

The greatest man on earth reborn in Soul Land...well Tang San is done for now This is a fanfic I'm writing purely based on my fantasy Do read it I'll cover the entire verse and more.....it'll be one hell of a journey with worthwile rewards(hehe if you know what I mean

Shashwat_Singh_0989 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


i woke up in teacher's plushies again , she does not let me sleep alone because i am too young . i carefully got out of bed without waking her up and went to my room . today was the first day of my school and i had to make a great impression as the holy child . after all respect and power can be easily given to you but to forever own it you must earn it yourself . i took bath and dried my hair using wind , then i tied it into a manbun , looking in the mirror i looked even more handsome somehow . i put on a sea green shirt and black pants that had been bought for me yesterday and completed with a black overcoat with gold outlinings , i was handsome in my previous life too , but this was too much , i felt if i looked into the mirror any longer i would i would charm and fall in love with myself . i quickly entered the drawing room and waited for nana and xue'r to get ready . 

Nana and xue'r got down and blushed as soon as they saw dave sitting on the sofa . Had he tied his hair into a manbun . Awwwwww it looked so coooool and cute at the same time . 

"good morning sister xue'r and sister nana" dave called out bringing them out of their dreams . 

"this is gonna be problematic , those girls are in class and school are gonna pounce on him sister xue'r " nana whispered , i can read minds you know , why are you whispering, dave thought . 

"Hm you're right nana.....wait i have an idea" she said and started whispering something in nana's ears , and nana started smiling too

"Awesome sister you are genius " nana said and Xue'r swelled her chest with pride. No way they are gonna do that , i thought as i had read their entire conversation . 

"Good morning, Dave let's go " they both said and held out their hands . 

It had been announced in the spirit academy that the holy child and his fiancee the granddaughter of the great worship would be resuming school from today . It had also been announced that the pope's second disciple Hu liena was also engaged to the holy child . The boys were extremely jealous but the girls were happy that the holy child did not mind having many wives . The fact that he was young and ignorant right now , meant that they could force themselves on him right now .

Everyone stared at the trio entering the school . one of the girls was tall with a curvy body and blonde hair , her beauty was over the roof and no man could not stare at her for a minute when they see her . She was the top beauty and talent in the entire martial soul hall , Qian Renxue . The other girl although not as beautiful was not inferior to Qian Renxue as she made up for it with her charm due to her martial spirit , however the centre of attraction was the kid these two beauties were clinging too , their fiancee , the holy child of the spirit hall . The girls could not believe their eyes , the beauty of this kid was not humanly , His hair shone in itself as if a god , his eyes were differently coloured and had half moon pupils , his face was so pretty that once you see it , it was hard to look away . Even the boys who were previously jealous had to accept that this guy's looks were out of this world . 

Many girls tried to approach Dave but they cowered in fear after noticing Nana's and xuer's gaze . They entered the elite class. This class had 10 girls and 8 boys studying in it . On noticing Renxue all of them bowed " Welcome back your majesty" being the granddaughter of Qian Daoliu and adoptive daughter of Bibi Dong , her status was extremely high 

"you are my classmates i have told you , you do need to perform these formalities , also my fiancee will be joining the class from today so take care of him as well , ok" she replied with a smile

Everyone looked at Dave , her fiancee that means .....

they all bowed again "greetings to the holy child "

"Seniors please get up , you are all older than me , in class we are all students , i will be in your care from today" all of them were surprised by dave's behaviour and appearance , he really did deserve the title unparalleled in looks . The girls had stars in their eyes , to them Dave was a golden finger , the top award for any female , while the boys just felt hopeless what can they do when he was this handsome , they did not even feel jealous any longer and just accepted reality . 

"Dave come here , i want you to meet someone " Nana said pulling him," this is my older brother xie yue "

"thank you for choosing my sister as your fiancee holy child" xie yue bowed .

"brother yue you can just call me Dave , after all you are my senior and brother in law . I promise to keep sister nana happy" dave bowed to him , yue was shocked , he is the holy son and he is willing to bow , looks like not only his looks but also his personality is also unparalleled . 

"The Holy Son really is handsome and polite , i wonder if he has the strength to back up his fame "an irritating voice called out . Everyone turned to look at the most hated guy in the class , Yan . He bullied all the boys because of his superior cultivation level . the girls hated him for his pathetic and forcing personality . They were surprised he even dared to talk to the holy child like that , they were aware that he loved hu liena , but this was he courting death?

"You idiot , you again interrupted , do you wanna die?" nana asked irritated .

"Nana calm down , i only want to see if the holy son really is worthy enough of you " yan said with a smile on his face 

"And who are you , " Dave asked non chalantly 

"I am yan ,level....."he tried to answer

"WHO ARE YOU?"dave asked again 

"Holy child , that's what i'm trying to say my name is..."

"I don't give a rat's ass about what your name is , who are you to talk to me like that ?" everyone was surprised , even Nana and Xue'r , where did the sweet child go .

"let me tell you something , i can read minds , so tell me honestly what is in your pocket " yan froze hearing this , everyone was shocked , nana and renxue blushed , so he knew everything .....

" Your majesty that is....." yan said quietly sliding , trying to make a run for it .But suddenly dave appeared behind him and smack , with a slap dave sent him flying to the wall . Everyone was surprised Yan was level 18 , how could Dave manhandle him like that . Then they remembered , Dave was level 30 innate soul power no wonder this idiot got thrashed around . Suddenly a bottle rolled out of Yan's right pocket and as soon as everyone saw it , they stared at yan with disgust . "A-A- Aphrodisiac" a boy yelled with shame . Suddenly a boy appeared out of nowhere above Dave .

" This boy really is despicable " the boy said and picked him up.

"I am sorry your majesty you had to see this "

" And you are "Dave asked , intrigued by the boy's soul power

The man looked up at Dave with a smile on his face ," So the Holy Son noticed , you really are talented , my name is Lin Moxie . I'm a level 40 storm attack branch master . I'll soon be graduating in a few days. " Dave nodded hearing this . After reaching level 40 , you could graduate from spirit academies .

Suddenly Lin Moxie had an idea and he bowed down to Dave , " I wonder if the holy son will give me an opportunity to spar with him , I heard you were innate level 30 and it seems your level has only increased given even I cannot see what your level is . Everyone except Nana and Renxue were shocked , if even lin Moxie could not see his level it meant that he was above level 40 , at just 6 years old!!!!!!! What was he?

" Sure , why not , i wanted to spar anyway " Dave said completely relaxed

" I will meet you at the arena after school then " Lin Moxie said and disappeared with yan , the real reason he suggested this was that if he lasted long enough against Dave , his reputation would skyrocket , it was the holy son after all .

Dave smiled and said " Sister Nana, Sister Xie'r let's go "

They both smiled and sat down a bench with him in between . Many girls c ame asked Nana and Xue'r to introduce them to Dave and asked him to shake hands with them . The teachers had no idea what to do , they could not interrupt the holy child after all. No classes were conducted . " Is this all that happens here? I'm not coming to school again after today" Dave said

" Well we knew this would happen , and these girls are never gonna stop bugging you." Renxue said looking at Dave with a smile

" I will not attend school from tomorrow either , I am going back to training " Renxue added . Dave knew what she was training for , he had to do something about it quick . " Sister xie'r I will be going for training in the outer world for 2 years as well from tomorrow as well . Teacher has already confirmed and allowed it as well" Dave told her .

"Looks like we three won't be seeing each other for the next three years " Nana said sadly

"Sister Nana..." ," Don't worry Dave I know it's necessary for you to train and I must not hold you back . But still I will miss you and sister xue'r a lot " she said with tears in her eyes .

Xue'r patted her and said , " you really are cute Nana , no wonder this brat fell for you " Nana blushed hearing this , " Don't worry we will meet soon enough, I will still come and meet you at the end of every month ."

Dave got up , " it's time for the match " and started walking towards the arena . Both of them followed him

The whole school had gathered in the arena after hearing that the Pope's disciple and the holy son was fighting the no 1 student of the school .

" You know he has twin martial spirits and both of them are top martial spirits"

" He is so handsome as well "

" I also heard he was level 30 innate soul power "

"But brother lin is already level 40 can he face him?,"

" Brother lin said in the elite class that he could not see his level , which means he is already above level 40"

" He is only 6 and above level 40 already are you kidding me , no wonder he is the holy son , he is an entirely different league from us . "

" So cuteeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dave was getting confused hearing all this , he had to do a number of things before he left , he did not want to waste time here .

Lin Moxie looked at Dave standing there like he did not give a care . He was slightly annoyed but he realised this arrogance was normal given his talent , he should just focus on lasting long enough to make a name for himself .


just as lin was about to run towards Dave he noticed him walking out of the stage , huh is he giving up ? But then he looked at the ground in horror . He was standing outside the ring and Dave was waving at him while walking away . When did It happen? How did it happen? How fast was he ? Wm" Wait just tell me what level are you? " If he did not know he would stay terrified all his life

Dave smiled at him and said " Level 55 " and dissapeared and Nana and Renxue disappeared too .


" What was that? "

"He is level 55 at 6 years old , what kind of a joke is this ? "

" Why is he even coming to school? "

" I don't think he will any longer after seeing the level of students here ,even the teachers are not level 55"

" Ah the holy son is so strong and coooooolllllll!!!!!!" The girls shouted in unison

" I have decided my life goal is to become his wife "

" Shut up bitch that will be me , not someone ugly and weak like you"

" What did you.....


" I kind of expected that to happen " xue'r said chuckling

" It looks like it is finally time to leave , sister xue'r, sister Nana , teacher take care please , I have to meet grandpa before leaving "

"Dave take care and call me using the summoning bead any time " teacher said

" Promise me you will return safe " Nana said and Dave nodded

" Brat don't get any more wives , at least try to " Nana said patting his head

With that he teleported away from there .

I reached outside the door of elder hall and pushed it open . " Grandpa " I shouted and rushed to him

He picked me in his arms and said " I heard you are already level 55 , you really defy all logic Dave . Bibi Dong told me you were going for practice in the outside world for two years . I want to stop you but the faster you get these experiences the better , you must be careful " he said and patted my head

" Grandpa there is something I need to ask , you must not refuse it "

" Is it about another girl , i can't say anything about that you need to ask xue'r "

" No no , it is something more important " Dave said laughing

" What " Qian daoliu asked

" Grandpa I know about the mission sister xue'r is preparing for "

Qian daoliu was taken aback , that mission was top secret even rengxue herself did not know about it right now , how did he ....wait" is it due to your mind reading ability that xue'r told me about?" Dave nodded

" What do you want ? "

" Grandpa please cancel the mission . I know it is very important but I promise when I return two years later I will have a plan that can help us conquer the whole continent in 5 years . As her husband it is my duty to face and eliminate her dangers . Moreover if we take over the empire that way ,although quite clever , we will lose face as martial soul hall. Instead i want you to personally train Nana and make sure she crosses level 55 and joins the golden generation before the intercontinental soul master tournament , which I will be joining as well but I want her to lead the team "

Qian Daoliu closed his eyes in deep thought of what Dave had just explained to him . He opened his eyes and smiled

"Ok " huh , he agreed that easily . Seeing my expression he laughed and said ." You must be wondering why I agreed so easily .The truth is even I did not consider the toll it would take on spirit hall's reputation .Moreover since you have a better way why should I risk xue'r safety? Thank you for taking care of her Dave ." He smiled

" Grandpa do not tell sister xue'r about this "

" Brat i already agreed to one of your requests , telling her is completely up to me ." He told him

Dave sighed , "Goodbye grandpa , be ready when I return a storm will hit the entire douluo mainland " he giggled and disappeared .

" This kid...." Qian daoliu chuckled

I teleported to the top of douluo forest . Time to put first part of plan into action .

I appeared above the lake of life where er Ming and da Ming were resting , they immediately noticed me and shouted , " HUMAN , WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, DO YOU WANNA DIE ?"

" stop da Ming , er Ming he is just a kid " a sweet voice called out ,Xiao wu !!!!!

Da Ming and er Ming noticed this too asked , " kid are you lost who are you ? "

I dropped the bomb " I'm the holy child of spirit hall"

Xiao wu immediately looked at me with a face of disgust and er Ming and da Ming jumped at me , they would not show mercy to even a child from spirit hall , after all they killed xiao wu's mother xiao zaan . I sighed , it really is inevitable after all . I released my VOID GHIDORAH martial soul , both of them were pinned on the ground and could not move . Xiao wu covered her head in fear . Da Ming and er Ming were horrified the person in front of them had a far superior bloodline , if he had not controlled the pressure right now , both of them would have died , just who was he ?

" Stop i will sacrifice myself and you can have my spirit ring and absorb it easily , just let er Ming and xiao wu leave , I be g " da Ming had realised this was the best possible outcome

" No brother , I'll die with you " er Ming shouted

" Er Ming , da Ming no...." Xiao wu screamed

" Calm down I don't want your spirit ring ," I said and retracted my pressure from them . They looked at me in surprise .

I landed on the ground and bowed , " As the holy son of spirit hall I am here to apologize for what happened to xiao wu's mother "

They were taken aback by this but er Ming suddenly shouted " is your apology gonna bring her back? "

" She was killed by the previous pope who was a scumbag , he tried to force himself on the current pope and my teacher and was killed . Spirit hall detests such a guy . But regardless he was one of our members , so I am here to revive xiao zaan as an apology, you have stored her body at the bottom of the lake of life , ryt?"

" What kind of evil are you planning , no way you can revive a dead person, you killed her and now you want her body as well? " Er Ming said

" I swear on my martial soul , I can revive her" I said.

They were taken aback

"But ...."

"It's ok er ming ,i don't see any malicousness in his eyes , he is telling the truth , Xiao wu said looking at Dave .

"Bring xiao zaan's body here , if sister xiao wu trusts him , it's ok . Moreover it is not like you and I can stop him . "

Er Ming moved back reluctantly and scooped in the lake with his huge hands and brought them close to me and opened it , a beautiful woman who looked somewhat like xiao wu lay therem The life energy of the lake of life had really preserved her body perfectly . I shone the resurrection ray open her and slowly the soul energy within her body increased and she opened her eyes . The three of them looked in surprise and xiao zaan sat up and looked in surprise . Huh wasn't I killed by that man . Xiao wu jumped at her and hugged her " Mother!!!!!!" While crying . Xiao zaan comforted her and when she finally stopped crying xiao wu explained to her what had happened and how I had revived her .

Er Ming , Da Ming and Xiao Zaan bowed to me "Thank you for this favour holy son , we will never forget this "

" I have some other business with the great beasts , I'll call you there when I have sorted them out" I said and dissapeared .

I appeared above the real lake of life where the silver dragon King was resting .

Time to meet Gu Yuena !!!!!!!