
Omnitrix In Fairy Tail

*Any images used belong to their respective owners* *All characters but my Oc's belong to their respective owners* A young man named Ethan North loved Ben 10, and just finished Ultimate Alien. Just before he could start Omniverse his ceiling suddenly caved in killing him.

HiddenRecluse · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Game On

AN: This chapter took me about two hours to edit and make it the way I want it. That and I spent a good three hours figuring out and writing the next few chapters. Enjoy!


Ethan Pov


I woke up early in the morning feeling stiff, from sleeping on the ground. My fox companion looked better than myself, considering his loud snoring. That and the Omnitrix went from a deep blue to a moderate bluish-green, and I feel as if it is really close to the end of recalibration.

'Anyway, I should focus on what to do next. Ah! making a shelter would be a great place to start.' *After deciding to build a place he could call a temporary home, Ethan made his way towards the dense forest. To which he started gathering branches and sticks, carrying them back and forth, which ended up being about 20 or more trips.*

"Dang it, I forgot to get materials to tie it all together, that and I need big leaves for the roof. *Sighs* Just a few more trips Ethan just a few more trips." *Which began another search that lasted two hours, until enough of the martials needed had been collected.*

"Ahhhhh, Lying to myself about a few more trips made it ten times worse than it should have! That and I haven't even started building the shelter and I'm already tired. I can rest for a bit then its time to catch something to eat." *Fox nudges up against Ethan's leg and squeaks saying it's hungry.* "I am going to catch us something to eat right now, just wait for me to get back." *Instead of heading towards the pond he went a further down stream until he came across a lake hidden by a large thicket of trees.* 'Wow, this is one sight to behold. Now time for me to go catch some fish!' *Ethan proceeds to run and jump in the lake with his make shift spear in hand. Little did he know he missed the notification of the Omnitrix as he was too caught up in his own thoughts.



Recalibration will be finished in 30 minutes!


'Ok where are the fishes, oooh there's one! *Stabs* Another *Stab*, and another *Stab*.' *After ten minutes of collecting fish on his spear, he started to make his way back to camp. Although not far behind him a creature that looked like a mix between a crab and a lizard followed.* "I am back little guy!" *Squeaks in fear "Behind. You."* 'Time for my ultimate technique, Stop, Drop, and Roll' *Proceeds to jump and roll forward, quickly standing up to turn and look at the thing that was behind him.*

"So you finally noticed me following you puny human. If it wasn't for your little fox pal over there I would of cut your head clean off your shoulders. Ah well this just makes it even more enjoyable as I get to see your reaction when I kill you!" - Weird Lizard-Crab

"I don't think I am going to let you even get close to me you out of date sushi dish. That and I think I'm gonna show just how strong I am!" *Ethan hears the Omnitrix beep and looks down at it.*



Ready in 2 Minutes. Recommend safety protocol, NIGERUNDAYO.


" I think that is an amazing idea!" *Turns around and sprints away* "Get back here you pitiful human!" - Weird Lizard-Crab *After a few seconds of running Ethan entered the thicket from before and proceed to climb one of the trees. Before breaking off one of the upper branches and making the tip slightly pointy.* 'Ok you ugly Mother.Fu.cker, get closer. Just a little more! Now!' *Just as the creature got near the last spot he saw Ethan, Ethan jumped down using the momentum to stab the sharp and point branch deep into one of its eyes. Sadly the creature only let out a scream and seemed to still be alive.* "YOU KNOW HUMAN I REALLY WANT TO MAKE YOU SUFFER NOW!" -Weird Lizard-Crab yelled angrily

*Omnitrix Startup Sound* *Ethan just smirks* "Stupid human nothing you do will stop me from killing you." -Weird Lizard-Crab, "I don't think so Lizard-Crab!" *Ethan presses the green button and quickly pushes the dial down with his finger.*

*Ethan's body slowly grows to a towering seven foot green giant with stiches all over its body. It had black hair with sideburns, followed by a pair of bolts on each side of its neck and two conductor like coils on its back.* "Frankenstrike!" "Your in for it now, about to be fried seafood dish." - Frankenstrike , "YoU think..... this scares me" says the Lizard-Crab that took a step back.

'Ok lets try to put some lightning on my first.' *Green lightning slowly gathers around his fist forming a small green gauntlet of energy.* "Lightning Distortion" - Frankenstrike *His fist zooms towards the creature at a speed way higher than a normal punch would, however it barely missed as the creature jumped back.* "You missed, hahah!" - Weird Lizard-Crab, 'Just like I wanted, he let his guard down!'

"Did you really think you could hit me, it is truly laughable!" - Weird Lizard-Crab, "Not really.", "What do you mean not re." - Weird Lizard-Crab *Instead of the creature being able to finish asking his question Frankenstrike released two lightning bolts from the conductor like coils.* "Discharge" - Frankenstrike, *This attack didn't only go through the creatures armor, it fried it inside and out leaving only a burnt smell behind.*

"Now that this is over with time to make dinner! That and fire can easily be made with lighting in this form, meaning no wasted time." - Frankenstrike

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: Thank you for reading this chapter! This should be the longest one so far, and it took a lot of editing. Some mistakes might be here and there, but I am slowly improving. Anyways I would like some suggestions for things you might want to see in future chapters, as this story has a lot of room to grow. Well have a great day/night and I will see you in the next chapter!