worry about it, at least you're all here." Hyuto waved it off. He didn't really mind, at least they seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Plus, at least it gave him some time to help Aya train. "So, did you guys end up finding anything yourselves?"

"Unfortunately, no. Nothing really stood out." Lux responded as Hyuto nodded his head in understanding. "Did you and Aya find anything at the library?"

"Yeah. It seems that this world doesn't have anything spectacular, though we can't be certain of that as supernatural elements might be in the dark from the public. Right now, we can only assume this world is completely normal." Hyuto explained as the three nodded. "Also, I did get information on this Heaven's Arena place."

"Really? What is it?"

"It's basically just a fighting ring. If there is anything truly spectacular about it remains to be seen. We'll only know if there is something abnormal there when we arrive, though I have some doubts that there will be. Or maybe I might be wrong about that. Also, there are these people called Hunters in this world, also unknown if they are anything special."

"Hunters, huh? Sounds interesting..." Lux muttered as he held his chin. The other two thought the same. From the way that Hyuto spoke, it sounded like Hunter was a title more than just an occupation or something. Warrod then decided to ask.

"I assume we'll be heading there?"

"Of course. That's our quest after all."

"Where is it?" Willa wondered as the three decided to sit down next to Hyuto as they continued to talk, all the while keeping an eye on Aya as she continued to train. The only reason she hasn't passed out was due to some restoration medicinal supplies that Hyuto gave her to help relieve any strain and pain.

"Well, it's either that we take an airship there, which would take around three days. Since we don't have any of this world's currency, we'll have to take the other method. We'll have to walk there ourselves, which should take us around two weeks if we go average walking pace. Along with counting the resting stops we'll take."

"Ah, that sounds troublesome..." Lux sighed as he slumped down.

"Though, we can all use our powers to get their faster. Willa is capable of flying, Warrod can grow plants to carry him if I understand his powers correctly, and you can summon a robot or something if what Warrod said was true." Hyuto stated as he was referring to Lux's drag-ride. "I can also get there fast if I wanted to. Though, I would prefer we all take the long route."

"Eh? Why is that?" Willa asked in confusion. "Wouldn't it be better for us to get there as fast as possible?"

"I would normally agree. However, I want to get training in for Aya before we get there. Since it is a fighting arena, I want to prepare her for the upcoming battles as I doubt we'll be allowed to assist her in battles." Hyuto frowned as he answered this. They couldn't help but nod in agreement. "Speaking of which. Lux, I want you to train as well."

"H-Huh? Why me?" Lux asked in surprised as he pointed at himself.

"Yes. While you have that robot from that sword of yours, I had read that you cannot use any form of weapons until the two-hundredth floor." Hyuto explained as he pointed at the two swords sheathed on Lux's waist. "You'll have to fight with your bare hands. I know you're stronger than the average human, but you should train just in case."

Lux blinked before nodding his head with a nervous smile, he could see that Hyuto was serious from both his tone and expression. Lux knew that Willa, despite her rather frail-looking appearance, was far stronger than any normal human both physically and ability-wise. Warrod had his magic power, which also helped boost his physical ability.

"If you say so."

"Good. Take this." Hyuto chucked on over a bracelet that looked exactly the same as the one that they saw Aya wearing. "That's a bracelet that allows you to alter the gravity being pressed down on you, and it can reach all the way up to one thousand times. You should start with double gravity like Aya, it'll help you get stronger faster."

"Oh, so that's why Aya looks like she's having so much trouble... I see, thanks."

"Oh~, quite the amazing little object you have." Warrod mused with curiosity as he blinked while leaning in to look at the beautiful yet simple looking bracelet. Lux jus strapped on the bracelet onto his left wrist before looking at it in confusion.

"Just say what you want to alter the gravity to, just tell it to return the gravity to normal when you want it to stop."

"Okay... change gravity to double." Lux voiced. He widened his eyes slightly as his legs bent in a similar fashion to when Aya first started, though he was dealing with it better as he managed to quickly force himself to stand back up straight. "Th-This is strange... I feel like my body is full of metal or something..."

"Get used to it. Increase the gravity whenever you get comfortable under that change. It'll greatly help in increasing your physical strength." Hyuto stated as Lux just nodded his head. They then watched as Lux made his way over to his own little area to do his training. He had already begun with a light jog around the building. He was having an easier time than Aya, but was definitely feeling it.

"Will this really help them?" Warrod asked in concern as he saw that both of them were having strained expressions on their faces, especially Aya. Hyuto nodded his head before responding to Warrod.

"Of course. I won't just give them this training for nothing." Hyuto stated as he then turned to look towards Warrod. "What about you, Warrod? Do you want to train as well? I know that you don't have the most physical strength, and I doubt you'll be able to use your magic at all in the arena. If you don't want to be questioned that is."

"Oh, I am fine. Even if I'm not the most powerful out there physically, I am still far stronger than normal humans." Warrod chuckled as he waved his hand. Hyuto just shrugged as he kind of expected the respond, Warrod was definitely much stronger physically than a normal human as the magic in his body also empowered his body quite a lot. "Though, I do appreciate the concern."

"No problem. For now, we'll train these two before the time arrives."


It was now the next day as the group had all quickly begun getting ready for their long trip. Since they didn't have the necessary cash, they wouldn't be able to board an airship to get them there. Though, none of them really minded as this would be an opportunity for both Aya and Lux to increase their physical strength.

The wilderness is a much greater place to train than you would think.

With all the obstacles and materials that could be used to train along with the bracelet that Hyuto had given them, with all the beasts as well that would appear, they could fight against those as training if necessary. Back to the present though, the group had all finished packing up their bags as they began leaving the building.

Both Lux and Aya still having the gravity placed under them, under the instruction of Hyuto. He had told them that if they kept the gravity placed on them as they were travelling, they would be training and getting used to the gravity while also making some distance to their destination. Killing two birds with one stone.

"Alright, I brought a good amount of food for all of us from my home. Though, we can always hunt for something if we need to."

"How long did you say this is going to take?"

"Around two weeks."

"Oh, man... This is going to be a long trip." Lux sighed as he rubbed the back of his head nervously. He was already getting used to the double gravity, and Aya appeared to be as well, though they could still feel the pressure to some extent. Though, they were definitely going to increase the gravity more and more as their training progressed.

"It'll be worth it in the end, I'm sure. Let's get going."
