

Ji Lei felt anxious as Li Bai still hadn't spoken after saying that,

She was worried that he might have figured out more about her than she let on.

As she thought about what he might have known, she felt her heart beating faster. Her mind was racing and she felt nervous and afraid, tho she didn't want to be thrown again, she still couldn't bring herself to reveal her secret.

Because we all know, things are easier said than done.

Ji Lei kept watching Li Bai closely, trying to gauge his reaction and read his body language.

She was trying to figure out what was going through his mind and what next he would do.

But he just sat there, with his eyes closed looking upwards, Thus, one couldn't tell, what he was thinking.



A few moments ago,

As Li Bai Made Ji Mai climax... Suddenly he heard a mechanical voice in his mind.

[ Ding! ]


Huh? Is this system trolling me? Li Wei thought before speaking in a small voice, " Do you have anything that you wish to tell me? "

Because of immediate reaction at an unwanted moment, rather than saying it in his mind, he blurted those words.

Causing a tsunami in the mother-daughter duo's mind.

[ Ding! The system has detected that Ji Lei possesses the impure blood of Spirit Race, she has a 100% chance of entering into an enraged state tonight ]

" ooh! Some bloodlines and impure on top of that, no wonder she has that strange smell " Li Bai thought in his mind.

He closed his eyes as System began to explain.

[ Ding! Yes, The Woman carrying the bloodline of the Spirit race will enter an enraged state if they don't mate with a male of the Spirit race, during an enraged state, they will have no control over their mind and will slaughter anyone they sees as long as it's not a male from spirit race, also their cultivation will reach the peak during this time, the process is called " Mating Instinct " as they desire to mate and it occurs when a legendary and mysterious 10-star constellation is formed under the blood moon ]

" ooh! Sounds like lore " Li Wei assumed.

This mother-and-daughter duo was pretty mysterious and from his memories, Li Wei knows how valuable the spirit race is.

It is believed, that the Virgin blood that comes out when their cherry is popped...drinking that blood will increase the rarity of Spirit roots and increase the cultivation talent.

Uukk! Such a treasure, but not for me, I have no interest in drinking blood, Li Wei said in his heart.

[ Ding! Even if you were interested it would have no use for you ]

" Thought so! " Li Wei said lightly in his head,


Ji Lei took a deep breath as she slowly opened up to him.

Clenching her fist, she immediately blurted out her secrets, that she had kept for a long time.

"I... I am not a normal human. I possess the impure bloodline of the Spirit race and till now I have never been touched by a man "


Damn, heroine confessing her secret to a villain so easily? Li Wei was stunned, he thought she would hide it but, sheesh! She really wants that D cough* cough* I mean, she wanted to empty her heart from those secrets as she is ready to embrace a new life.

Meanwhile, hearing this, Ji Mai was shocked and looked at her mother as if she had seen a nine-headed alien.

The words weren't coming out of her mouth, if her mother was a maiden then how was she born? Strange! Math isn't mathing.


Since the situation has built so much,

Ji Lei then went on to explain the circumstances of Ji Mai's birth, from start to end.

She also added a few things that were completely lie, in order to gain the sympathy of Li Bai and Ji Mai.

Hearing the words of Ji Lei, Ji Mai's eyes widened in Shock, while, the hatred she had for her father increased greatly.

It seems her father was truly a disgusting person while, she went and hugged her Mother or perhaps, the creator would be a suitable word.