
Episode 69 - Archangel Hunting (1)

'It's no fun when no one is fighting back.'

Michael stared at the corpses strewn about the field while smoking a rolled tobacco. Ash-grey smoke mushroomed up in the air. This cigarette was manufactured by the second generation of craftsmen. The reason why Michael enjoyed hunting demons or going on a 'business' trip was because he got to smoke the cigarettes he liked so much, to his heart's content.

In <Eden>, smoking was an 'evil', a sin.

Michael smoked through several cigarettes in a row and as he fell into a chain of thought, stubbed it out by rubbing it against the exposed flesh of a dead corpse.

'Have I taken too long?'

「What do you mean, too long? It's only just begun.」

Michael heard the voice reverberating within his head and frowned deeply.

'Shut up.'

「Hurry, wake me up. Unshackle me already.」

Michael pulled out a new cigarette.

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