
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Journey's Start Somewhere Part 2

AN: I have changed my writing style making it look pretty clean. This chapter was rewritten with that new style and I want your opinion. Is it better than the style I was using before?


Squeak (x4) "There are people outside!" - Zorro

"That Zorro is called an unexpected visit. Especially in this neck of the woods!" (An: Pun-intended, I am sorry I will see myself out.)

(Ethan Heads Outside)

"Hello there.. Sorry what's your names?"

"My name is Erza Scarlet and this here is Gray Fullbuster" - Erza says while making sure Gray stayed quiet.

"Nice to meet you Miss. Scarlet, and Mr. Fullbuster. May I ask you the reason for this unexpected visit?"

"We were sent to investigate random spikes of magical energy from this area in particular. To which we stumbled upon you and your home." - Erza

"That makes sense considering I have been practicing my magic as of late. The same with little Zorro over here." (Points at Zorro the little fox that quickly fell asleep.)

"What is your magic if you don't mind me asking?" - Erza says intrigued

'Hmm... My magic is like take over magic. Yeah lets go with that!' "My magic is very similar to what most would call takeover magic, although I have full control and my transformations are 'unique'."

"That is interesting. Ah! I forgot to ask your name?" - Erza

"My name is Ethan North, Miss. Scarlet."

"Well Mr. North is it all right if other come by later for a visit?" - Erza

"Yes, that is perfectly fine Miss. Scarlet."

Suddenly Gray being Gray yelled out "How old are you!", quickly realizing his mistake he apologized. "I'm sorry for my outburst."

"No worries, can I call you Gray? (Gray nods his head) I am eighteen years old."

Erza and Gray were surprised by his temperament. That and they thought he was at least in his twenties.

"May I ask why you live so far out?" - Erza

"Well I woke up in this forest, and for how that happened I have no idea." (AN: This lying bit#h.)

'I see the master would probably like to have a talk with him. I can inform him when I get back.' - Erza thinks to herself.

"Well, we will be on our way. Have a wonderful day Mr. North." - Erza

"Just call me Ethan, and I hope you both have a wonderful day as well."

-A Few Minutes Later-

'Ok Ethan you met two main characters who's names you couldn't remember, considering you didn't watch a lot of fairy tail. That and Erza is pretty damn hot, anyways I digress. I have been too complacent and need to explore the forest more.' Ethan then proceeded to waste no time getting ready for his forest exploration.

-30 Minutes Left-

Before Ethan left he shouted to Zorro. "Zorro release your magic to notify me if something happens while I'm out!" Zorro nodded his head up and down, then slowly went back to a deep sleep. 'Time to go!' Ethan finally having finished his preparations, exited his home and started his journey into the unexplored area's of the forest. The sun slowly going down as he ventured deeper and deeper, into the unknown territory. Eventually stumbling upon a cave that looked ordinary, until you felt the magic radiating from deep within its caverns. This and his unending curiosity lead him to enter the cave and find the source.

"Damn! This place is dark as hell how am I supposed to see." 'Wait I have an idea' Ethan quickly pressed the green button popping up the dial, twisting it left twice showing the third alien in the set. What Ethan saw made him giddy as hell, considering it was one of his top 20 aliens, from the show. It was Swampfire of course, because who didn't like Swampfire when he was first introduced. Ethan about slammed the watch face down, however he quickly stopped himself and gently pressed the dial down.

"Swampfire! Oh Hell Yeah!" - Swampfire yells out, into the cave making it echo here and there. Before he spouts fire from his right hand making a make shift torch. To which he slowly made his descent into the tunnels, making marks on the ground and walls to find his way back. As time passed he found himself walking for twenty minutes, with nothing interesting what so ever happening. That is until he was tripped by something from the darkness, falling onto the ground, and before he could get up multiple screeching noises could be hear. Signifying that there were multiple beast in the dark, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting visitor.

The creatures in question, had the outline of a humanoid with bat like wings, and fangs that stretched a little past their chin. Each holding a bloodthirsty smile, while their red eyes shone from throughout the cave. Little did this creatures of the dark know the slaughter that awaited them when Swampfire, eventually gained his bearings.

Swampfire having finally gotten off of the ground, quickly spouted fire from his hands and torched the area around him, some of the dirt and the plants that were sparse in the cave catching fire. Slowly illuminating the surroundings allowing him at least a better playing field while battling these creatures in the darkness with shitty visibility. Each creature recoiled from the light, allowing Swampfire the upper hand as he rushed towards the first one who covered its eyes.


AN: Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I had a lot of fun rewriting it and liked how it turned out. If you got any suggestions for future chapters I would love to hear them. Finally have a amazing day.