
Episode 42 - Asmodeus (3)

I told her to take me to the Gilobat Industrial Complex and Aileen replied,

"No matter how fast you are, it will take at least two days to reach the Gilobat Industrial Complex. Perhaps if there is help from a transcendental existence..."

"The delegation must be a transportation vehicle. Is it unreasonable?"

"I said two days assuming that you use it."

Two days... even two hours was too long for me. No matter how I got there, I had to arrive within an hour or I would find Yoo Jonghyuk's torn body. I was thinking hard, "The help of a transcendent presence..."

The first one to come to mind was 'Hermes.' If I had this constellation's help, I could cover a distance that took two days within a few minutes. The problem was that he belonged to Olympus.

"...Going to hell is going to hell. I can't borrow his hands."


I waved my hand at the startled Aileen. "I'm just talking to myself."

Of course, I was purposely talking to myself. The reason—

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