

The greatest man on earth reborn in Soul Land...well Tang San is done for now This is a fanfic I'm writing purely based on my fantasy Do read it I'll cover the entire verse and more.....it'll be one hell of a journey with worthwile rewards(hehe if you know what I mean

Shashwat_Singh_0989 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


The news that a twin spirit, 6 year old, level 30 innate soul power monster with martial spirits superior to hao tian hammer and blue lightning dragon had appeared and was the holy child of spirit hall spread like fire throughout the entire continent . At first none of the major sects believed it and said that Hao Tian hammer and blue lightning dragon were unparalleled but after Qian Daoliu's martial soul oath news , this rumour changed into a fact and everyone accepted it without a doubt , the words of a limit douluo were iron clad and never false . All the top three and lower seven sects as well as the two kingdoms started sending proposals of marriages to Dave despite knowing he was engaged and were turned down by martial soul hall . The holy child became an idol for boys and a prize to be won for girls throughout the mainland. and the man who caused all this turmoil was sleeping snuggly in a bed rn.

Last night when Dave was about to sleep Bibi Dong asked him to come to her room and sleep with her as he was too small to sleep alone . Dave wanted to say he slept alone at home and was almost level 30 , but he agreed after all this was the women he loved , he did not mind sleeping with her . When Bibi Dong woke up she found Dave's face buried in her boobs and him clinging to her by her waist, she chuckled seeing this mischief and moved back a little , as if losing the softness of the plushies , Dave stirred and opened his eyes , Bibi Dong blushed again seeing his handsome attire and his divine eyes , he really was molded perfectly by god , she could never get bored looking at him . 


i woke up and saw teacher looking at me , I rubbed my eyes and said ,"Good morning teacher "

She smiled and replied ," Good morning Dave , u should go and freshen up we'll be leaving for star duo forest soon"

"En" I replied and came to my room.

I was not really sure about this spirit ring business . Xiao wu and Gu Yuena should both be in star duo forest and also bi ji and zi ji, if I hunt beasts I can't be with them .Suddenly an idea struck in my mind .

"System is artificial ring production method available " I asked

[Ding- reward will be unlocked when you reach level 50]

"Yes, with this I can approach them without any issues and I can also make an alliance between spirit beasts and Martial Hall which will make World domination even easier,

Well let's get back to present I must get the best spirit rings possible so it is easier to upgrade them easily ", I thought

I freshened up and put on a black long robe and pants which contrasted my white hair bringing out my looks even more.

I walked down the stairs sister Nana and teacher were already waiting for me there .

Sister Nana rushed to me and asked," Good morning Dave , did you think about what I said"

" Not yet sister Nana I'll think and let you know soon "

"Alright,take as long as you need I'm only yours I'll wait for eternity if I need to" she said clinging to my right hand , despite being only 6 years old i was tall for my age and a bit taller than Nana

Teacher laughed seeing this and said," Alright let's hurry up you two ghost and chrysanthemum douluo are waiting for us "

We both nodded and followed, Nana still clinging to me . Ghost and chrysanthemum bowed seeing us and opened the door to a royal carriage . I ,Nana and teacher got in one carriage and ghost and chrysanthemum douluo in another . As the carriage moved forward towards Star dou forest i remembered something .

" Teacher I wanted to tell u something "

"Huh ,what is it Dave say it"

"Teacher I once visited spirit forest when I was young , I know for our first spirit ring we are supposed to get a hundred year ring but those beasts seemed too weak to me , in fact even thousand year beasts seemed weak to me ,only beasts that were 30,000 years old seemed somewhat strong so I think that's where the preference for my first ring lies"

"This....." Bibi Dong wondered , she knew since he was level 30 so a yellow ring was not worth him and she would get him a purple one , but he wanted black and that too 30000 year old , could his body really handle it ? But then again Dave was a talent that defied all logic so she was not sure . In the end she agreed , " All right that's what we'll get for you but you have to promise me you will be safe"

"Yes teacher " I replied happily

Nana was startled ,people got black ring for their fifth one and he was getting it as his first , just how talented was he ?

The carriage stopped near star dou forest and Bibi Dong told ghost and chrysanthemum about Dave's spirit ring preference . They were shocked but they silently agreed, they were not in the position to argue or give suggestions.

As we moved deeper into the forest , teacher said ,"Nana , we'll get you a hundred year spirit ring for you coz Ure only level 20 right now and that's ur limit"

"Yes teacher " she said , slightly dissapointed

I used my eyes of judgement and observed Nana's spiritual energy and started looking around the whole forest as I can see upto infinite distance in the eye of judgement's domain which was spread throughout the forest ryt now, for soul beasts with similar energy until something surprising caught my eye...

"100 per cent similar huh interesting....teacher there is a soul beast there with the exact same energy as sister Nana" as I rushed towards it

" Wait Dave ....." but before she could say anything I was gone teacher , ghost and chrysanthemum were surprised , this speed was far surprising even for a level 30 spirit master . Teacher picked up Nana in her hands and rushed after me and ghost and chrysanthemum followed her. They reached outside a cave where Dave was waiting for them .

" DAVE you really are fast , ur speed almost equals a spirit saint" teacher said and ghost and yeu guan nodden in apprehension .

"Hehe...u praise me too much teacher "

" Forget about that why did you bring us here " she asked

"Look inside the cave and you will know teacher"

The three of them focused their energy and were surprised

" 700 year old charming fox " ghost douluo replied

" Dave how did you know about this "

" Due to my martial spirit my eyes can see all energies,movements,predictions and so on , I saw and analysed sister Nana's spiritual energy type and power and since I can see the entire forest with my eyes I looked for the most matching energy to hers and found this "

They were all surprised , such powerful eyes, this means nothing could be hidden and kept away from his sight ,he'll know everything anywhere, he's basically invincible.

Teacher said happily," That means you can find beasts suitable for yourself as well?"

"Yes teacher after sister Nana absorbs her spirit ring "

" Nana you should thank Dave ,he found you the perfect ring " teacher told her

" Thanks a lot ,Dave " Nana said kissing my cheeks , I was slightly shocked but happy at the same time,while teacher had a jealous look on her face.

"ALL right then shall we get it " teacher said

"Teacher wait , please let me get it as a first gift for senior Nana " I asked

NANA blushed hearing this and she smiled happily

"Well you are level 30 so it should not be a problem" teacher agreed

I looked at the fox in the cave and raised my hand excited this was the first time I was using this power

"HELL'S RIPPER " I shouted and all the vital nerves of the fox were cut off precisely without a single drop of blood due to void blades flame . The creature felt no pain at all since all its sensory nerves were cut off . It just lay there with its conciousness intact and unable to feel it's entire body.THE four of them were dumbstruck ,if this move was used on any soul master belowv level 50 their meridians and motor nerves would be cut off before they even realised it and they would be left in a vegetable vulnerable state where even a kid could kill them .

" Sister Nana ,you can kill it and absorb it's spirit ring now" Dave said

Nana came out of her daze and smiled at Dave before walking towards the beast's lifeless body and activating her first spirit skill . Fox claws appeared in her hand and she slashed at the beast's head killing it , the beast died on the spot and a yellow ring appeared on its head and she sat down to absorb it .

Teacher walked towards me and said "Well, until Nana absorbs her spirit ring why don't you look for beasts for your spirit ring , Dave?"

"Just try to stay away from the centre of the forest where the Titan giant ape resides , it is too strong for us to handle " Chrysanthemum douluo added

"En" i replied

I focused and started looking for strong beasts throughout the forest . After a few hours Nana got up and all four of them walked to me .

"How is it Dave did you find any suitable soul beast" teacher inquired

" Teacher I've hit a jackpot a42000 year old dark evil spirit white tiger was fighting two 34000 year old fifteen ton ants , they are all strength type beasts suitable for my sword spirit , the tiger is really strong, it's fighting prowess rivals century millenium soul beast , it has already killed one of the ants but it is severely wounded , both it and the other ant are fighting and their situation is getting worse , when they are at their weakest ,I'll strike and absorb their spirit rings , I think we should camp tonight and let them tire themselves out , by tomorrow morning they'll be way weaker " i explained

All the three titled douluos' looked at me with awe and admiration and Nana held her face smiling happily appreciating her future husband's strategies .

"Dave your eyes really are the greatest treasures I've ever seen , this ability is so useful and at the same time invincible ,alright we'll do as u say,elders ghost and chrysanthemum please set up a camp"

"Yes your majesty" they bowed

"I'll help...." I said but I was stopped by ghost douluo " Young lord , you are a great kid but you are also the future leader of spirit hall , so keep your status in mind" with that the two of them started setting up a camp and i stepped back reluctantly .

While they were setting the camp and Nana and teacher were talking I recieved a notification from the system. I walked a few yards away and sat on a stone ," System open notifications"

[Ding-"Congratulations on your first kill master"


Huh , guitar and cooking , just perfect to rizz up these two beauties I thought . I walked back and said , " Teacher I'll hunt some beasts for dinner "

"But young master we've already brought food" ghost douluo tried to object

"It's okay uncle ghost , I know you mean well but If I don't do things for the people I like I'll go mad first , I may be a good ruler but for that I need to become a great man first " I said interrupting him.

Teacher nodded and ghost douluo agreed.

I used instant warp and appeared at a tree away from us , I could see a few blue silver deer grazing grass under me . I manipulated the water around the tree into a few sharp needles with manan and pierced them in the centre of their mind giving them an instant and painless death .

I came back to the camp and set up a bonefire and placed a pan on it using my element manipulation I extracted some oil from the deer fat and let it heat, after that I drained it's blood and removed it's skin with mana and chopped it into small pieces , I covered the pan and used my blue flame of hell to only make the meat partially soft , then I added some ground garlic sauce and some curry masala that I had bought from the system shop , the dish looked perfect , this master chef skill really was the best , the deer steak was ready , the meat was too much so I stores the rest into a substitute storage space and divided it into 5 parts and brought the dishes to everyone , teacher was surprised cause she had never seen a dish like this before.

They all took a bite and were awestruck , the meat instantly melted into their mouths and had such a burst of flavours that there taste buds were overjoyed "Dave I'll only eat food made by you from today" teacher said savoring the taste of the dish

"Yes teacher " I said smiling at her , she blushed seeing this again

" I have never had something so good in my life " Nana said and held her cheeks while chewing on the meat , her face looked so cute . I could not resist the urge and decided this was the right time , " Sister Nana you are so cute , I want to hug you for the rest of my life as well , will you be my girlfriend?" I asked with a blushed face trying to act embarrassed . Teacher and Nana were surprised hearing my sudden confession . Nana was at a loss of words . She thought he would never accept her confession and she would just stay his fangirl for the rest of her life but he accepted her , she could not believe her luck and kept thanking God . Teacher noticed this and said ," Nana what are you waiting for give him your answer ",

" Huh what answer? Junior brother i already proposed to you so you don't have to ask me , you just accepted me , ha I'm so happy , thank you so much Dave , from today you're my boyfriend" she said hugging me and rubbing my cheeks against her , well I could kiss her but I was only 6 and that would be totally sus , pedo and creepy, I had to wait a few years for that . Ghost and yeu guan noticed this and smiled , they took their plates and moved a bit away giving the new couple some alone time , but they made sure to take some meat on the pan , it was too good not to . Bibi Dong looked at both her disciples with both happiness as well as jealousy . If only I was born a little later , well it's alright my time will come too she thought , I just have to wait for my Dave to grow up. Nana kept on hugging me for about half an hour before she finally let me go and looked at me with happiest possible gaze , i chuckled looking at her so happy . I suddenly had an idea , this was the night of the start of our relationship so I had to make it memorable . I moved to and sat on a close rock , and took my guitar out from my dimensional storage. Teacher and Nana were seeing a guitar for the first time so they were surprised , a musical instrument ? I tuned the strings and started playing some of my favourite love songs from my past life . When it comes to music douluo world could not hold a candle to earth , they were far behind them . Teacher was surprised , she had heard the harp being played a lot of times but this was just different , her entire mind was in joy hearing this , all her pressure weighing down on her mind was lifted off and she felt free and overjoyed . Ghost and gue yuan felt similarly and sat near Dave enjoying the music . Nana was also lost in her own fantasies and leaned against Dave's leg and sat there enjoying the melody . Even some spirit beasts came and sat near Dave enjoying the music , at first the others were alarmed by this but they soon realised that this music was soothing and joyful for both humans and beasts . Nana saw a cute rabbit near Dave and patted its head , and it let her , the beasts had lost all sense of danger and hostility , the music completely soothed down their mind and reduced their agression . They all fell asleep near Dave . Even the four humans started feeling sleepy and seeing this Dave finally stopped the music .

" Wow Dave you really have everything to woo a girl don't you? "teacher teased me

" Our young lord is just too talented"ghost said and yue guan nodded in apprehension.

" THIS was a gift to make the first night of my relationship with sister Nana memorable" I said looking at her lovingly

Tears came out of sister Nana's eyes and I rushed to her , "what happened sister Nana did you not like it ?" I said concerned .

" No , no Dave it felt too good that I got emotional . You really are the best man any woman can get . I'm so happy I had the courage to confess to you" she said and buried her face in my chest , i hugged her back tightly .

Teacher was jealous seeing these lovers' antiques and said, " alright you both have a lot of time for these things , now it's late we should go and sleep "

Nana and I retracted from the hug and nodded .

I , teacher and Nana entered one tent and Ghost and Chrysanthemum another , both of them would take turns to keep a watch outside . I lay down on the bed with teacher holding my left hand and using it as a pillow and Nana clutching my right hand . I wasn't a perverted person but this situation sure made me happy and I dozed off.

I woke up and felt something pressing and my face was buried in Nana's and teacher's boobs , their own boobs were hitting each other , due to the closeness, i chuckled seeing this and this woke them up. They both looked at me and the situation they were in and got embarrassed and quickly woke up .We got ready and came out of the tent where gue yuan and ghost were waiting for us .

"Dave should we go now ? " Teacher asked

" Yes teacher , the 15 ton ants is almost dead and the dark evil eyed white tiger is weak too.follow me " I said and rushed , teacher picked Nana and rushed after me and the other too followed . As they got near the ground underneath them started shaking and they finally came to a stop . They were shocked by the sight . The 15 ton ant was almost 500 metres in height and the tiger was almost as big , also the tiger was even faster than a titled douluo . The three of them got ready to take the tiger down as soon as it killed the ant and Nana hid behind me . But I interrupted ,

" Teacher let me "

" No Dave that tiger is too strong , even I am not sure of taking it down , it is even stronger than century millenium beasts , I can't let you put yourself in danger " she replied

" Don't worry teacher I have a way , also if I'm in danger you uncle ghost and uncle guan can help me immediately"

BIBI dong was not sure but she knew letting Dave take risks was necessary for his growth and ghost and chrysanthemum realised this too. So she allowed him while she and the other two were ready to assist in case of danger .

" Dave if you are in danger leave and run your life is more important than those rings " Nana said with tears in her eyes . I patted her head and warped to the tree above the beasts . The other three were surprised , this time Dave was not fast he had literally teleported , just how many abilities did he have .

I sat on the tree and got ready to use the techniques I had purchased from the store , when it comes to sword techniques these stand at the pinnacle , I saw the ant fall down and the tiger was about to kill it , like hell I would let you do that , I need both of your spirit rings . I teleported right in front of it . The tiger was shocked but due to its injuries it had no strength to react . " Perfect , time to use it " I said

" HINOKAMI KAGURA 10 TH FORM --flame wheel "

The entire body of the beast was split in half , Teacher looked at me in shock and so did the other two , if the same attack was launched on them they would not be able to defend against it . The three of them together were not sure if they could defeat that tiger and Dave killed it in a single strike . Nana was in awe of her boyfriend's strength , she had no idea how strong the beast was but if teacher herself was not sure to defeat it must be monstrously strong .

The ant lying on the ground was relieved that the tiger was dead but in the next moment it's relief was shattered when it lay eyes on the human that killed the beast, it's beast instincts were telling it that the very manifestation of death was standing in front of it , it started screaming and beating the ground to get away from it . " Tch , too noisy " Dave said

"HINOKAMI KAGURA --SECOND FORM CLEAR BLUE SKY" with a horizontal slash its head rolled down . Black rings appeared on the beasts heads . I sat down immediately to absorb both rings at once . Teacher came and flowed her spirit power into me to help me absorb the rings . I did not need it but I liked her gesture so I let her do it . I recieved a notification .

[Ding - 1st spirit ring absorbed - awards recieved and stored in inventory ]

[2nd task- Absorb 2nd spirit ring age >30000 years , task completed , recieved awards - Summoning (summon anyone from any timeline in your entire verse , the summoned person will be loyal to you and be with you for your whole life )]

[3rd task- Absorb 3rd spirit ring age >50000 years

Rewards - 3rd spirit ring will be converted to century millenium spirit ring ]

[Ding - what would you like your first and spirit ring abilities to be ?]

"Huh. I can choose that ? But that is great now I don't need to rely on beast type but only age , this way I can have the best spirit rings and I can allot them the most op and suitable abilities i need"

I decided the abilities I needed and alloted them to my rings

I opened my eyes and saw the four of them looking at me with worried gazes

" Dave are you okay , does your body hurt , is your spirit power normal " teacher asked worried

" U did not burn your potential to kiil those beasts ryt?" Nana asked with tears in her eyes

" Young lord....." Ghost asked concerned

I interrupted them " I'm completely alright " I said and released my spirit power , they were shocked I had reached level 38 already at 6 years , this was frighteningly fast .

I told them " It was definitely risky but the awards were worth it , with two spirit abilities right now I'm sure I can take on even titled douluos . The three of them were surprised , has arrogance taken over him , isn't he being too overconfident . But Bibi Dong knew Dave was really smart , if he made that statement he would be 100 per cent sure about it . She said ," Dave quickly tell me about your spirit abilities"

Dave chuckled " why don't I show it to you? Second spirit ability - MONARCH'S DOMAIN "

The three of them were horrified , their spirit power had dropped to below level 20 !

Bibi Dong was scared ," Dave what did you do ?"

Dave chuckled and disabled his spirit ability and their spirit powers returned to normal .

The three of them heaved a sigh of relief and Bibi Dong quickly asked him again, " Dave what is that spirit ability"

" Teacher , my second spirit ability is very strong and called Monarch's Domain , everyone within this domain loses 75 per cent of their spirit power and spirit level and I can use that spirit myself or transfer it to my teammates as I wish ."

The three of them were surprised , domain for your second spirit ring , domains were very rare and even if they did appear they only did for 7th spirit ring .And what was this domain you could decrease power by 75 per cent!!!!!!Who would be able to fight against this This child he is just overpowered!!!!!!

"Huh on the entire continent no man can hold a candle to my Dave , if used on a battlefield a war will be over before it even starts ."

Ghost and chrysanthemum douluo suddenly bowed down " we are blessed to be able to serve you , young lord " this power of Dave had completely won them over and they believed in him blindly now .

Dave quickly rushed to them " Uncle ghost and Uncle Guan please get up , you are my elders , no matter how good I become that will not change " both of them were overjoyed hearing this , despite being so strong there was no arrogance within him . He really had a great character .

" My Dave is so cool " Nana said hugging him, Dave embraced her and patted her head . Bibi Dong also hugged them both and smiled at them

"Teacher as for my first spirit ring ability you may think it's not as great as my second ability in a group ability bit in an individual fight I'm sure even a titled douluo cannot defend against it , it is a sure hit kill ability"

BibiDong was surprised" Sure hit kill how can an ability be so strong?"

" Yes my first spirit ability is called dimensional slash . This slash does not Target a person but the space element within their bodies and cuts it off , unless a person can teleport and control space element like me , he cannot defend against this slash , after all if the space holding your body together breaks apart your body will break apart as well "

They were even more surprised to her .This was even more horrifying than the other spirit ability , nobody in this world had control over space element as far as they knew , and if this slash was unleashed it meant only one thing 'death .

" All your abilities are beyond God level , forget about your peers no one in this continent can hold a candle to you , ah my disciple is above all in this world " teacher said hugging me tightly

Suddenly Dave turned staring at a direction , " That is ...."