

A man with a chance to change it all. Alexios the successor of the one true God adventures as he travels through the OmniVerse. [Everything belongs to their respected owners]

WanderingWomanizer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Witch

Waking up I could hear Merlin talking. As I look up I could see him tell me to hurry up and change as today is a important day. Standing up I clean up the bed and went to clean my self up. Feeling ready I walked to Gaius.

"Good morning Gaius, is there anything I could help with." I asked Gaius to see if there was anything I could do to help. Gaius looked at me and greeted me back.

" Well Alexios, you could go help around the castle with preparing for the celebration." Hearing Gaius I nodded to him and turned around said goodbye. I was thinking about where to go to offer my help.

I decided to go help around the kitchen. I went towards the kitchen cause I knew my way around the kitchen. Mother taught me how to cook and make food, mother said it was an essential skill for anyone to know how to make their own food. So as soon as I left Gaius I headed towards the kitchen.

Walking towards the kitchen I could see people hurrying around. I saw people with bags moving around and manservants moving around. Walking towards the kitchen I saw people moving around just outside moving stuff in and out the kitchen.

Walking inside I saw people moving around preparing food. Looking around I saw this big lady ordering people around, I think she is one I have to talk to. I start walking towards her and start to call out.

"Hello there, I am Alexios and I was sent by Gaius to help around the kitchen. " telling her I was sent by Gaius as it would be easier for me to be accepted. As I tell her she turns towards me and walks in closer.

"Well then Alexios if want to help in the kitchen we could use an extra pair of hands cutting the vegetables up." She tells me that I could help so I gladly accepted and ask where she needs me.She points me to a table off on the other side of the kitchen where there was people cutting up vegetables.

I nodded my head and said thank you while heading towards the table with the vegetables. I had to maneuver may way through with all the people moving around. Once i arrived at the table I saw a chopping board with knifes and vegetables. Pulling my sleeves up I grab the vegetables that were just freshly washed.

I started to cut the vegetables and put them in a bowl on the side. Once all the vegetables where cut I put the knife down and pick the bowl up. Holding the bowl I walked to one of the ladies of the kitchen.

" hello, yeah excuse me. I cut all the vegetables up. Where do you need them." I called out to her to get her attention. She turned around and look at me and said.

"Well you could put them over there in that table and thank you." As she point to a table that was filled with food. I nodded and told her it wasn't a problem as I walked to put the vegetables down. I went and put the vegetables down, I had nothing to do so I decided to go ask the head chef( I think that was what she was) if she need anything else from me.

" Excuse me, yeah I finished cutting up the vegetables. I was just wondering if there is anything else that needs to be done." I asked the main chef who was the hefty woman. She looked at me and what looked like a thinking face and then said to me.

"Well I could use your help in delivering this plates of food to the main dining hall where the celebration is to take place." She said as she pick up a couple of plates of food and then hand them to me. I picked the plates and said okay then turned and walked away with the plates.

Walking out the kitchen I walk into the hallway. While having the tour with Gaius he showed us where the dining hall was so I knew where to go. I had to head to the floor above and then walk to the other side of the building. While walking to the dining hall carrying the plates i saw the famous singer arriving outside.

Knowing that she was a witch and the one who caused Merlin to become Arthur manservant I want to avoid meeting her. So I took the extra long way to arrive at the dining hall. Once I got there I saw people moving about putting food around the tables and the King was there giving orders on how the room should be set up.

I just went on my business and start to put the plates on the tables. While I was organizing the plates I heard the system go off.

[Young master, I have created your grimoire to be used. I want you to know the grimoire will have all the spells you have heard of and see in action. So I want you to know I went through your memories and create the spells of all the ones you have seen in games, novels, anime, manga, and movies. Oh yeah young master should know that not all spells will be accessible, the only ones you could use would be the ones you can handle but if young master wish it different then I could remove the restrictions. You could get the grimoire anytime but I suggest doing so alone.] Once I heard the system I jumped in excitement but I knocked down a cup. I looked at the cup, picked it up and put it back before saying sorry for the ruckus.

Well come on, I mean a grimoire that will have all the magical spells I seen or heard of in it. I mean such a treasure who wouldn't be excited.

"Thank you very much system. You could keep the restrictions on for now. I don't want to mess with a spell that I can't handle yet. This grimoire is so cool. Thank you." I said my thank you to the system for giving me such a cool grimoire. Wanting to keep on talking about the grimoire I put the system to put my body on autopilot so I will remember my actions just I will be focused on something else like talking to the system. The system called this parallel thinking as my focus was spilt into two. One that I was actively controlling like talking to the system about the grimoire. While the other was my body working by itself like a subconscious action.


Hours Later


While doing parallel thinking with the system. The system told be to focus as the main event was to start. Focusing where on where I was I noticed I was standing to the side and the singer(witch in disguise) was being greeted by the king.