
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Journey's Start Somewhere Part 1

Early Morning


"*Huffing Noises* Just a little more and.. done." *Ethan just finished the last part of his running exercise which happened to a mile, and sat down to take a break.* 'Dang who knew exercise after not doing it for so long could feel like hell on earth. At least I made a little progress, however its time to get back to the grind starting with push-ups.' *Ethan continued to work out until the sun was high in the sky meaning it was somewhere around Twelve Pm, at least he thought.* "Finally done! Time to make lunch, and practice with one of my aliens." *Ethan had just entered his home and after thirty minutes later came out with food, upon two wooden plates.*



"Eating and not being able to set my food down isn't comfortable. I could make handmade plates but that would take a while. Eh Screw it!" *Ethan proceeded to spend any free time not improving to make kitchen ware.*

Flashback End


"Zorro here's your food!!" *The snow white fox Zorro that was running in circles releasing magic power squeaked and slowed to a stop.*

While Eating


"You make any progress with your magic Zorro?" *Squeaks (x2) "A little.."* "Don't worry too much you just started trying to use magic, take it easy." *Zorro upon hearing this statement looked as if it had a lot to look forward too, and felt as if he made decent progress.*

*A Few Minutes Later*

"You done eating? *Zorro nods his head up and down really fast* Alright I'm going to the forest to try something out, and you can join me if you want!" *Ethan walks off into the forest slowly going further and further until he found a small clearing.*

Small Clearing


"Ok. *Presses the green button and the dial pops up, and after seeing Frankenstrike he pushes the dial down.* Oh Yeah." - Frankenstrike 'Ok, I can use electricity to increase the strength and speed of my attacks. That and I can bolster my defense against specific attacks. But I really want to try focusing my attacks to one specific point and unleashing them. Yeah, lets try that!"

*Lighting slowly surrounds his fist covering it, and after a few minutes the lightning slowly converges to one point. The air around the point heating up, and the color of the lightning slowly changing color to a bright white. After a few seconds the Omnitrix sent out a warning message.*



Energy consumption is too high! Using 20% of transformation time as a substitute, and submitting a message to fix energy issue. Attack is extremely lethal, use with extreme caution!


"Unexpected, but cool. Now time to test this attack on the biggest tree here. *Look's around and spots a fairly thick tree to test it on* You should do. Here we GO!" *The attack shot out and reached its target almost instantly, causing a decent explosion and the splinters that went everywhere quickly burned to ash.* "*Whistle* Damn!" 'Well I know what I have to use if I am serious trouble. Now its time to return to the house."

A few minutes a way from Ethan's House


"Hey I know we are supposed to be searching for something related to the magic signature, but this is super boring! Don't you think so too Erza?" -????

"We were given a task by Makarov to find something for the magic council. So stop your complaining Gray!" - Erza

"What are we even looking for it's not like anyone's out. *Explosion Noises* Here. Never mind!" -Gray

"It seems we might have found what were looking for Gray." Erza says as they arrive at the location to find a person doing squats.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: So this chapter is a little shorter than most but I split it up into three parts. Two being the longest followed by three, and finally one being the shortest. That and I am currently working on another Story that once volume one is close to done will be published. It is a Dbz story with a Saiyan lead, but this character is born in that universe so no wishes or anything like that.